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process/task wont end


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im having lots of trouble with bitcomet, it locks up and says its not responding and i cant end it either.

also when i click on it in the taskbar, nothing happens.

how can i fix this or whats a good program to end processes when they're not ending?

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Yep I tried to download DTaskmanager and it was corrupted.In fact all the downloads from that site seem to be corrupted ATM.


Process Explorer locking up?


Haven't used it myself but have seen it recommended quite a few times.


Sorry about that. :)

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my 2 cents here.


do NOT use BitComet. it is the most horrible BitTorrent client to ever exist. it hammers the tracker and the peers, it doesn't respect the private flag on all torrents(meaning that unregistered users can gain access on private torrent sites), and it also has some other various problems. i, personally, recommend ?Torrent . i've used it ever since version 1.2 and i will never go back to using another client.

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Shareaza is very nice since it's the only decent Gnutella and Gnutella2 client that i've seen. however, i believe that it also has problems since some trackers have Shareaza banned. not sure what it has problems with though. i also use Shareaza btw. i tried out Gnucleus but that one barely worked so i'm sticking with it.

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i find this kinda awkward, i cant end the process so i log off thinking it will close the process.

well the process stays running after i log back in!

i have to restart to end bitcomet..

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i tried it, either it didnt like the fact that im using comcast or it was a firewall/router issue which i couldnt figure out so i stopped wasting my time on it.

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i tried it, either it didnt like the fact that im using comcast or it was a firewall/router issue which i couldnt figure out so i stopped wasting my time on it.


i'm using comcast as well and i don't get any issues. of course if you just need help, uTorrent has a friendly IRC channel(i, myself, am there everyday).

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I use azureus and its the fastest one I've tried.

I only download the stuff from the old tech tv guys though so maybe my experience isn't the best since they literally have thousands of seeders almost all the time.


I keep utorrent on my flashdrive though just in case but I've never actually used it to download anything on another computer.(I used it on my pc though and azureus was faster for me)

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it kept locking up and wasnt downloading many of the torrents even though they were public and there were seeders 20min before i downloaded the torrent.


sounds like a router issue to me. but then again, ?Torrent does have UPnP support. what do you mean by locking up?


btw, please don't tell me your ISP is rogers


edit: i pointed out the errors in BitComet but i guess i'll do it again.


BitComet is a client which completely abuses the BitTorrent protocol. it updates the tracker every 5 or 20 seconds(which puts a HUGE load on the trackers since more than one person is using the tracker.), it hammers the peers(it prevents them from disconnecting and harasses them), it doesn't seed very well(believe me, i've ran torrents that had BitComet only peers which seeded slow as hell), it has bad DHT-support(does not respect the Private flag of Private torrents and therefore exposes the torrents to other people that use DHT), and some other issues.because of that, a LOT of trackers BAN BitComet from even connecting.


i guess the only nice thing about BitComet is that it's great for downloading. and i think that's about it.


edit2: wow, i just looked at the trusty wikipedia and it seems that BitComet is even worse than i knew.



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