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Any show stoppers in CC 4?

Guest Keatah

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Guest Keatah

Having recently went through an iTunes nightmare, updating from 9 to 11, I lost tons of functionality, and plenty of music. And gained a series of bugs. This was nasty and warranted pulling out last month's backup to regain sanity and a functioning music playback environment.


Are there any show-stopping issues with CCleaner 4 I need to be aware of? Is anything done radically different? I'm not seeing anything that raises a red flag. I'm ready to de-sandbox it and use it on my main rig.


I suppose I'm still smarting after getting beat up by iTunes.

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if you mean specifically in relation to iTunes 11, I can't comment.

I've left my iTunes on 10 as from what I've heard and seen, 11 is a can of worms I don't want to open yet.


but in general, I've had CC4 since it was released, have done a few runs on it just to see how it goes itself, and with my system, and can't say anything negative about it.


my main PC is Win8 x64, others are Win7 x64 and I've run it in a VirtualBox using XP, all good.

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Guest Keatah

No, not in relation to iTunes. In fact, IIRC, CCleaner relies on winapp2.ini to become aware of iTunes doesn't it?


I'm looking for any major faults within CCleaner itself. I'm considering recommending CCleaner at a conference. And my experience with recent "major version" upgrades (of software in general) has been less than stellar these past two years. Itunes is just a recent example.

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Keatah, you're already aware of this issue, I think, but go see here:


Post #11 by me and post #13 by youngbear.

Don't know if this issue is an actual problem or not, because I did not delete any of those false duplicates.

Mostly everybody who commented said "don't delete it unless you know what it is", but frankly that wouldn't help most folks I know.

They wouldn't know they had a problem until too late.

The CCleaner SLIM version is always released a bit after any new version; when it is it will be HERE :-)

Pssssst: ... It isn't really a cloud. Its a bunch of big, giant servers.

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Keatah, think of it as doing the rest of us a favour if you do find a problem. :D

sucks I know, with your recent history.


and Yes to your question, CC doesn't 'see' iTunes without winapp2.ini

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Repost of my earlier answer



keatah, while I understand your hesitancy you know just as well as we do that one program's updates cannot be compared to another's (esp iTunes for windows ;) ) but no there is no major bloaty or cruddy update that would suddenly make you, a long-time user, or anyone else stop using CCleaner.




Do your Registry Cleaning in small bits (at the very least Check-mark by Check-mark)


Support at https://support.ccleaner.com/s/?language=en_US

Pro users file a PRIORITY SUPPORT via email support@ccleaner.com

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Guest Keatah

After playing with CCleaner 4.x and reading the comments - it seems business as usual and safe to recommend. Duplicate finder module aside..


thx to all

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I ran the duplicate finder and deleted everything it found with no ill effects, just now have 3 or 4 missing desktop icons. Didn't do a complete shakedown. Didn't restart.

Post is here: http://forum.pirifor...63


May I suggest a pinned topic called CCleaner version 4 File Finder or some such name?

By my count there are about 16 or 17 conversations going which are pretty much directly related to version 4 and the file finder.

Would be easy to miss some of it.

I made a list. If it might help, just ask.

The CCleaner SLIM version is always released a bit after any new version; when it is it will be HERE :-)

Pssssst: ... It isn't really a cloud. Its a bunch of big, giant servers.

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