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France to Legalise ALL Filesharing?

Mike Rochip

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What does that link have to do with Winston Churchill? That is just an advertisement for CCleaner. You posted the same link under CCleaner Discussion two seconds ago. I mean, I'm glad you like CCleaner, but...

Save a tree, eat a beaver.

Save a tree, wipe with an owl.


Every time a bell rings, a thread gets hijacked!

ding, ding!


Give Andavari lots of money and maybe even consider getting K a DVD-RW drive.


If it's not Scottish, IT'S CRAP!!!

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shhhh.. he must be French.




Okay, sorry about that; now I feel better.

Save a tree, eat a beaver.

Save a tree, wipe with an owl.


Every time a bell rings, a thread gets hijacked!

ding, ding!


Give Andavari lots of money and maybe even consider getting K a DVD-RW drive.


If it's not Scottish, IT'S CRAP!!!

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I dunno... Microsoft might find out; lol.

Save a tree, eat a beaver.

Save a tree, wipe with an owl.


Every time a bell rings, a thread gets hijacked!

ding, ding!


Give Andavari lots of money and maybe even consider getting K a DVD-RW drive.


If it's not Scottish, IT'S CRAP!!!

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I figured as much.


Of course, why you would want to have a French last name, I have no idea.







I'm probably gonna get nuked for that one.

Save a tree, eat a beaver.

Save a tree, wipe with an owl.


Every time a bell rings, a thread gets hijacked!

ding, ding!


Give Andavari lots of money and maybe even consider getting K a DVD-RW drive.


If it's not Scottish, IT'S CRAP!!!

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yeah... by North Korea! hahah


What did I ever do to North Korea?!


Speaking of which, Parade labeled Kim Jong-il as the second worst dictator in the world. Let's hope I don't get on his bad side!

Save a tree, eat a beaver.

Save a tree, wipe with an owl.


Every time a bell rings, a thread gets hijacked!

ding, ding!


Give Andavari lots of money and maybe even consider getting K a DVD-RW drive.


If it's not Scottish, IT'S CRAP!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

When are we gonna learn?



1) Piracy is wrong. It is wrong to steal CD's from a store cause it belongs to them.

2) Once you buy something, ownership is transferred to you, not them. (Whoever heard of owning

a thing that someone else can STILL tell you what to do with?

3) Sharing is NOT piracy. Of course it's easy to make copies. But I own it when I buy it. If I don't

they are merely renting it to me and I will sue them for truth in advertising neglect. If you are

not buying, but only renting, they should clearly tell you so.



I don't know about you, but I don't need a law to tell me whether it's legal to share things that I

buy or not. Either it is mine or it is not.

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Although this is a practice that I try to avoid, I must say that I wholeheartedly agree with you, cpu.


Something else I have thought about is that when someone burns a CD, that aren't really ripping anyone off because:


1. They bought the computer, the electricity that powers it, and the CD-R


2. They have paid for the materials in full, and theoretically, can do whatever they like with them


3. Burning a copy of something or ripping a song is simply making a digital representation of the original product; it is not the original and should not be treated as such


Obviously, I have to pay to get into a concert, because I am hearing the band live and first-hand. But if I aquire some of their music without actually buying the CD, I am guilty of piracy, regardless of the music's quality. So even if I get a sample of a song as a 32k mp3, which sounds nothing like the original, I am punished the same as if I had stolen a physical compact disk containing that song from a store.


If I was to purchase all of the components necessary to build a Ferrari, and I built it by myself, there would be nothing illegal about that. Sure, I am making a product that is similar to one made by a well-known company, but I am the one who took the time to build it, and I paid for the parts, so it is mine.


So why then, is digital media treated as a totally different domain? Why is it that I can buy all of the components necessary to create an audio CD, and I can spend my time making it, but yet, it is considered stealing? Naturally, the only possible reason is ease of use.


It takes a lot of time and manpower to build a car, but it is becoming fairly easy these days to burn a CD. If duplicating a CD was as difficult as duplicating a car, no one would care. Basically, the government is penalizing progress. We have finally gotten to the point where we can use computers for what they were designed for: storing information and duplicating it. And now that it finally works well, the government has decided that it is bad, because it is just too easy.


Way to crap on achievement, government. Way to slow down progress, DRM and Trusted Computing.

Save a tree, eat a beaver.

Save a tree, wipe with an owl.


Every time a bell rings, a thread gets hijacked!

ding, ding!


Give Andavari lots of money and maybe even consider getting K a DVD-RW drive.


If it's not Scottish, IT'S CRAP!!!

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That was such a beautiful way to sum up what is the undeniable truth


P.S. Does anyone really care that millionaire-many-times-over Metallica might starve if you don't literally buy every crappy cd they produce?


Maybe that would at least get them to get a real job like the rest of us.


Sure they would be poor, but a lot more honest and a lot less greedy.

