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Registry Cleaner may not be up to spec


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I ran CCleaner registry cleaner and it found no errors.

I ran the free Glary Utilities registry cleaner and it found 57 errors.

It is something you can check yourself.

I am not sure what the difference is, but I would like to know why

CCleaner found no errors.

I like CCleaner but maybe it can be improved.

Richardb 8-15-2013

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CCleaner is one of the 'gentler' cleaners, usually erring on the side of caution when compared to other cleaners.

So I wouldn't be surprised if CC always came in with the lowest count on errors found in the Registry - that's how it's coded.

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This same complaint comes up every so often, when it comes to registry cleaning finding more does not equal better!


Just because one registry cleaning product finds more than another doesn't necessarily mean it's always safe to remove what it finds, I've played with registry cleaning tools long enough to immediately become very suspicious of any that find an over abundance of so-called "errors." For instance removing the wrong thing can result into reinstalling software, inability to uninstall software, reinstalling Windows, etc.

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in cases like this, I point toward my signature and remind you that it applies for all registry cleaning. But at least it wasn't telling you to remove 7000 of them like other not-to-be-named "competitors"




Do your Registry Cleaning in small bits (at the very least Check-mark by Check-mark)


Support at https://support.ccleaner.com/s/?language=en_US

Pro users file a PRIORITY SUPPORT via email support@ccleaner.com

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When Give Away Of The Day were offering Glary and I had the time to spare,

I would visit the site at the end of the day to see how many "gluttons for punishment" had taken the bait and now needed help in repairing their systems.

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CCleaner is currently the best registry cleaner that I've dealt with, one reason for that is its safety. I've managed to find over 1000 and sometimes around 2000 registry errors with CCleaner, it's rare, but possible. I've also "fixed" (cleaned) those with CCleaner without any problems.

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I've managed to find over 1000 and sometimes around 2000 registry errors with CCleaner


I've never seen that much with CCleaner. Although there's a ton of other competing registry cleaners I could load on my system (but won't) that would find 700 or more "errors" that I know would be false positives and mess up installed software such as Microsoft Office, etc., which would then have to have a repair install performed.

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