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Posts posted by Andavari

  1. Maybe AV some vendors have been hit with some sort of zero day attack as my pc seems fine apart for the prob with my av.


    I dunno, but allot of people may have a nice fuzzy "I feel safe feeling" with AV installed but many of them are easy to defeat by some crafty malware or even some simple registry key removal. But it's worse in my opinion when they are so bloated/crappy/buggy that they kill themselves off.


    However with AVG I was able to confirm the updater causing all the problems I experienced three times in a row on my system, and I've scanned with all my anti-malware software today and nothing was found so my system isn't infected. That wasn't the first time AVG had self destructed on me this year because just a few months ago after an update it was corrupted and had a horde of missing files which sort of sounds similar. I won't be using AVG for a very long time if ever at all again due to the continuing problems it has, and since I've completely lost all trust in it, and now I'm glad when I was tempted to get either AVG Professional or AVG plus Firewall that I didn't buy it.

  2. 1. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas


    * Do anything you want.

    * Go anywhere you want.


    2. The whole Final Fantasy series.


    * Does this really need an explanation?


    3. Enthusia Professional Racing

    It's a little known racing gem from Konami - the makers of the Metal Gear series.


    * More realistic car handling (road cars, race cars, rally cars). To me the car handling seems more realistic than the Gran Turismo series so if you brake too late for a corner you probably won't make it through cleanly or will smash into the barrier.

    * Strick driving "rules" if you place a wheel off course a tid bit or use a shortcut by straight lining a chicane you're penalized by loosing points, and those points are what allow your car to be upgraded after each race. If you hit other cars you're also penalized.

    * It has interesting tracks both tarmac and rally courses. It has the full 12.944 mile Nurburgring Nordschleife racing track as used in the old days of Formula 1 which is really something to remember yet self rewarding once you can do lap after blistering lap in a 600 hp race car without flying off the track.

  3. After the updater of AVG Free installed AVG Free Edition 7.1.407 just the other day I noticed that the updater avginet.exe started to mess with the main AVG executable AVGW.exe. First it had named AVGW.exe to AVGW.exe.DEL, so I renamed it back to it's original name and rebooted thinking that would fix it but no go there. As soon as I ran the updater again to check for a definition update avginet.exe really got nasty and instead just deleted AVGW.exe versus renaming it.


    Although I don't know if this occurs on other systems I wanted to warn AVG Free users, so if anyone else is wondering why their AVG Free stops working and won't load the reason why may be because of avginet.exe.


    Had it not been for CCleaner's Issues scanner which detected bad shortcuts to AVGW.exe and some other registry issues related to it I wouldn't have known that AVG destroyed itself.


    I'm glad it was only used as a secondary scanner on my system and wasn't the main antivirus application, needless to say I won't be using AVG Free again, and now my secondary scanner is ClamWin Free Antivirus which so far hasn't destroyed itself.

  4. I'd run a thorough scandisk to check the disk surface to be sure before shelling out the money for a new hdd - especially for an old system that may not get used that much.

  5. Well slow running programs that are testing for damage are very dependant on the amount processing speed.


    If those are audio files you're testing you should know that WavPack when using the -m switch during encoding, testing, decoding through WvUnpack ("WavPack decoder") can tell you if the checksum is ok. Also FLAC is very robust against errors.

  6. It could turn out to be one of those instances where buying one of those bargain PC's for $299-$499 in the long run could actually be cheaper than fixing what he bought. If where he bought it has a return offer that would be my suggestion.

  7. Nor did I and I have never really paid much heed to static.


    It's also why placing a PC tower on a carpeted floor is a very bad ideal and I've seen people doing just that.

  8. I'll post my thoughts and a screenshot about it later after I have some time to customize(I need to get a few essential programs, ect.)


    Cool! I'm really interested in you sharing your results as I'd like to have something stable that doesn't need to be constantly reinstalled on my old Win98 compatible PC. For some essential programs head on over to SourceForge.net :)

  9. Well, do you have flat-rate dial-up?

    Or do your dial-up pay for every minute you are online?

    If you pay for every minute you are online, isn't it more expensive than broadband?


    Yeah it's flat-rate as you say, or as the ISP's say unlimited Internet for $9.99 or whatever they charge. I don't think most people in their right frame of mind would pay per minute for measly dial-up unless they had no choice and accepted toll charges.


    Most stuff on TV is crap, but I like The Simpsons, Family Guy and sometimes some other stuff. I also like the extra pay channels we get which actually does have movies.


    Indeed most stuff on TV is crap like allot of the reality shows which I wish would just die off, and all the re-runs that I could seriously do without but there are a few handful of shows that have me suscribe to cable t.v. being Battlestar Galactica (the new series), Formula 1, The 4400, MotorWeek, some of the movies on FX channel, and just a few others.