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That was such a beautiful way to sum up what is the undeniable truth


Thanks. I've done a lot of thinking on the subject, as I imagine you have as well.


P.S. Does anyone really care that millionaire-many-times-over Metallica might starve if you don't literally buy every crappy cd they produce?


Maybe that would at least get them to get a real job like the rest of us.


Sure they would be poor, but a lot more honest and a lot less greedy.

Yeah, it's too bad that I absolutely love their music! Frankly though, their politics stink. Seems awfully silly to sue someone for sharing.

Save a tree, eat a beaver.

Save a tree, wipe with an owl.


Every time a bell rings, a thread gets hijacked!

ding, ding!


Give Andavari lots of money and maybe even consider getting K a DVD-RW drive.


If it's not Scottish, IT'S CRAP!!!

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Thanks. I've done a lot of thinking on the subject, as I imagine you have as well.

Yeah, it's too bad that I absolutely love their music! Frankly though, their politics stink. Seems awfully silly to sue someone for sharing.


Why does it have to be OUR fault for NOT buying THEIR stinky music? They USED to be good.


Now that they suck more, people buy less. It's called suppy & demand, not piracy.


Why can't they accept that they just suck now and THAT'S why people don't buy.

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Why does it have to be OUR fault for NOT buying THEIR stinky music? They USED to be good.


Now that they suck more, people buy less. It's called suppy & demand, not piracy.


Why can't they accept that they just suck now and THAT'S why people don't buy.


A point well made; if people don't want something, they won't buy it, obviously. It isn't that more people are pirating their albums; it is just that less people are buying them (because now they suck).


All little off topic, but that is the problem with a lot of bands; they get to a point where they are at the top of their game, and then all of the sudden BOOM! Their next album sucks. Why can't bands end on a good note?


Just like Korn (used to be one of my favorites); Follow the Leader is the best album ever made, no contest. And then they kept on making music, and lately it just isn't Korn caliber. I don't even plan on buying See You on the Other Side, because the songs I have heard aren't what I would expect from a band like them. Just stop putting out albums, gosh darnit!

Save a tree, eat a beaver.

Save a tree, wipe with an owl.


Every time a bell rings, a thread gets hijacked!

ding, ding!


Give Andavari lots of money and maybe even consider getting K a DVD-RW drive.


If it's not Scottish, IT'S CRAP!!!

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There is yet another way to look at it. My taste in music being what it is (he said while secretly thanking God that posting in the Fav Bands and Music thread is not mandatory) it would be detrimental to some artists (performers? hacks?) if I didn't share.


a] I buy the CD

b] No-one else in the universe even considers buying the CD

c] I offer to make copies for my friends

d] They all say "NO!"

e] I offer to make copies for my enemies (which now includes everyone referred to in C)

f] They all say "NO!"

g] Using the 'captive audience' theory:

I play the CD while they're in the car. They jump out.

I play the CD while they're in my house. They run away.

I play the CD while they're inside a locked jail cell. They tear their own ears off. That doesn't work because the part of the ear that actually hears things is inside their head.

h] They finally agree to take a copy of the CD if I promise never to play it where anyone or any thing may inadvertantly hear it.

i] I agree, knowing full well that they will hear it again in Hell because that is what Hell is for.


How does this benefit the artist? Name recognition. When someone asks "What is the worst CD you ever heard in your life?" or "Where did your ears go?" or "You've been to Hell? What was the worst part?" the artist will be mentioned.

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Next thing you know, they will blame people buying less gas because they bought car that gets better gas mileage on people getting imports or something.


Imports will be banned!!! Horrors!!! Grab a Honda while you can! Or Toyota! Or Nissan! Cause in a few years it's gonna be a collectible, baby!!! And worth a lot of $$$


Makes you wonder, are ALL problems caused by money? Strippers strip for money, which causes marriages to collapse because guys have wondering eyes... RIAA sues because billions are not enough for them. Great way to help those that are STARVING in other countries AND our own. Is there any problem NOT caused by money?


Maybe we could live like we used to... without it... without the problems that come with IT.



It should be illegal for sucky bands to produce music. That's called noise pollution, an' pollution

is bad. There should be a majority vote or something, where if over 50% say they suck, they do.



Radio should be outlawed. It is EXTREME PIRACY!!! THROW YOUR RADIO OUT NOW!!! Quick!!!

Every time you take your juke box to the beach, your SHARING & who knows who might

possibly hear it no matter how hard you try to make them NOT hear it. Even with the best

earphones, you might slip up & start humming or something. I sure hope they can't read lips.

G.W. Bush should be good at it. Read my lips...NO new taxes...ahhhh!!! What a great lie!!!



Get rid of your mind, cause it can save tons of songs and movies. Just wait till they are able

to scan your mind in the cerebral vortex to see what songs you remembered without paying

for them!!!

