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Stuck at 12%


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Hi there,


I just started to use Defraggler. I have multiple HD, and for most it works fine, but I have one drive which is the most fragmented (22%), and when I run Defraggler, it is stuck at 12% and don't carry on. I tried multple time and it stays stuck at the same moment.


Any advice or help to tell me what to do or what is wrong?


Thank you

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So it isn't a case of having insufficient free space, or having a huge file you may be trying to move to the end of the disk. Do you have any unusually big files on that drive?


Can you see in the status window which file it's actually sticking on?


I've never had Defraggler stick, but I'm assuming the display will stop at that point.


EDIT: Almost forgot. Can you also try running Defraggler in "debug" mode, and post the log here, which will help the devs. They do read all these threads.



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Ok, I excluded these files and it carried on as normal.


Also, with the debug mode, I am not sure it is working. Is the log generated only when the defrag is finished? In this case, as I abort it, there is no log. Or I am missing something?


thank you

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Firstly, if that Image file is your system backup, or something equally important, I would either make a fresh one, or put it through a verify process as you may have compromised it's integrity.


Once made I personally never defrag a back up image.


Another thought is how long have you actually left Defraggler stuck at 12%? If that's a large Image, then it could be just taking an inordinate amount of time, and of course it could be because of the reason Alan mentions.


Regarding the debug log, I've personally no idea if a log isn't created when a defrag is interrupted, so I'll leave that one for input from someone who may know.

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Once made I personally never defrag a back up image.



I never defrag my backup images either. Since they are not frequently accessed (except to recover) there is no need and, as Dennis posted, there is an increased risk of corrupting the image.

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