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Did you use the registry cleaner part of ccleaner?


If you did use the registry cleaner, did you make a backup ?


If not, you may have to uninstall and then reinstall MSN to fix this error.


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are you having any other issues?

your original post suggests you may and you just gave the one example of MSN.

the files it deleted should have been moved to the Recycle Bin.

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the files it deleted should have been moved to the Recycle Bin.

if that happens there is no increase in free space.

Have you actually tested where File Finder sends the duplicates ?


Normal CCleaner junk removal is NOT sent to the Recycle Bin

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I wonder if using a System Restore Point would help in this case.


This topic is proof the File Finder needs to have hash checking in it, and also be coded in such a way to not offer or be able to remove Program Files or System Files as a built-in protection.

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Have you actually tested where File Finder sends the duplicates ?


would be a really good safety net now wouldn't it, if they went to the Recycle Bin?

considering the disastrous potential this new feature poses.


maybe a good suggestion idea ?!?

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