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CCleaner doesn't recognize Safari


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Do you have anything modified in Safari, such as:

* The install path (that has tripped up CCleaner before in the past with some programs, however with browsers it typically uses some sort of internal detection.)

* Where the profile/user files path is (if it uses such a thing I don't personally know)

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That aside, I thought they stopped developing Safari for Windows.






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  • 2 weeks later...

I installed it on my D: drive. but firefox is recognized on that drive.


And I know safari isn't being supported for Windows anymore, but firefox is crashing every five seconds and for privacy reasons I use different browsers for different things.

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but firefox is crashing every five seconds and for privacy reasons I use different browsers for different things.

I gave up on Firefox last year because every day it misbehaved in a different fashion,

and I switched to Palemoon which is based upon Firefox code but is NOT erratic.


Palemoon uses the same Addons as Firefox.

You can also have as many Portable installations as you like and their profiles (and privacy data) are independent of one-another.


Although the latest Palemoon is 15.4 it has better security than the latest Firefox.

It has the same security fixes where relevant and additionally by default it Blocks the use of JAVA (but allows the user to enable if required).

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