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Everything posted by Bktlmp

  1. I have use this software before, and previously it had reported only roughly 100 some files (all overwritten). The whole detecting 700k+ files started only yesterday. The files in question are all in good "health, but I notice they are in the same location and last modified date as the original file. If I try to securly delete it, it states that I cannot and that the file has already been overwritten. Is there anything that might cause this?
  2. Not sure if this is what's happening or not, but it seems that when i use Deep scan, it seems to show results for programs that are still currently on my hard-drive, I do not have "scan for non-deleted programs checked". If I do a deep scan, and cancel it after it's already taken scanned all programs, i end up with 700k+ programs. I have tried using the secure removal, but the entries show back up next scan. This makes it impossible for me to locate anything I'm actually looking for. I'm unsure if this is caused because I had used cut and paste to move programs, if it is, does anyone know how I might be able to correct this? thanks. Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit HD: ST1000DM 005 HD103SJ (I think) If you need any additional information I can provide it.
  3. 64-bit. I reset my computer a bit ago and it did a disc scan. I seem to have recovered a bit of speed, it's not back to 100% but it's a large improvement. I'm unsure why It did this just now as I've restarted my computer several times to see if it was a caching issue.
  4. I had restarted it as soon as the clean-up was finished because I wanted to see if it sped up my boot/startup time.
  5. Ah, no I have it set for normal deletion, and I did not run a drive wipe, or use dupe finder.
  6. I do not believe I have the programs that have those options, unless I am not looking hard enough in CCleaner. I'm using a HDD. I've tried multiple reboots and each time it was just as slow as the other.
  7. I'm using CCleaner V4.00.4054. Sorry, I forgot half the settings. I'll add it to the original post. Also I did not actually include anything in the custom files or folders.
  8. After using ccleaner, my computer has slowed down substancially. I did not clean my registries with it just yet, so I would not believe that to be the issue. The issues started after I reset my computer after letting the wipe run. I have already tried defragmenting my drive and scanned for malware (as suggested in other threads). If anyone has any advice that might be able it would be appreciated. I have attached snapshots of my settings in case that helps diagnose anything. Symptoms: -15min start up (each program takes forever to boot) -Programs freezing every so often. (skype, firefox, steam) -Flash and other browser plugins 'crashing' constantly. -Slower performance in general. Edit: I'm also running on Windows 7. If there are any other specs you might need I'll be happy to share.
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