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Found New Hardware Wizard (Nuisance)


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Since installing my printer software again, every time I boot up I get that flaming "found new hardware" window.


I installed it with its own CD, all according to the instructions, but the wonderful wizard of hardware takes no notice of the "don't ask me again about this hardware" checked box.


Someone tell me how to disable this....please.



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Someone tell me how to disable this....please.

A good solid macho whack with a sledgehammer should work out the kinks! ;)


Actually your problem isn't uncommon as a Google search turns up some stuff.


There's a topic I found:



Someone in that thread eluded to the Windows Installer Config.msi folder retaining and containing garbage (how is that not surprising). :rolleyes:

Try the CCleaner winapp2.ini add-on I made called "Config.msi Folder", or for the sake of convenience without churning through the winapp2.ini file you can just copy it from here (makin' things quick 'n' easy):


[*Config.msi Folder]; Cleans the Config.msi folder in case a Windows Installer package; is sloppy and doesn't automatically remove unpacked setup files.LangSecRef=3025Default=TrueDetectFile=%windir%\system32\msiexec.exeFileKey1=%systemdrive%\Config.msi|*.*|RECURSE


If none of the above work perhaps someone else has some ideals about how to fix that reoccurring hardware detection. However remember a sledgehammer would actually fix it. :P

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That link gave me a headache, but thanks for it anyway, that's now my last resort.


First I'm trying your .ini file, and then the sledgehammer.


Thanks for your help, I'll ket you know if it worked before I swing the hammer.


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How about cleaning the cd then allowing the found new hardware wizard to do it's thing again.

You never know, it might of missed a few files due to the cd being a bit dirty or something.


Alternatively, download the software from the manufacturers website, uninstall what you have already installed and reinstall from the download.


Plus, it could also be that your cd drive is having lazy moments.

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Hi guys, I feel a bit embarrassed after all the efforts you've gone to, but I've sorted the problem myself, really quite easily in the end.


I originally installed the software according to the printer manual, and that is to let the cd autorun. The obvious trouble with this recommended method is that you bypass the Wizard.


Now, on my pc, the "Found New Hardware Wizard" is female.


The fact that you've installed something behind her back, really pisses her off.


The secret, is to let her think she's installing the software, when you are really controlling everything yourself.


So while she wasn't looking, I uninstalled the already installed software, and then rebooted.


Right on cue, up she pops, predictable as ever. "I've found new hardware" she says. "Oh have you dear", I reply.


"Would you like me to connect to the Internet?" she says, "or do you have a disk or something you would like me to look through"?


"Well, if it's no trouble, I do have a cd here that you may find useful", I reply.


So, off she goes, rummaging through my possessions, to eventually pop up again saying, "I've found something I might be able to install for you dear".


"Oh, have you dear", I say again.


"Actually", she says, "there's a number of options here, and if you like, I'll let you choose which one I will install".


"Very kind", I say, and point out the one I already picked earlier.


So off she trots, merrily installing the same driver I installed behind her back last night.


"Should I finish now dear", she says.


"By all means", I reply, "and thank you very much, I don't know how I would manage without you."


Job done, printer working great.


Women. ;)

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The Found New Hardware Wizard put you through all of that. :(

Now that's what I'd call a "Windows feature" to live without.


Hmm did Found New Hardware Wizard also change your avatar to the sofa it's gonna make you sleep on for writing all that about it, you know it controls everything and can even request you go back to your Last Known Good Configuration which is its somewhat benevolent sister (well its sister now since some anti-virus deleted its worm, it used to be Found New Hardware Wizard's brother)! :lol:


Dennis dear, just asking on behalf of the women of the forum, do you like hospital food? :)

You lost me there. :huh:

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You lost me there. :huh:

LOL, obviously not a common phrase on that side of the water - 'Do you like hospital food?' ie you'll be spending some time there eating it if you carry on like that ;)

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Hmm did Found New Hardware Wizard also change your avatar to the sofa it's gonna make you sleep on for writing all that about it, you know it controls everything and can even request you go back to your Last Known Good Configuration which is its somewhat benevolent sister (well its sister now since some anti-virus deleted its worm, it used to be Found New Hardware Wizard's brother)! :lol:


The sofa's only temporary, might just keep my head down for a couple of days. :unsure:


(well its sister now since some anti-virus deleted its worm, it used to be Found New Hardware Wizard's brother)!


Had to read that twice before it clicked. 1%20(233).gif

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LOL, obviously not a common phrase on that side of the water - 'Do you like hospital food?' ie you'll be spending some time there eating it if you carry on like that ;)

Finally I got it, belated laugh! :lol:

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I've never tried hospital food, and I'm not keen on changing that. :)

It's not that bad really, at least at my local hospital it isn't.


They put me on the cardiac diet when I went in for my blood clot last year. I never told you all this but when I got out of the hospital and weighed myself I had lost a whopping 15 pounds in only five days of doing nothing but being in a hospital bed. Evidently that cardiac diet works, possibly works too good. I gained the all weight back though. :(

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Hey man, sorry to hear that.


I've had my fair share of hospitals one way or another this year, and I hope for both of us that it's a long time before we see them again, if ever.


I'm not giving you any flowers though. :)

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