    You can get bicycle instead of ride car. You can buy low-energy lamps instead of lightbulbs. You can turn off lights in room where nobody is. You can turn off or unplug devices instead of let them be on standby mode. You can mount a solarcell panel on the roof that generates electricity.


    Yeah a bicycle can indeed reduce the dependancy on an automobile or motored vehicle but let's be real it's in no way convenient when traveling long distances and if you lived where I did all these damn hills would kick your ass in a hurry on a bicycle as it isn't all flat and easy peddling.


    The low-energy light bulb thing is something I do and the house is typically dark anyways which creeps some people out - maybe I was a bat in a previous life.


    Solar panels aren't cheap if they weren't integrated into a house during construction because then a conversion would have to take place. However if I were to build a brand new house or completely renovate one it would have a roof covered with solar panels and the basement would have those large massive several feet tall either glass or plastic containers of water which hold the solar generated heat for heating the house during cold months, but I also think they work for cooling in the summer months.

  10. At the moment in the UK Andavari, providers are falling over themselves to get your custom. Very cheap deals are on offer for combined broadband, phone and sky digital.


    Well I've heard for several years where ISP's were as you stated falling over themselves to get consumers in Europe and elsewhere and I even heard of AOL giving away free Internet in some parts of Europe, whilst here in the U.S. prices have increased to some extent with AOL being a prime example.


    At least ISP's like NetZero and PeoplePC (both dial-up) started the "cheap" ISP's that even AOL had to get into via their subsidiary Netscape. Now if they could only figure a way to make broadband affordable for all which is something the current U.S. president Bush had stated about making it affordable in a speech a few short years ago - which is yet to be realized.

  11. Yeah it works really well for creating a bloated .rtf or .doc document with an uncompressed image in it which I suppose by definition is a Window Bitmap from the clipboard. I've never liked saving images in Wordpad/Word documents because they make the file large compared to doing a little more work and just saving an image as a .png, .gif, .jpg and then making an HTML document which is compatible with every system. Although I do see the advantage of having a file with everything embedded inside it as nothing will get lost or deleted.

  12. Since 1997 ESPN has become a joke in my opinion first with losing Formula 1 coverage here in the U.S.A. The second one which made me realize ESPN and ESPN2 were a total joke was when they started showing poker game matches - boy that's really some sport there. But with that said SPEED channel is starting to whimper as well and is also becoming a big joke.

  13. Off-topic discussion split from Question for Linux Users



    If you don't live in the bush then why don't you have broadband?

    Although you didn't ask me I can pretty much answer it and that is broadband is too expensive here in the U.S.A. for allot of people myself included and it's not a viable option even though there are vast speed advantages, especially since the cheap ISP's are in existence for allot of us at $9.99 or slightly higher for other dial-up options.


    And for the life of me I don't know why the hell some company doesn't have digital cable for t.v. with broadband Internet and broadband phone service included at a sane price say $50 (oh but they do but you'd have to be near impoverished to be solicated such a low price), which isn't anywhere near $100 or more it would actually cost. Well for me it would be approx $50 for broadband Internet, $50-$100 for digital cable t.v. (depending upon the package purchased), plus another $40-$50 for broadband phone service which is anywhere from $140-$200 and that's too much considering all other costs like food, lights & gas for the home, fuel for the automobile, property tax, etc., I could go on forever. There's the American dream: Sky high bills galore and it gets worst every year as more people enter the lower-middleclass designation or worse here in the U.S.A.

  14. I didn't realise that the static could affect the running of the computer so much. Everything seems to be much faster now.

    Yeah static isn't a computers friend one bit. I remember working at a retail store aeons ago that had nice plush carpet for everyone to build static up inside them and then to zap the computers when touching them, and it would really screw them up in some unexcepted weird ways.

  15. It is sorted!


    I spoke to a tech at Medion UK and he recognised the problem straight away. He took me through the Static Discharge routine.


    Turn off computer, turn off the power at the mains. Hold in the PC power button for 30 seconds to a minute. This makes the computer draw the static electric that had built up.

    Turn it back on and instant boot!!


    Hope this may help anyone else who ever has this problem.


    That's also what is supposed to be done before working on the inside of the PC case to reduce the chances of ruining the hardware when it's touched, and is especially important when forgetting to ground one's self by touching the metal chassis on the PC tower.

  16. you can download the demo from http://www.stellarinfo.com/partition-recovery.htm through demo version you will be able to see the recovered data.


    Welcome to the CCleaner forums, and excuse me if my next sentence seems rude!


    What the hell good is it to recommend a demo product, that will only show what's recoverable and not recover it? This is a two month old issue that even the thread author hasn't replied to for some time. There's a few freeware alternatives about such as Avira UnErase that don't cost one cent, and most importantly work from the get go.

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