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i would just like to take a moment out of my day to thank Ccleaner for not only breaking google chrome for me which mean i lose all my bookmarks and important documents on google drive but also for restarting my pc without telling me while i was working which made me lose 5 hours worth of work thank you so f***ing much you worthless piece of s**t software you have done nothing but f*** my pc up

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now you have that out of your system, lets take a deep breathe and see what help this forum can offer.


are you saying that running CC has deleted all your online docs in Google Drive?

if so, that would be a first in my experience.  CC only removes stuff from your PC and only stuff of a temporary or 'crap' nature by default.


the Chrome issue is a known problem and (if I remember correctly from other current threads) stems from Google changing where they store stuff and CC not reflecting that change yet.

I've not heard of or experienced CC restarting PC's, it's just not something it does by default unless the shutdown after cleaning option is selected.


What is your CC version, OS version and where did you download CC from?

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Hopefully you are using ccleaner version 4.09 for your Chrome cleaning.


Also there is a know bug regarding 'shutdown after cleaning' tickbox being 'sticky'




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Well i don t have really nothing to help you with your problem. Unless to say that i have been using ccleaner on all my machines as well on the machines of all my clients and it never gave me any problems at all.

I am not sugesting that is your direct fault. But from my experience, whenever something goes wrong with a pc or a program, usually and generally comes from us who are using it. I mean, sometimes we pc owners do something on a program and we do it blindly without really knowing exactly what we are doing. And sometimes by doing that we delete someting we shouldn t or we select someting we souldn t etc.

People should really start paying attention to what they do when they install, use, tweak etc..., some program or pc hardware.

Has far of ccleaner and any of piriform software, well, i am a computer tech both in software and hardware for over 10 years, and i have allways use priform software, and i must say that they are top notch and extremely safe and problems free.

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never rule out the PICNIC factor (Problem In Chair Not In Computer)  :lol:

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It's your digital life - protect it with a backup.
Three things are certain; Birth, Death and loss of data. You control the last.

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There is a easy solution:

Replace the user and try again



PEBCAK = Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard.  PICNIC is better, tho. 

The CCleaner SLIM version is always released a bit after any new version; when it is it will be HERE :-)

Pssssst: ... It isn't really a cloud. Its a bunch of big, giant servers.

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Well CCleaner deleted all my Chrome extensions and then kindly rearranged all my bookmarks.


Not happy Jan

Why do bad things happen to good Browsers ? :(


I am happy to use Palemoon and avoid the mad race between Beta Browsers.

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never rule out the PICNIC factor (Problem In Chair Not In Computer)  :lol:

I realize the original poster started out on the wrong foot, attitude wise, but as a person who is less than tech savvy myself, it would be nice to go to a forum like this and be given the benefit of the doubt as the victim of a problem, not the cause. 

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he only wanted to vent his spleen, he never asked for help or put forward a question.

if he could respond to help offered in posts 2,3 and 4 maybe some light can be shed on his issue.

seems it was important enough to rant and rave but not to reply.

Backup now & backup often.
It's your digital life - protect it with a backup.
Three things are certain; Birth, Death and loss of data. You control the last.

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he only wanted to vent his spleen, he never asked for help or put forward a question.

if he could respond to help offered in posts 2,3 and 4 maybe some light can be shed on his issue.

seems it was important enough to rant and rave but not to reply.

Why stoop to his level?

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I realize the original poster started out on the wrong foot, attitude wise, but as a person who is less than tech savvy myself, it would be nice to go to a forum like this and be given the benefit of the doubt as the victim of a problem, not the cause. 


Hi wade, and welcome. 

As a semi-savvy person I quite agree with you. 

However, the members here didn't actually stoop to the language level minismee used. 

The CCleaner SLIM version is always released a bit after any new version; when it is it will be HERE :-)

Pssssst: ... It isn't really a cloud. Its a bunch of big, giant servers.

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