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New Google sidebar


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Some users don't like this new left column in google search results. Someone has made an addon for Firefox which disables it.


In beta at the moment




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Page looks too cluttered and less space for the results. They should make the side bar collapsible. I think this is a trend to dumbing things down for Google. Chrome is joke that looks like it's designed by a five year old with brain damage and this side bar is just as stupid.

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That having to wait for mouse-over was infuriating, but now there's no option to get UK results only. Not one I could find anyway. I wish they'd stop meddling with the setup.


All change is bad, especially change for the better.

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You can always try this which gets its results direct from google, the main page has a different little message each time but the results page is just text (at least for now) Try a search


Look to the right of the main page which gives you the option of a 'private' search via https.




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