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Just a curiousity thing. I came across an add for this product. Do these products really work? Do they slow down your computer a lot? Wouldnt it seem that if the company provides you with an ip, they then have that information? How exactly does it work? Are there as many of those kind of products as other computer products? Are they SPYWARE? :angry:

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can you tell me which one you are exactly using. there are so many different names for it. the program anonymizer on its own is not a program.

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You refer to Anonymizer.com?


Yes, it does work. However, it is no 100% anonymity service, you have to know what todo and know your part. It can help but you need know some common sense and stuff too.


And yes they can have that information, so you either trust them or dont. For all you know, they can be the feds.


And yes it does slow down your surfing experience because rather than establishing a direct connection, it routes it around addiotional computers.



* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_privacy

* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Privacy

* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_privacy

* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anonymity


A good software is Tor;

* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tor_%28anonymity_network%29


You should use a safe operating system such as Linux and use Mozilla Firefox. And there are alot of things to privacy and anonymity and its pretty much impossible to be 100% protected and safe.


A good idea is to disable unnescesary things such as Java, JavaScript and cookies.


button_b.png hydrogen2nr.png


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I agree, Tor is an excellent program.

If you're using Firefox, you can use NoScript, which blocks Javascript. Keep in mind that some menu items don't work, some websites won't appear, etc. but the icon in the lower right can allow/block sites at will. I use it all the time and never get pop-ups or anything...

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