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corrupted file


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As of late everytime I run my CCleaner I get a message that states, "CCleaner.exe-corrupted file" The file or directory C:/$MFt is corrupted and unreadable. Please run the Chkdsk utility" What is causing this as of late? Never done it before. Dell added the ccleaner on my PC a number of months ago and I have never had a problem til now. What can I do?

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Tried reinstalling?

+ They probably did not add the latest version, so please check that too.


Welcome to the Forums :)



Thaks but I have done that and still get the same message. When I run Chkdsk then it run a 3 part section and in part two it is delete'n some file but never makes it to section 3 before it has done tons of deleteing of the sme file but nothing changes. Thanks for the help, any other ideas?

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Hi, Meador. :)


If your other applications are working properly, then uninstall Ccleaner, download a version that you know is right from: Filehippo and install it. If the issue still exists, make sure you have not gotten a virus.


Scan with your antivirus. If you can not do that, or if you have a virus which you can't get rid of, read here: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=20120. If you follow those instructions, someone here may be able to help.

The CCleaner SLIM version is always released a bit after any new version; when it is it will be HERE :-)

Pssssst: ... It isn't really a cloud. Its a bunch of big, giant servers.

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If the error message says that c:/$MFT is corrupted then you appear to have a problem with the master file table, possibly the slot holding the CC file name. I would suggest that you presevere with chkdisk (I can't really grasp what what you're saying about running chkdisk). Or try some simple attempts to fix the problem. Try to rename CC to CCleanerbad.exe and then do a fresh install. The proper solution, at least the first step, is to get chkdisk running cleanly.

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Running chkdsk is probably the solution. Why Microsoft doesn't have it automatically scheduled to periodically run like once per week is beyond me as most people that never used Win9x (where you had to use ScanDisk) don't bother nowadays to check their disks for errors.

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Did chkdsk finish when you ran it? Maybe what needs to be said here is that it takes a long time. I got a corrupted file in my mft just recently, and chkdsk fixed it but it took hours.


So be sure you let it finish, like Augeas and Andavari said.


Also, if the mft appears corrupt, it doesn't necessarily mean that the HD is ruined.


Good luck, post back.

The CCleaner SLIM version is always released a bit after any new version; when it is it will be HERE :-)

Pssssst: ... It isn't really a cloud. Its a bunch of big, giant servers.

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