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CCleaner Wipe free space option


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I had a qeustion about ccleaners wipe free space option.Does it wipe the entire drive or only the entries in the MFT.I ran ccleaners wipe free space option a week ago and it overwrote the MFT free space and part of the hard drive free space but I cancelled the operation after a few minutes.Now I am wondering whether it will still clean the entire hard drives free space or only overwrite the deleted entries in the MFT

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It wipes all the free space on the drive, and the MFT if requested. You can run it again after the cancelled run and it will start from scratch again with the options you set.

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I also have a question about Wipe Free Space.

I ran the ccleaner program and it zipped through all the sections until it got to Wipe Free SPace. That one took 3+ hours.

After completeing, i ran it again, expecting to see it fly through my half-empty 40GB drive. Instead it took another 3+ hours. A third try had same results.

This struck me as unusual because i have recently done the identical procedure on a second machine, and it performed the Wipe Free Space in only a few minutes and then when I did the repeat wipe, it fly by in a few seconds.

I am in the process of troubleshooting (and hopefully correcting , or at least improving) an extremely sluggish performance on this machine.

Can you comment? THANK YOU!!

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CC was quicker the second time because it cannot know that nothing has been deleted since the first wipe so the second wipe has to erase all free space again.


Is you second machine identical - same hardware, same software, same half-empty 40 GB Drive ?

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