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There is yet another way to look at it. My taste in music being what it is (he said while secretly thanking God that posting in the Fav Bands and Music thread is not mandatory) it would be detrimental to some artists (performers? hacks?) if I didn't share.


a] I buy the CD

b] No-one else in the universe even considers buying the CD

c] I offer to make copies for my friends

d] They all say "NO!"

e] I offer to make copies for my enemies (which now includes everyone referred to in C)

f] They all say "NO!"

g] Using the 'captive audience' theory:

I play the CD while they're in the car. They jump out.

I play the CD while they're in my house. They run away.

I play the CD while they're inside a locked jail cell. They tear their own ears off. That doesn't work because the part of the ear that actually hears things is inside their head.

h] They finally agree to take a copy of the CD if I promise never to play it where anyone or any thing may inadvertantly hear it.

i] I agree, knowing full well that they will hear it again in Hell because that is what Hell is for.


How does this benefit the artist? Name recognition. When someone asks "What is the worst CD you ever heard in your life?" or "Where did your ears go?" or "You've been to Hell? What was the worst part?" the artist will be mentioned.


OMG, Mike! You are absolutely the funniest dude on planet Earth, and don't let nobody tell you different!!!



Is there any problem NOT caused by money?


Warts. Otherwise, I wholeheartedly agree with all of your points!

Save a tree, eat a beaver.

Save a tree, wipe with an owl.


Every time a bell rings, a thread gets hijacked!

ding, ding!


Give Andavari lots of money and maybe even consider getting K a DVD-RW drive.


If it's not Scottish, IT'S CRAP!!!

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of coz, protecting the privacy of the artists is important... song writer spend their time and effort writing nice songs... artists spend their time recording songs... just like programmers, spending their time and effort writing a program...


as for me...

- i do spend money on CD... but not a lot...

- i no longer download from the internet (i dont want to get fine)... good boy huh...


but things they should consider and improve:


1. not many people will be willing to spend lots of money to buy albums... whether in the past or now... especially teens... is just too expensive (in S'pore 1 CD cost about SGD$20 with 10 tracks)... so if you have 1000 audio files in your com, you are spending about SGD$2000!!!

2. if you dont consider buying, even they dis-allow downloading from the internet, you still wont buy...

3. a group of people come together and buy 1 album, pass around and then rip the album into their computer... so a CD cost SGD$20 and 20 people gather to buy 1 and share... so each spend SGD$1... how much will the recording company make...?

4. how many times will people buy a album just for 1 or 2 songs...? i know some will... me...? nah... no that song wont die...

5. majority of the people (me included) will buy album if only they support the artist, or that particular album is very nice (i do this also)...

6. when you buy a album... then most of the time you will rip the album into let say *.MP3 into your com... so what happen to the album after that...? hah! i hardly touch those CD... they are inside my drawer...


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It should be illegal for sucky bands to produce music.

WTF? What did I ever do to you? You want to make it a crime for me to buy music? It's bad enough that when I buy sucky music legally I get laughed at. If I have to buy it on the black market I could get the cr*p kicked out of me. You try asking a black marketeer (yes, I just made that up B)) if he has a copy of "I Can't Get No Satisfaction" by Justine Bateman and the Mystery.


Get rid of your mind, cause it can save tons of songs and movies. Just wait till they are able to scan your mind in the cerebral vortex to see what songs you remembered without paying for them!!!

HA! My mind is already gone :mellow:! Besides, I pay a price every time I listen to my sucky music. It just can't be measured in dollars and cents. Of course if I knew what a brain cell cost I could probably extrapolate...


Q: How can I tell if a black marketeer ( B)!) might have the sucky music I like?

A: He has horrible scars where his ears used to be OR we're both in Hell (the really bad section).


OMG, Mike! You are absolutely the funniest dude on planet Earth, and don't let nobody tell you different!!!

Thanks for the compliment but you are at least as funny as I am...

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...You try asking a black marketeer (yes, I just made that up B)) if he has a copy of "I Can't Get No Satisfaction" by Justine Bateman and the Mystery...


Oooo.... ouch... you weren't kidding... but since you gave me a compliment, I promise I won't rub it in...










But man.... seriously.... ouch....











I mean, seriously.... that's pretty rough....











But I won't rub it in....












Save a tree, eat a beaver.

Save a tree, wipe with an owl.


Every time a bell rings, a thread gets hijacked!

ding, ding!


Give Andavari lots of money and maybe even consider getting K a DVD-RW drive.


If it's not Scottish, IT'S CRAP!!!

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So you had to prove you're funnier than me in the very next post :angry:?


Not a chance.


I just had to get my jabs in. :D


If it makes you feel any better, I have Night at the Roxbury-What is Love? on my hard drive right now. You don't get much lamer than that! :lol: I like it though, cause it reminds me of the SNL skit...

Save a tree, eat a beaver.

Save a tree, wipe with an owl.


Every time a bell rings, a thread gets hijacked!

ding, ding!


Give Andavari lots of money and maybe even consider getting K a DVD-RW drive.


If it's not Scottish, IT'S CRAP!!!

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