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CCleaner not opening

Matt C

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Like many other users I seem to be experiencing the same issues with CCleaner not loading.

If I open the Task Manager and click on CCleaner, it will briefly appear in the background processes before disappearing after a couple of seconds.

I initially tried installing CCleaner again (briefly worked one time), then uninstalling, the reinstalling but no luck in getting CC working as yet.

I have a paid subscription to the Pro home user version - but have yet to receive a reply from customer support, possibly due to time zone differentials?

I'm running the latest updated version of Windows 10 (March 2020 (1909 (2)), and Trend Micro version 16.0.1302, but am having trouble reconciling how Trend could be the main issue at hand. There seems to be other CCleaner users with different antivirus programs having the same issue. Whitelisting CCleaner in Trend Micro has not worked either.

It would be great to get some idea as to when this issue might be resolved, if it's the latest version of CCleaner that's the main issue.




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Hi again.

I can confirm that the problem quite possibly lies with the latest version of Trend Micro version 16.0.1302, or perhaps a software clash between the latest versions of CCleaner and Trend Micro.

All I ended up doing to get CCleaner to work was 1. Click on the system tray. 2. Right Clicked Trend Micro, and then 3. exited out of Trend Micro, and CCleaner worked straight away (without having to restart windows).

The minute I turned Trend Micro back on, CCleaner stopped working again.

Exiting back out of Trend once more using the above 3 steps, CCleaner once again worked straight away.

Hope that might help some of you with Trend Micro version 16.0.1302 who are having the same issue.

Would be great if CCleaner staff and Trend Micro staff could get together and figure out what's up here - because the two programs compliment each other reasonably well; depending on your antivirus prefernce of course.






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Glad it worked for you dafj.

Thanks to TM's Cha for the simple fix.

Hopefully TM and CC can get their heads together and work out a permanent solution.



Edited by Matt C
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I have been unable to "exit" Trend Micro on the last few passes. Also: here's my workaround:  find the setup file for CCleaner (setup.exe) in Program Files/Setup. 

Create a shortcut to that file on your desktop or task bar. When you run setup, it will re-install CCleaner. At the end of the reinstall, you have the option to run CCleaner (and see the version notes, etc.)  Run CCleaner. It seems to run an earlier version, but it works.  And, on my system, it doesn't take much longer than running thru the usual "analysis" stuff. 

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There is now an 'official' reply regarding this issue, but it seems to have missed this thread.


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Worried about 'Tracking Files'? Worried about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:


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I have been experiencing the same problem with CCleaner not opening.  I use MicroTrend for my security software.  When I right clicked on MicroTrend and clicked on the check for updates line, it told me I was completely up to date.  But, when I went online to the home page for MicroTrend to see if I could find a forum like this one where someone was experiencing the same problem, I noticed that there was a place to click on to "grab" the 2020 update to my TrendMicro program.  I clicked on that, downloaded and installed the 2020 update, and my problem opening CCleaner went away.    

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Thanks for letting us know that @ddashorn


*** Out of Beer Error ->->-> Recovering Memory ***

Worried about 'Tracking Files'? Worried about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:


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