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Mozilla/Firefox cache not being cleaned.


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I have the all cache cleaning options ticked under "Applications" under "Mozilla /Firefox". After running cleaner it states



CLEANING COMPLETE - (0.532 secs)


881 bytes removed.

Secure file deletion enabled - Gutmann (35 passes)



Details of files deleted


C:\Documents and Settings\Owner.FREDDIE\Recent\log.txt.lnk 476 bytes

Removed Cookie: www.yahoo.com

Firefox/Mozilla cache cleaning was skipped.

C:\Documents and Settings\Owner.FREDDIE\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\macromedia.com\support\flashplayer\sys\settings.sol 405 bytes





I still have url addresses in Mozilla/Firefox that are not cleaned.


Please advise.


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Welcome FredS


Why Gutmann (35 passes)?


Are you you a member of the CIA, FBI, Interpol or an Al-Queda terrorist that wants to remain anonymous?


Or are you just paranoid?


Have you installed the winapp2.ini to enable extra application cleaning?

http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com <== winapp2.ini section




"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school." - Albert Einstein

IE7Pro user

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@kenny I use gutmann too
I'm a bit older than 15 but sadly I wish I knew 0.01% of what I knew then.


When I was 15 I knew everything but when I turned 25 I realized that I could not live long enough to know everything. :lol:

"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school." - Albert Einstein

IE7Pro user

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If I told you why 35 passes I'd have to.... well , you know :D:P


Just like being thorough , I guess. Anyway thanks for the link.

Does that involve being put on the rack?


I think that would feel good on my arthritic back as long as you don't pull my arms or legs off.

"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school." - Albert Einstein

IE7Pro user

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Well, to be thorough Gutmann did advise disabling disk buffering before you start overwriting....


I am dismayed by the adherents of Gutmann. I can't think of any other example of an incorrect grasp of theory and practice being swallowed by so many so blindly. It's almost a religion.


Data has never been written in its raw state to a disk. It couldn't be read if it were. All data is encoded by the disk's intenal software before being written to disk, including Gutmann's tables.


In Gutmann's 1996 paper he briefly touched on 'the latest high-density drives' using PRML internal encoding (yep, that's what we're using). His paper (and his overwrite tables) does not cover PRML but the far older and relatively simpler RLL coding. Gutmann does not apply to current disk technology.


As for PRML disks he says, quite correctly, that the disk's internal data processing is far too complex to try to interpret, so 'a good scrubbing with random data will do about as well as can be expected.' In other words, Gutmann says that using his overwrite patterns is a waste of time on disks produced in the last twelve years or more. Nobody seems to have read that bit.


CC does of course not use random data in it's one overwrite pass, but binary zeroes. However the data is scrambled, encoded and expanded by the disk software before it's actually written using very complex proprietary software which can vary across disk types, or even different models from the same manufacturer. Even if you could read overwritten data you would just get back what appears to be rubbish.


So, if you're using a Winchester drive and are worried, use Gutmann. If your disk was produced in the last fifteen years, you're wasting your time. I only wish that Piriform grasped that.


Well, it is Sunday morning and I should really be doing something useful. I just have a thing about Gutmann.

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We'll , I tried everything recommended ; I think I did it correctly and nothing improved as I still get the same message. Either I missed a step or there is another problem . It is interesting that Piriform has not corrected this problem yet. If it is happening to me it is happening to a lot of other people.


Does anyone know of another cleaner that would clean the FireFox/ Mozilla cache??


Any suggestions would be appreciated.



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Removed Cookie: thefreedictionary.com

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator.ROB-1BFEA6429D9\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\304qimeu.default\downloads.sqlite 5.00KB

Firefox/Mozilla Temporary Internet Cache (139 files) 48.4MB


I have no problem




Check task manager -> Processes to see if there is a copy of FireFox.exe running in the background, that has happened to me before where only the gui closes but not the process.

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Well, to be thorough Gutmann did advise disabling disk buffering before you start overwriting....


I am dismayed by the adherents of Gutmann. I can't think of any other example of an incorrect grasp of theory and practice being swallowed by so many so blindly. It's almost a religion.

Plus its Sunday as well.


So, if you're using a Winchester drive and are worried, use Gutmann. If your disk was produced in the last fifteen years, you're wasting your time. I only wish that Piriform grasped that.


Well, it is Sunday morning and I should really be doing something useful. I just have a thing about Gutmann.

I have a thing about myths, half truths and politics.


With them and $1.50 you can get a cup of coffee.


Beautiful Fall day here.

"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school." - Albert Einstein

IE7Pro user

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As you have been advised, Firefox must NOT be running when you wish to clear its cache.


