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Posts posted by Andavari

  1. Rather it can fix it or not from locking up Dial-a-fix in the Tools section can reinstall Defrag, of course if the DLL files on the hard disk are corrupt you may need to extract them somehow from the original Windows install CD.



    Also sometimes a messed up prefetch folder can cause Defrag to fail or not work at all, Dial-a-fix can also fix the prefetch folder in the Tools section using Process Idle Tasks, or you can do this via Start->Run by using this command:


    %windir%\system32\Rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks


  2. My 2nd song is titled: The splashes of blood

    Are you making a Metal album? I ask because the second song also sounds very Metal, well actually very Death Metal. If you're not going to sale your album give us a link to download the songs or samples when you're finished.

  3. I use a hardware firewall and only online scanners. No active antivirus, because I can't think of a time when I've ever caught anything (tried eTrust, Nod32, and Kaspersky).

    That will work if you don't accidently visit any dodgy sites and keep Windows updated and if you're the only user of your system. However running without active antivirus isn't something for all systems especially multi-user systems as there's no way of knowing what other people do on a system, or what websites they visit - and remember evil sites like myspace.com which infected people via an ad banner (if I'm remembering correctly).

  4. Welcome to the CCleaner Forums!


    Some people may suggest to keep the backups for a few days and diehard paranoids may say up to three months, however it's up to you to choose. And storing the backup on the Desktop is unsightly just move them if they start to annoy you. Personally what I would do is create a folder in My Documents named CCleaner Backups and move all those .reg files in there, and if they are getting rather big or too numerous just ZIP all of them to make them one file, and should they be needed at a later date you'll have them. Of course eventually delete them either individually or from the ZIP archive once you know you won't be needing them.


    should the items be "merged"

    By merged what do you mean as that could mean two things, e.g.;

    • Restored into the registry by double clicking them - will cause CCleaner to detect them again and isn't necessary unless you're having problems after cleaning the issues.
    • Combined into one file - which isn't necessary as you can simply add all of them into one ZIP archive.

  5. I don't want to be a spoiler but I think it's legal to list out lyrics without permission from the artist/label that owns them. Hence the reason cover songs that bands do typically don't have the lyrics printed in the liner notes - even if they have permission to have the song on their CD.

  6. Why does it complain about it being dangerous to restore files to the same volume though???


    I suppose the main reason is like any other when attempting to restore deleted files you don't want to add too many new files to the original disk as much as possible because of the risk of losing the file you're attempting to restore - but it isn't entirely logical if someone only has a C: drive and is attempting to recover a large amount of files as there wouldn't be anywhere else to store the recovered files.


    Also a few other people have had the rare problem of CCleaner wiping out the My Documents folder and Desktop icons, a quick forum search would reveal those posts. If it's CCleaner related or not I don't know.

  7. Webmasters who have websites that don't valid as valid HTML/XHTML and CSS should be hanged.

    With the plethora a WYSIWYG web page authoring applications that can and do make a royal mess of the page code it's no wonder there's severe and even critical compatibility issues when a particular browser chokes on some websites.


    And yeah you're correct about validating the code which is a must, especially for companies that have websites, and a "good" image to keep because often the website is the first contact people have with some companies or services, and it's nothing but a quick way to lose a potential customer if their Firefox, or Opera doesn't work on a site and they're forced to use Internet Explorer.

  8. Alone with what Hazelnut just stated a good place to save the backups is in 'My Documents' or create a 'Backups' folder in the CCleaner program files folder so that you can easily find them if they're needed - which is rather unlikely, but who knows you may need them.

  9. A little searching of the forum would have turned up how to have CCleaner clean junk files under the Cleaner button, and then shutdown Windows - Windows XP that is.


    How to have CCleaner auto-clean and then shutdown Windows XP:


    Copy the text below in the CODE, paste it into Notepad, and save it onto the desktop as including the quotation marks:

    "CCleaner Auto Then Shutdown.bat"

    @echo off
    echo CCleaner Auto Clean Then Shutdown Windows XP
    "%ProgramFiles%\CCleaner\ccleaner.exe" /AUTO
    SHUTDOWN -s -t 30 -c "System Shutdown"
    echo To allow the System Shutdown just wait.
    echo To abort the System Shutdown press any
    echo key on your keyboard.

    Edit: Updated the script in the CODE to allow System Shutdown to be aborted.

  10. I feel sorry for all those unfortunate people who actually bought Norton Antivirus. That piece of resource hogging junk is even more difficult to get rid of than a virus, since it wont even uninstall.

    Ditto! It's been that way for years and is unlikely to change.


    Also just because something is freeware/open source doesn't mean it's any worse or better than commercial software. I prefer open source first then freeware whenever I can find it as an alternative to commercial software that may not even be updated as frequently or supported as much as a free alternative.

  11. it took Me 10 times longer for pages to load then IE, sometimes even longer.

    If the site is coded specifically for IE that could cause a severe slowdown as I recently experienced trying to get my 10 free tracks from Sony's Connect.com and finally gave up because after waiting 5+ minutes for the page to load the s.o.b. stated I had to use IE.


    I've personally noticed significant to pathetic slow loading if a page has tons and gobs of JavaScript on a page and no this doesn't have anything to do with being on dial-up it's because of the pages coding. Such an example is Yahoo! TV which takes forever to load in FF unless I start my proxy filtering software CookieCop to block some of Yahoo's JavaScript, yet the same site loads a bit faster in IE and Opera.


    Edit: Just letting you know there's no way you could have installed it wrong!

  12. I can't offer any info on why it's happening other than if a .url "Internet Shortcut" is in that folder since Internet Explorer/Explorer tries to show a preview of the website it links to - well at least it did that in Win98, which always annoyed me.


    The one and only suggestion I'd have to make or test at the least is zip all files in that folder, e.g.; .exe, .url, etc., files that could possible make explorer.exe start an outbound connection - which should also keep those files more protected from easily getting infected should a virus ever get onto your system.

  13. Anyways the Firewall seem to be doing great no repeats of programs asking for promession and it seem to pick up everything I install so Im goingto give it a whirl fora while.


    When it has matured a bit and has a few versions out I'll give it a whirl too. I'm just not to trusting of version 1.0 brand new release of a software firewall, even though the firewall does come from a trusted developer with quality software that I've previously used over the past few years.

  14. possible the source for this problem is the different DPI settings i have on my system


    That's what I was thinking. However an application shouldn't really be crashing due to your display settings unless there's some minimum built into CCleaner. In any event it's something the developer will have to diagnose.


    However in the meantime there's something you can do, and take screenshots of it when CCleaner crashes and that is to run CCleaner in DEBUG mode via:


    Copy+Paste the below parameter into Start->Run:"C:\Program Files\CCleaner\ccleaner.exe" /DEBUG


  15. I could've sworn that under "Is this fair?" that it said "Buying new pants..." :lol:


    The price may be fair if you're dealing with NewEgg.com, I don't really see stuff I'm looking at overpriced on there and the only time I've ever seen them beaten price wise was because they charged shipping and another site didn't.


    I remember that making a PC from a whiskey bottle in another thread, but I think its rather stupid as PC's are fragile enough if banged around or dropped but that thing would just shatter.

  16. wow, at best buy thatd be about $175, and i almost bought one! :lol:

    i forgot even to check on newegg.


    Staples is almost or just as bad, you can typically find allot of PC stuff cheaper online, and even with shipping and handling you'll still save allot of money. Gone are the days of shopping in my community to keep money in it when the prices are so vastly and drastically different.


    Now I wonder how much difference in price it would be to buy a new car online?

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