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Rudolph the Reindeer has Close Call

Mike Rochip

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You may have heard that Santa's delivery route ends in California. In order to relax a bit the riendeer throw themselves a little party in the Sierra Nevada Mountains every year (the snowy mountain landscape reminds them of their native Lapland). However, Rudolph always arrives later in the evening because he flies Santa back to the North Pole first. It has to be Rudolph because his glowing nose is required by the FAA's "Things That Can't Fly but Fly Around Anyway Must Have at Least One Red Light and/or Glowing Red Animal Nose On Them Preferrably in the Front" rule. Donner is always in charge of setting up the party and he lets the Ranger at the bottom of the mountain know exactly where the party is so Rudolph can check with him and get directions to the party when he gets back from taking Santa home. Apparently Santa doesn't join in any of the reindeer games.


One year everything seemed to be going well as usual. Rudolph dropped off Santa at the North Pole. Then he stopped at the Ranger Station and got directions to the party. The Ranger even drew him a map to make it easy for Rudolph to find the party. It was easy to follow because it was actual size like kobrakommander's map of Cuba.


Strangely, when he got to the place where the party should be there were no reindeer. But there were people. Not your average group of people though. Rudolph was getting a little bit uneasy as he looked them over. These people were real skinny, unshaven, with tattered clothes, and they looked really stressed out. But the part that was starting to scare Rudolph was their expressions. A few people were actually drooling and others were kind of licking their lips and staring very, very intently at Rudolph almost like they had never seen a reindeer before. And it got worse. More drooling, and now they all seemed to be staring and licking their lips and kind of quietly trying to get closer to Rudolph. Then Rudolph thought he heard a growling sound. Not like a wild animal would growl, but maybe more like when someone's stomach growls. Then he started hearing whispering like these people were coming up with some sort of secret, sneaky, surprise plan or something and he even thought he heard the clink of a carving knife.


Finally, trying to be polite. Rudolph spoke up. "I'm sorry, but I guess there's been some sort of mistake. The Ranger gave me these directions to a party, but this is not the right one."


One of the drooly, lip licking stomach growlers then replied: "Oh really? Maybe we can help. What is the name of the party you are looking for?"


Rudolph was thinking to himself that drooly, lip licking, carving knife brandishing, emaciated, haggard stomach growlers, who seemed to be inching closer and closer to him might not be really all that sincere with their offer to help. Rudolph finally decided it probably couldn't hurt to ask and besides, they just might know where the party was. So he replied:


"I'm looking for the Donner Party."




Santa had a close call as well. Rudolph apparently didn't notice that when he dropped off Santa at the North Pole Santa fell right through the ice. (Global Warming + Overweight (but Jolly) Guy = Disaster). Luckily, a group of penguins that were in the middle of their 70 mile trek to have sex (with other penguins, NOT Santa) happened by and pulled him to safety.

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