PLEASE USE Windows Task Manager FIRST :-

If you have "closed" Firefox, then Firefox will NOT be listed on the Applications tab.

NOW select the Process Tab and click on Image Name to sort in sequence, and look for a Firefox Process.


Sometimes a process continues to exist when the "application" has been closed.

If you see a Firefox process, then select that process and click on the "End Process" button,

then start CCleaner and clean the Firefox cache.

This is ALWAYS the cause (and a perfect cure) when CCleaner fails to clean the cache for me.


n.b. If CCleaner is running before you kill Firefox, perhaps it will not recognise its execution until you close and then restart CCleaner.

I have never seen any such problem because I always take extra effort to help the computer do what should be done, and even then Windows gives me grief !!!




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Hi - Because Firefox 3 is so slow to open (not load pages, but the actual application open), I have been using a small program called "Firefox Preloader" which apparently loads part of FF into memory at boot - I hear Internet Explorer does the same thing automatically.


Ever since I started using the pre-loader, CC gives me the same message - that I must close FF before proceeding or it does skip the cache, etc.


Sure enough, if I close the pre-loader (which usually resides in the Task Bar) then CC works as before.


I was hoping someone here would know of a way to allow the pre-loader to continue to run. It seems strange that IE loads part of itself at boot and CC doesn't see it as "continuing to run" when the Cleaner operates, but objects to the FF pre-load.


Any workarounds known? Or, since I have CC scheduled, is there a way to write something like a batch file (remember those) that would close the FF Pre-loader before running CC?



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Hmmm...I didnt know Guttman was actually a person...who is he??? And...has anyone ever TOLD him any of this?

Yup, his name is Peter Gutmann and he used to live at the Department of Computer Science, University of Auckland. I think he runs his own computer security business now. His paper was published at The Sixth USENIX Security Symposium, July 22?25, 1996, San Jose. Yes, he knows all about this and said as much at the time.

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I have been using a small program called "Firefox Preloader" which apparently loads part of FF into memory at boot - I hear Internet Explorer does the same thing automatically.


I was hoping someone here would know of a way to allow the pre-loader to continue to run. It seems strange that IE loads part of itself at boot and CC doesn't see it as "continuing to run" when the Cleaner operates, but objects to the FF pre-load.


Any workarounds known? Or, since I have CC scheduled, is there a way to write something like a batch file (remember those) that would close the FF Pre-loader before running CC?



1. Not quite. I.E. is unfortunately embedded within Windows. You can't get rid of it.

I.E. does not pre-load itself. It is M.$. Windows software that takes a long time on start up loading all sorts of code. Hence I.E. can be launched without loading much more code.


2. Not really strange. Launch Windows Task Manager and view Processes.

You will only see I.E. if the I.E. browser is actually running, and present on the task bar. Its Pre-loader is Windows itself. You will see the F.F if its pre-loader is present. You only have to select that process and click the "end process" button to stop it, then CC will clean the cache.


3. Yes, but it would be dangerous if you killed the wrong process. If I advise you wrongly it could damage your system. Others here may have first hand experience and could help, or visit


A possible alternative might be to schedule the FF pre-loader to occur after using CC.

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Just curious here, so I'll ask. Are you possibly talking about the URL's in the Firefox 3 "Awesome" dropdown menu?


If so you can disable it. I don't have FF 3 so I'm not sure if CCleaner actually gets to the source of the Awesome bar information. A similar problem exists with the Opera "Auto Complete" dropdown menu.


Just a thought.


Disable FF3 Aweful Bar:

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No, its not the Awesome Bar - I disabled that a long time ago when I realized CC would not clean that history. Its the actual browser cache.


If the FF Pre-loader is running, CC must consider the browser to still be open and give the warning that it will skip the cleaning unless the browser is first closed.


That's why I was hoping there was some way of shutting down the FF pre-loader before running CC (which I do prior to shutting down for the day - cleaning all history, MRU, etc. at the end of the day).


From what has been said, it looks like manually closing the FF pre-loader is the only method. I was hoping for something more "automatic."



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Welcome FredS


Why Gutmann (35 passes)?


Are you you a member of the CIA, FBI, Interpol or an Al-Queda terrorist that wants to remain anonymous?


Or are you just paranoid?


Have you installed the winapp2.ini to enable extra application cleaning?

http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com <== winapp2.ini section






Kenny how does a guy with a "OM" avatar get such a truculent,smart ass attitude?

I use Guttman because I am an Islamic Extremist who gets his rocks off using Zionist Technology to out fox infidel devils like yourself.



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