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An explosion of disbelief


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The official story of what happened on 9/11 never fails to shock. Four American airliners are hijacked by Osama Bin Laden's terrorists in an attack on the heart of the Western world on September 11, 2001.


Yet today, more than five years on, this accepted version of what happened on 9/11 is being challenged by a 90-minute internet movie made for ?1,500 on a cheap laptop by three young American men. The film is so popular that up to 100 million viewers have watched what is being dubbed the first internet blockbuster.


The movie was shown on television to 50 million people in 12 countries on the fifth anniversary of 9/11 last autumn. More than 100,000 DVDs have been sold and another 50,000 have been given away. In Britain, 491,000 people have clicked on to Google Video to watch it on their computers.


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Just got sent a link to this video from 9/11. I thought I had got desensitised to the WTC imagery but this is a stark reminder of how horrific it must have been to witness (it is 25 mins of footage filmed by a witness in a nearby building):




This is VERY powerful video so don't watch if that is going to bother you. Thought it was worth sharing, though if any moderators disagree, please feel free to remove it.

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That's a very powerful video, but I don't think it should be removed. People should be allowed to watch it IMHO.

It is never difficult to distinguish between a Scotsman with a grievance and a ray of sunshine. P. G. Wodehouse

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There was a recent documentary on UK TV about the ever persistent "Conspiracy" theorists.


Thankfully, the journalist doing the story pulled apart the theorists and their theories in his interviews.


I would place these sad attention seekers in the same trash can as those that deny the "Holocaust".

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I would place these sad attention seekers in the same trash can as those that deny the "Holocaust".


Agreed, some even use their theory to blame WTC on the Jews as well...


....Conspiracy Theorist = Conspiracy Terrorist....


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