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Posts posted by Corona

  1. Never delete a shared .dll., or a 'shared' anything. Matter of fact, just leave .dll's alone unless you are trying to get rid of everything from one app and already know what you're doing first. Either way, back-up everything before you delete. Every time.

  2. Or the private and public union retirement funds, benefits, healthcare, inter-generational welfare, Social Security, Medicaid, teachers' unions, SEIU, AFL-CIO, AFSCME, GM, all failed green energy start-ups, Fanny Mae, Freddie Mac, Wall St. bailouts, Goldman Sachs, Keiser Permanente, Planned Parenthood, ACORN, NSA, municipal bonds nation-wide,



    ...and a baby's arm holding an apple! (The Tubes were a popular band in the 70s-80s.)

  3. One of the best entrepreneur investments of the 50s', 60s'. Fake glasses with bird feathers and red cellophane in them. I bet he made almost as much as the Pet Rock guy. And there were Sea Monkeys and Ant Farms.

  4. Thanks Hazelnut. (Why don't they just link to the pic itself without encasing it within Photobucket? :rolleyes: )


    Notice that C in the bottom right corner of my desktop? It should look familiar. (I mean besides the fact that it's the exact font and thickness as CCleaners' logo. I just noticed that right now.) Cyan is developing a new game. Might even support Ocular Rift.

  5. th_Untitled-1copy_zps7e9afdfa.png


    Just gotta ask, when you click on my thumbnail image, do you link to my Photobucket page with the option of advancing through all the pics in my library, or do you see just the enlarged image itself with no navigation controls? Because when I click on it it goes to my PB page with full controls open. Kinda freaky. :wacko:

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