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ordering Windows XP cd


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hi, my friend bought a laptop second-hand a few days ago, and the HD is blank/wiped, so she wants to buy a Windows XP installation cd.

is it possible to order Windows XP cds online? (legally)


I did a google search, didn't really find anything..


the only thing I found, was this joke of a price from the official microsoft site

( Microsoft Windows XP CD ordering page )


they are asking $299.00 for a CD??!?! is this some kind of sick joke?

never in my life have I seen a CD worth so much :blink:


I didn't know wether to laugh or throw up when I saw that page

how can they rip people off like that? that's horrible


is there anywhere else I can legitely buy the CD? or am I going to have to install Linux on her machine?

(she hates it)


she actually considered buying the CD for $299.00 if she had to.. I had to knock some sense into her! no way will I let her spend so much money on that :unsure:

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hi, my friend bought a laptop second-hand a few days ago, and the HD is blank/wiped, so she wants to buy a Windows XP installation cd.

is it possible to order Windows XP cds online? (legally)


I did a google search, didn't really find anything..


the only thing I found, was this joke of a price from the official microsoft site

( Microsoft Windows XP CD ordering page )


they are asking $299.00 for a CD??!?! is this some kind of sick joke?

never in my life have I seen a CD worth so much :blink:


I didn't know wether to laugh or throw up when I saw that page

how can they rip people off like that? that's horrible


is there anywhere else I can legitely buy the CD? or am I going to have to install Linux on her machine?

(she hates it)


she actually considered buying the CD for $299.00 if she had to.. I had to knock some sense into her! no way will I let her spend so much money on that :unsure:



I'm all for going legit but if Microstupid wants to charge that for an XP CD go illegal and screw them. They need to realize Vista is a bloated dog and many would prefer to stay with XP. On second thought they are probably fully aware of that fact and that's why they charge a fortune for the XP disk. What a way to force people to use your bloated new OS.

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