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Dear Brits do not judge us (Americans) by our idiot jesters.


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I've heard of alex jones but I've never listened to him before.(I think I saw a tv show with him before)

The TV station got exactly what they wanted by putting him on tv. They wanted a screaming idiot and they got one.


Honestly though I'm impressed by the host. I don't think I've ever heard someone in the middle of an interview tell someone to shut up or directly tell them their an idiot. Pretty funny.

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i've seen another Alex Jones rant after one of the US guns massacres (are there any others? :mellow: ) with Piers Morgan.




maybe it's just the British accent that brings out his bad side. :angry:

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I've heard of alex jones but I've never listened to him before.(I think I saw a tv show with him before)

The TV station got exactly what they wanted by putting him on tv. They wanted a screaming idiot and they got one.


+1. The show is taped. If they didn't want it on, it wouldn't be. The narcissist's reward is attention, even negative attention. ;)

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Andrew Neil is one of the best (political) interviewers on TV and has had many a top politician squirming in their seats on his shows.


It was a joy to see him and David Aaronovitch very calmly and very deliberately taking the piss out of a guy who was too big an idiot to even realise what they were doing. How does anyone listen to him more than once?


There's a "Daily Politics" as well as the Sunday show, which isn't usually as entertaining as that, but it has it's moments.

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It was a joy to see (Andrew Neil) and David Aaronovitch very calmly and very deliberately taking the piss out of a guy who was too big an idiot to even realise what they were doing. How does anyone listen to him more than once?



:lol: Yep, they did a good job with him. But ya know, I bet that doesn't matter to him even if he recognizes it.

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to note I meant this not as commentary on Alex Jones' life work (though I could make that ;) ) but at his (and the host's) bizarre actions.




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--- Alex Jones is rude- he disrespects (on a personal level at times, too) a lot of people who have taken the time to interview him or debate him.

--- He does not know how to politely debate or politely disagree (I don't expect people to be all *angelic* with their discussion, but basic, civil manners is not much to ask for).

--- He is not fair in his back-and-forths with people. He steamrolls people with his rants, accusations, rallying cries (stuff he's totally allowed to say, but not when someone else wants to get a point across).

--- He often throws out unbacked numbers or out-of-context statistics. (not often, but often enough that I can't feel comfortable listening to him throw out numbers he uses to support his stances)


I have no idea why people listen to him. I'd be embarrassed to share the same air as him if he was in the room with me.

He may have good stuff to say, but I don't want to validate him or his methods by giving him credence.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Let me take your post and annotate it a bit with my opinions (your original post in bold)


--- Alex Jones is rude- he disrespects (on a personal level at times, too) a lot of people who have taken the time to interview him or debate him.

Yes, he was a bit rude there. No question about it.

--- He does not know how to politely debate or politely disagree (I don't expect people to be all *angelic* with their discussion, but basic, civil manners is not much to ask for).

In case that was obvious there, but sadly, that trait is getting increasingly rare these days.

--- He is not fair in his back-and-forths with people. He steamrolls people with his rants, accusations, rallying cries (stuff he's totally allowed to say, but not when someone else wants to get a point across).

Comes in a large part by his (massive) lack of civility.

--- He often throws out unbacked numbers or out-of-context statistics. (not often, but often enough that I can't feel comfortable listening to him throw out numbers he uses to support his stances)

Does he realize at all that
kind of thing never really helps his argument, but more so makes him sound like a ludicrous buffoon?


I have no idea why people listen to him. I'd be embarrassed to share the same air as him if he was in the room with me.

He may have good stuff to say, but I don't want to validate him or his methods by giving him credence.

I would have probably pulled alpha back at him, and he would have had to either out-alpha me back or settle down, neither of which would have helped his side of the argument (the former more so than the latter).

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