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Thanks JDPower :) , I don't think I'm going to bother with it.

A few weeks ago "Smitfraud" stuffed up my (Add or Remove-Programs) list, and I can't go through the procedure as described in http://support.microsoft.com/kb/282599

Try just doing step 3, that step alone often stops it re-adding itself:


Step 3: Run Regsvr32 /U on the Msimtf.dll and Msctf.dll Files


1. Click Start and then click Run.

2. In the Run dialog box, type the following command:


Regsvr32.exe /u msimtf.dll


3. Click OK.

4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for the Msctf.dll file.

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Must just be for IE, I only use it in FF and haven't seen any startup item or service for it.


I've got two of the bloody things running at the moment:




I had one yesterday, and disabled it. That didn't work, and it's come back with a mate. ;)


I have it in IE as well, as my daughter uses it. But the "SAService" on the right is running on startup, without being online, although I deleted the one entry that was in my startup.


Is the one on the right starting with IE? My daughter's just been online before me.

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I've got two of the bloody things running at the moment:




I had one yesterday, and disabled it. That didn't work, and it's come back with a mate. ;)


I have it in IE as well, as my daughter uses it. But the "SAService" on the right is running on startup, without being online, although I deleted the one entry that was in my startup.


Is the one on the right starting with IE? My daughter's just been online before me.

I've never seen those processes so must be related to IE. I also don't have SiteAdvisor in my Program Files folder like you do.

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Ok, just fired up Returnil and installed the IE version of SiteAdvisor and yes, that is responsible for the two services - SAService.exe and SiteAdv.exe (SiteAdv.exe added to startup). Both are running even with IE closed and using a total of 25MB of memory.


I knew there was a reason I'd never bothered with the IE version <_<


EDIT: Doesn't uninstall very cleanly either.

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Ok, just fired up Returnil and installed the IE version of SiteAdvisor and yes, that is responsible for the two services - SAService.exe and SiteAdv.exe (SiteAdv.exe added to startup). Both are running even with IE closed and using a total of 25MB of memory.


I knew there was a reason I'd never bothered with the IE version <_<


Thanks for trying that JD. A bit more information.


I've got SiteAdvisor disabled in my startup, and it doesn't come back active when I fire up IE.




And I've got SiteAdvisor Service disabled.




The resut being, that I only have the one service running now.




When I took this screenshot, I had FF and IE running. Both SiteAdvisors were active, with only the one service running.


Whatever SAService does, it apparently isn't needed to have both FF and IE protected, and ProcessLibrary.com have no info on it other than it's safe.


Puzzled about program files. I've a lot of stuff in SiteAdvisors program files folder:




I assumed everyone did.


Would anyone else like to have a look what they have in program files? Would appreciate the input.

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Try just doing step 3, that step alone often stops it re-adding itself:

Thanks for trying to help JD ;) , however after reading info at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/282599

What Amount of System Resources Is Used When Ctfmon.exe Is Running?

Ctfmon.exe uses little of the system resources if Advanced Text Services are not running. Advanced Text Services are those input technologies (speech recognition, handwriting recognition, and Input Method Editors) that are being controlled by Ctfmon.exe via a TIP.

I just don't feel like messing with something like that.

I'm down from 12 to 8 items now ;)

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need help here guys. im just annoyed by this "NvCplDaemon" Startup entry..anyone knows how to remove it?

From Castlecops:

System Tray icon used to change display settings, change the clock rate and memory speed for nVidia based graphics cards. This is unnecessary since you can easily configure these settings the way you want them in the Display Properties and not have to mess with them again. Also disable the "NVIDIA Driver Helper Service" if enabled as it can cause this entry to be re-enabled on re-boot (note that this service can also cause extreme shutdown delays if enabled - see here)
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ctfmon.exe takes special steps to remove it. Thankfully MS tell you how:



I followed those instructions after installing IE7 last year (or was it earlier this year, I really don't remember). Somebody had posted info on these forums about disabling ctfmon.exe. I found out having MS Office 2003 and IE7 installed at the same time caused ctfmon.exe to make the system severely slow running, and even messed with the speed of the start menu which was totally unacceptable for me.


I now also have a CCleaner cleaning routine to eliminate it from starting up via the registry, but I think that will only work after using that Microsoft article you linked to.




That SiteAdvisor service to my knowledge is only in the Internet Explorer version. That service was using a good chunk of memory on my system. I removed the IE version of SiteAdvisor as it was unnecessary since I have fully migrated back to Firefox (while it's relatively bug free on my system now).

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Puzzled about program files. I've a lot of stuff in SiteAdvisors program files folder:




I assumed everyone did.


Would anyone else like to have a look what they have in program files? Would appreciate the input.


Hi Dennis,


Frankly, once you know an application is legit, do not question what's in its Program Files folder; the developers obviously deem it essential to the program's workings.



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Hi Dennis,


Frankly, once you know an application is legit, do not question what's in its Program Files folder; the developers obviously deem it essential to the program's workings.



Thanks Tony, point well taken.


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