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Registry scan keeps finding an obsolete software key called ChangeTracker


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The registry scan on CCleaner has recently started picking up an obsolete software key entry called ChangeTracker.

I'm on Windows 11 & this has started in the last couple of weeks.

I havent installed any new software & in CCleaner if i select 'fix all selected issues' the entry clears itself, but on reboot the exact same obsolete software key entry called ChangeTracker is back.

I have gone into the registry directly & can verify that this obsolete software key vanishes when fixed, then reappears on reboot.

The same thing happens when i delete this obsolete software key manually in windows registry (I have full permissions over the file & it lets me delete it), but on reboot its back there again.

Virus & malware scans reveal nothing on my system.

Is anyone else seeing this Obsolete Software Key called ChangeTracker on Windows 11 when you do a CCleaner registry scan?

I have tried it on two different windows 11 computers & both of them do exactly the same thing & show an Obsolete Software Key called ChangeTracker.

Is anyone else getting this on a Windows 11 computer?

Any ideas what it is or how to fix it?


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Windows is constantly changing the registry these days - which is why it's unwise to use a Registry Cleaner unless you are trying to fix a specific problem.

As you are seeing the same thing on two machines then that suggests that it's something new that Windows is putting there and CCleaner doesn't know what it is so flags it up.

There are a number of reg entries that CCleaner will flag/remove and Windows will put straight back.

The fact that if you delete it then it comes back only reinforces that it's something Windows wants to be there.

As you say "the last couple of weeks" then I suspect it's  something new added by the January Windows updates.

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Thanks for getting back to me on this, appreciated!!

Looks like that Obsolete Software Key 'ChangeTracker' notification is probably going to be one of those ongoing registry detections in CCleaner like the 'ToastNotifier' one which has now been there for months & months.

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I wouldn't be surprised at all if it's going to be another "SpeechRuntime.exe".

They just point up that Windows now changes the registry a lot - and that registry cleaning is not something to be done as a routine but only when trying to fix something already broken.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I'm having the same problem, and as for the idea that I shouldn't clean my registry because Microsoft changes the registry a lot, I'd prefer NOT to have Microsoft or anyone else messing with my computer unless I specifically want them to, and I don't see why I should let my registry pile up a bunch of garbage entries, slowing down my computer, just because some intrusive mega-corporation wants to control it. And when my computer is running slower than usual, that IS something that's already broken.

Edited by Ian Cooper
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It's quite simple - CCleaner removes it, Microsoft puts it straight back again.

There is very little point in commenting about it here, the CCleaner developers can't change how Windows works.

There is nothing that CCleaner can do to stop it happening, other than making such an entry 'ignored' by default.
That isn't done by default but you can set that yourself if you want to.


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Dude, you're the one telling us not to use CCleaner to remove files CCleaner thinks are unnecessary, but which you're assuring us are actually necessary. So - by your own admission, this IS a CCleaner problem. If the file is necessary, then maybe the CCleaner software should be amended so it knows not to delete that registry entry.

CCleaner should not be removing - or even offering to remove - files that are necessary.

Edited by Ian Cooper
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I agree to a point - but I think you are missing a couple of things.

When MS add new registry entries that the current CCleaner reg cleaner doesn't recognise then it takes time for CCleaner to be changed to ignore them - if it is decided to ignore them.
The developers may decide that clearing the new entry is required anyway, even though Windows will create it again.

Have a read of the link in my signature;
There's an explanation of why CCleaner will remove certain files even though it's known that Windows will put new ones straight back to replace them.
That isn't an error, CCleaner does it deliberately to 'refresh' the files.
(Whilst not quite the same thing for a registry entry as a file, doing that can still be relevant to reset some entries that may have been modified).


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  • 6 months later...

I 100% agree with Ian Cooper and his April 10 comment.  If this is a CCleaner issue - then CCleaner needs to fix it.  As a licensed and paid user of these tools, Moderators, like nukecad, need to understand the customer's perspective and use their Moderator position to drive the company we pay to be better and not slide down the slope of "it is ok" - recognize a problem and drive a fix.  This goes back to April - 6 months later the registry item is still showing as an issue.  Drive the solution versus perpetuating the problem.  I don't need to read an excuse, the software needs to work after 1/2 a year.

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On 10/04/2023 at 18:23, nukecad said:

...When MS add new registry entries that the current CCleaner reg cleaner doesn't recognise then it takes time for CCleaner to be changed to ignore them - if it is decided to ignore them.
The developers may decide that clearing the new entry is required anyway, even though Windows will create it again.

...There's an explanation of why CCleaner will remove certain files even though it's known that Windows will put new ones straight back to replace them.
That isn't an error, CCleaner does it deliberately to 'refresh' the files.


I get that sometimes it takes time to update the program, but so what? It's been months, and you're still saying "may decide". If the program thinks the files should be deleted, then when people complain, simply tell them that this is the case, instead of waffling on about it being a Windows problem and telling them not to use ccleaner's registry cleaner (let's not forget, you said " it's unwise to use a Registry Cleaner unless you are trying to fix a specific problem." - I view any junk in my registry to be "a specific problem" because ccleaner TELLS ME IT IS!). The fact that you haven't given us any definitive answer on this issue, and you're still using words like "may" indicates that this issue STILL hasn't been addressed either way, and you're just making excuses.

Get a proper and definitive answer to the question. I really don't want to hear "may decide" and other nonsense.


Edited by Ian Cooper
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You seem to misunderstand the 'powers' of the moderators here.

We are users, not employees.
Experienced, helpful, and trusted users, yes - because of that experience and trust listened to a bit more by the company, yes, - but still users not employees.

Whilst we might get a few extra insights into what is happening at the company we can only know what we are told by the company.
We have no influence over what the company is doing, other than complaining if we think what they are doing is wrong (and believe me, we do).
Just like you are complaining here.

Of course we could keep silent, just delete all the posted daily spam content so that you don't see it, and not share any of what little extra we do find out if/when it is relevent to a topic
But that wouldn't be of help to anyone.

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  • 8 months later...

Hello All & especially Mart89, Nice to meet you. Sorry my reply is a year late I suffer from ADHD which also explains why i only just upgraded to W11 after being MacAFied , not verified but thought MacOSX was better than windows..Regret that decision now i need computing on the cheap mate. Another ADHD trait ...I talk too much ...So to cut a long story short dear friend , obsolete is exact in that its used for core Microsoft code and you will never get rid of it , its probably a windows logging option enabled for developers. Empty is good as no sub folders or relevant value hence obsolete. 

Talking of ADHD I completley understand your question, its almost genius ..Like you I like to see a clean registry and that each entry is not going to slow me down in the future ...So I exclude a lot of things of no value hence the lovely photo below that you configure / customize this wonderful software. Hope this helps buddy , All the best NOVA  



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