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So what has Sonic Player rapped it's little hands


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I now have Ashampoo, so I attempt to delete this folder after uninsalling (tried to uninstall) Sonic Record Now but I couldn't. Problem is, all the dlls you see that start with ms are MS files. Could I delete all but those files or should I just not worry about it since sonic isn't really hurting anything and I have a ton of disk space anyway? The reason I ran the unistall was because I opened it to see what it looked like compared to Ashampoo and it started nagging me about upgrading, which ticked me off. I had forgot that it always did do that.


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Thank you hazelnut! I failed to mention that when I used RegSeeker to find Sonic entries it found 89 and that really freaked me out. I was going to backup the registry anyway, especially since I wasn't able to delete the folder but when I saw all the entries I just backed out and left them. I've enclosed an example of those dlls that I'm concerned about. What do you think about removing most of the other files from that folder?


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