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France to Legalise ALL Filesharing?

Mike Rochip

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France sucks, its not as simple as their legalising file sharing.

There is a proposal to allow it, but then everybody in the country will have to pay taxes even if they share files which sucks for all old people who dont use computers.


France has also had proposals to make free software illegal.


France sucks!


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France has also had proposals to make free software illegal.


That in itself is just plain retarded!


If such a thing were to pass what I would do is have whomever passes such a proposal tested for drugs, they'd also be subjected to an I.Q. test to find out just how damned stupid they really are. Then publically give the results; "they were high" and "they're stupid," I have the test results right here.

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That in itself is just plain retarded!


If such a thing were to pass what I would do is have whomever passes such a proposal tested for drugs, they'd also be subjected to an I.Q. test to find out just how damned stupid they really are. Then publically give the results; "they were high" and "they're stupid," I have the test results right here.







Elimination of free software appears to be one of the major goals of the misnamed "Trusted Computing" initiative discussed in other threads in this forum. Although not eliminating free software directly, it would accomplish this by making it impossible to use free apps in conjunction with paid ones, for instance OpenOffice would be prevented from working with any of MS's applications.


I don't know which is worse, stupidity or greed...

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I'm not from France but you guys says France sucks and they are strange but anything that is different from you and from where you live will always be strange it does not mean they suck. There culture is different so they are going to have different views on things then you do. There are some strange things about America i thing are kind of weird, s*** there are things about my county i think are strange im not going to go around dissing America of my own country just because there is something i don't understand about it.

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I agree with englishmen, we should be respectful. Besides, the Statue of Liberty has to be one of the coolest gifts ever. And the Revolutionary War wasn't working out real well for the US until France lent us a hand.


That being said I did find this on the CNN website regarding the bizarro Winter weather attacking Europe lately:


"In northern France hundreds of motorists were forced to spend Wednesday night in community centers and hotels near Nancy as road crews battled to clear snow from the roads."


So in fact at least some of them are indeed Nancy boys :P .

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welll, I guess everything like the French will grow on us, cause they gave us the statue of liberty but it wasnt cool till it oxidized and turned green, can you imagine the statue still being a healthy bronze brown.







Real nice. You think the French will grow on us? Like a mole or a fungus perhaps? I know you're trying to be nice but apparently your subconcious dislike of France is still showing. I bet you think the Statue of Liberty turned green with envy seeing how much better the USA is compared to France! A health bronze brown?! I suppose pasty white French people aren't healthy. I'm kind of pasty white and I'm healthy! Physically.


Besides, the Statue of Liberty is made of copper. So it's only a matter of time before some crackpot steals it and tries to sell it for scrap metal. Impossible you say? Hardly. Just ask Baltimore, Maryland.


There is only one good reason to hate the French and that's because they tricked us into thinking Puegots were cars and we foolishly bought some of them.

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