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Major slowdown after using CCleaner.


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After using ccleaner, my computer has slowed down substancially. I did not clean my registries with it just yet, so I would not believe that to be the issue. The issues started after I reset my computer after letting the wipe run. I have already tried defragmenting my drive and scanned for malware (as suggested in other threads). If anyone has any advice that might be able it would be appreciated. I have attached snapshots of my settings in case that helps diagnose anything.




-15min start up (each program takes forever to boot)

-Programs freezing every so often. (skype, firefox, steam)

-Flash and other browser plugins 'crashing' constantly.

-Slower performance in general.


Edit: I'm also running on Windows 7. If there are any other specs you might need I'll be happy to share.



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What version of CCleaner are you using ?

What was the previous version you used and did that cause problems ?


Next to the bottom of the screen shot you have checked

Custom Files and Folders.

What did you have selected for removal by that option ?

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64-bit. I reset my computer a bit ago and it did a disc scan. I seem to have recovered a bit of speed, it's not back to 100% but it's a large improvement. I'm unsure why It did this just now as I've restarted my computer several times to see if it was a caching issue.

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Restarting can allow some problems to remain. Sometimes doing a cold boot, such as turning off the computer, and then unplugging it from the electrical outlet for at least 60 seconds and pressing the power on button while it's still unplugged can sometimes cure stuff.

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