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Posts posted by Corona

  1. I'd also be lying if I didn't think it'd explode like the board game Perfection if you drop it.


    Or "Ploink!" But they'll prolly develop a clear membrane casing to hold the backing together.


    The new Motorola Jenga! :lol:

  2. Sorry Razz about the "completely without nuance" line. It was one of my favorite Everybody Loves Raymond lines and I just had to use it. But now I see it does come off a bit harsh when written on the internet without context. My bad. :wacko:

  3. I think it means that Frances' college students have reached the computing stage of making CGI short films. I'm not knocking the work or creativity or knowledge of Stalinist architecture involved to create this short. But look at it. It's completely without nuance.

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