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Will Big Brother be driving your car for you?

Mike Rochip

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When people get into accidents one of the first things Police do nowadays is study the computer data (black box) from the car to determine who was at fault. It's one of those things that was originally supposed to help the auto manufacturers improve upon safety and has in turn allowed Police to reconstruct accidents which can get people imprisoned based upon that data.

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Well, it is good so that people dont drive too fast. But I wouldnt that thing in my car, I wouldnt want me or my car to be limited. Also what is the point of buy an expensive sports car if you cant "use" it.


Also think if someone is chasing you and they try kill you, then you cant drive fast away from them.


Think if you need goto the hospital in an emergency then you cant drive fast.


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I'm not crazy about the first device but the second, the Otto Driving Companion, is OK. It's selling in Winnipeg and a few other cities because it warns you as you approach automated photo enforcement locations (speed limit and red light).

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I think it's a tough issue too for the reasons you guys have listed. I would like to think it would activate only if you are speeding and would not transmit any identifiable information when it is on. I doubt that's how it works though. I found some info on the Web:


A man is suing Acme Rent A Car because they deducted $450 dollars from his debit card without his knowledge because they said he exceeded the speed limit 3 times.


England is considering using the device to create a pay as you drive system on many of their roads. It seems to me that would be like paying for a taxi without the benefit of sitting in the back. :huh:


It would be possible for the police to control your car in certain circumstances.


Imagine the possibilities if people figured out how to hack into the system...

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Well, it is good so that people dont drive too fast. But I wouldnt that thing in my car, I wouldnt want me or my car to be limited. Also what is the point of buy an expensive sports car if you cant "use" it.


Also think if someone is chasing you and they try kill you, then you cant drive fast away from them.


Think if you need goto the hospital in an emergency then you cant drive fast.







eldmannen that wouldn't be so bad, considering if both of your cars are limited then the chase would be the same as if both of your cars were unrestricted. Also if both of your cars were restricted then it would be a safer chase lol, considering that you would be under the speed limit. Considering that fact if you are being chased and speeding you would have more of a chance of being spotted by a cop and his presence would probably cause the pursuer to get out of there, so thats a different look at it. But if your car was limited and his was not you are basically screwed.

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Insert random C4 joke here.

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The problem with speed limiters is, in Canada, most of the highways are only one lane in each direction. To pass slow traffic, you either break the speed limit or wait until there's no oncoming traffic for kilometres.

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thats crazy, most highways in canada, are one lane. yeah they would never use that in Canada, if I lived in Canada and I had that on my car and i was stuck behind some slow car forever, i would kill someone.









Canada is where they're testing it LOL


Your reply to Eldmannen was great. I'm picturing a chase between two identically controlled cars at the exact same speed for mile after mile after mile after mile after...


I guess the entire outcome of the chase would depend on who runs out of gas first!


I still think someone would figure out how to hack into the system with their XBox and play a game of real life Grand Theft Auto.



Click here to read about this INSANE street legal car

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Computers in cars can be re-programmed, tuners call it flashing the ECU. Many cars like some Mercedes-Benz, Jaguar, etc., are speed limited to 155 mph and some of those cars are capable of going past the 180 mph mark.


That Bugatti although interestingly ugly and insanely fast is like many 200 mph plus super cars which can still get the stuffings kicked out of them if someone has the time, money, and proper parts to convert either a Corvette or Mustang into a real monster.

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Well, maybe someone chase me, but I am a better driver, but I cant drive fast then that sucks. Hypothetically speaking, if he try shoot me from his car, then it would be more difficult if we both was driving fast. Also if he chase me and have gun, I can drive fast as I want because if I drive slow, I can get shot, if i drive fast sure it can be dangerous, but I rather drive fast than get shot, but maybe he dont want drive fast he ge scared and dont dare chase me. Or I have a much better car than him and I can drive fast, and he have a bad car that cant drive fast, then it sucks if we're both or me limited to a certain speed.


Also, I dont want the goverment or anyone to be able to track me where I am driving, and where I am, and that kind of stuff. That is my privacy and that is not anyones business.

If I drive at 6'o clock to Church of Harry Potter or at middle of night to a gay stripclub then thats none of anyones business.


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thats crazy, most highways in canada, are one lane. yeah they would never use that in Canada, if I lived in Canada and I had that on my car and i was stuck behind some slow car forever, i would kill someone.







Oh, no! :o What if it's Eldmannen in front of you? And what if he was going slow because his car couldn't go any faster? :( And you tried to pass him and your car couldn't go any faster either? :angry:


Is that why you asked if he lives in Europe? :D


LOL just kidding, I don't think that device will ever be used (I hope). And yes that is one ugly car but 2 V8s welded together with 4(!) turbochargers ugh ughh rruh (Tim Allen man grunt)! B)

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And yes that is one ugly car but 2 V8s welded together with 4(!) turbochargers ugh ughh rruh (Tim Allen man grunt)! B)






The gas mileage has to be horrible, whatsmore having all that horsepower can't be used on the streets anyways and could only be experienced on a race track.

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I think safe driving is good, they can invest that money on commercials on TV, newspaper, driving-school on other media to promote safe and responsible driving.

Cars that try to be safe eg, good seatbelts, airbags, good chairs, good breakes and that is also good.


But I dont want anyone or anything to be able to monitor/track/trace me, my devices or belongings without my explicit consent.


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We've seen one of the ugliest cars around. Here's the prettiest:






It's timeless! Too bad Ford couldn't use the original GT40 name.


I'd love to own a Ford GT however I still want all of these Aston Martin DB9, and this Brabus SLR McLaren, can't forget these Chevrolet Corvette Z06, Koenigsegg CCR, Lamborghini Murcielago Roadster, Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IX, Mosler MT 900S, Pagani Zonda Roadster, Shelby Cobra 427, Saleen S7 Twin Turbo, and Subaru Impreza WRX STI.

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thats crazy, most highways in canada, are one lane. yeah they would never use that in Canada, if I lived in Canada and I had that on my car and i was stuck behind some slow car forever, i would kill someone.







to defend some of the Canadian highways' honour, where I live in Ontario, the 400 series highways are some of the best in the world. They are generally 3 lanes in each direction and really safe to drive faster on. The government has been discussing for years the possibility of raising the speed limit to 120 km/hr. As for the device, of course there will be people hacking them, and legally too. For example, in Canada it is legal to steal satelite signals as long as they are coming from the States, and I beleive the reverse is true also. It would be the same thing with cars, there can be no absolute when it comes to speed controllers, as changing the tire size alone could increase your speed...

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you can steal americans satellite signals! thats awesome. i gotta move close to canadas border and get some of your stuff.







I dont think that you need to move close to the border. You just need tune in on the signals. Probably you would need to find a way to decrypt it. I think there are codes for that, they get updated once in a while, a month I think.


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I'm wondering what Interpol would have to say about that.







haha, not to sure, but i'm betting they have more pressing matters. As for the other comments, its not a matter of decrypting anything, you just need the right type of receiver and dish. kinda off topic here, but interesting non the less. The company's know its legal, but i'm guessing they don't make a big deal of it bc they make such profits of legit users. As for why its likely more popular up here, since the States has so many more stations and channels to choose from, theres a lot bigger insentive for us to watch your stations, also, many people who do it here also have a local provider which they do pay for, and just use the stolen signal for movies and such.

who knows what the future will bring though, with internet TV becoming more popular, all the stations may be become open to anyone.

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