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After reading through your forum I thought it would be advatages for me to install Spybot search and destroy...

I have done a scan and got this...Have no idea what to do now???!!!




Hope this image works...Can someone please tell me what I have to do...


I think I might have been better off without the program...ignorance is bliss!!



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WELCOME sanbie!

just be thankful theres no viruses or spyware!


those are just your settings.

to fix that, go to start>settings>control panel>security center.

on the left hand side click "change the way security center alerts me" and check all those boxes.

click OK and the problem should be solved!

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Just let Spybot fix those things. They aren't any type of malware. But you're Windows Security Suite is turned off and Spybot is warning you that it should be turned on. Spybot will turn it on for you if you tell it to.



No worries with the problems showing. ;) And keep Spybot.

Windows Pro Media 8.1 x64  |  8GB Ram  |  500G HDD 7200 RPM  |  All  that I know about my graphics is that it's Intel  :)

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this reminds me of a time not too long ago when this was happening to me. you might want to do another scan after you check them because i had a virus which kept changing my registry on me. :ph34r:

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Oh thank you for your replies...I have had spybot sitting at the bottom waiting to hear what needed to be done...


I will just click fix then and I will do another scan...


Thank you again



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  • 2 months later...

I have Spybot 1.3 installed on Windows XP plus Norton Antivirus and Webroot.To update Webroot,I was told to disable any firewall temporarily.After successful download,I turned Windows Firewall back on(auto).Now when I scan on Spybot,I get in red;"Microsoft Windows Security Centre_disabled",no matter how many times I fix the problem.When I right-click this item,"exclude this detection from future scans" is greyed-out and cannot be clicked.Also,I cannot get into Security Centre(currently unavailable because the Security Centre service has not started or was stopped).Shuting down computer does not change this problem.

If I delete Spybot 3.1 using CCLEANER,will it delete all files and will this solve Security Centre Problem?I see Spybot has 1.4 version but being a newbie,I'm afraid to mess with "a small file" at www.safer-networking.de/en/faq/27.html.

I appreciate any help you can give.

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