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Everything posted by Winapp2.ini

  1. Referenced bug primarily affects Tor users by forcing their actual IP to be exposed to an external server (instead of the Tor exit node IP)
  2. I'm seeing 2,578. FWIW, I usually count the number of *]
  3. Do you mean folders that are hidden on your system? Or do you mean hiding them from the custom inclusions list? The first one is already possible, since you just need a path to the folder you want to clean. CCleaner doesn't care if the folder or any of its sub folders are hidden on your file system.
  4. IMAP is a pretty big deal if you sync your email among multiple devices. Pass for me for now, but I'll probably try it out once they implement IMAP.
  5. I don't think we're maintaining a 'dangerous entry' ini. I used to quite a long time ago, but it got almost no traffic so I stopped.
  6. Book keeping, among some other uses for winapp2.ini that aren't kosher for this forum.
  7. Cleaning the registry doesn't have much of a benefit if you're not having issues (and even then it's dubious). You're probably just better off adding the key to your excludes. For what it's worth, this key comes up on my machine too, but so does HKLM\Software\Piriform....
  8. I updated winapp2.com to correctly point to GitHub now
  9. Not sure why those got randomly flipped for you, but at the least the updater service and auto update options have existed for quite some time and are not new, I'm not sure if Mozilla forced their perfs a certain way for release users (though I think they are trying to move to a Chrome-style "background updates" ) e10s has done a lot to help with this. A lot of addons aren't fully compatible yet, but [on nightly] can be forced to use "shims" which are basically a bandaid for synchronous calls to the main process that would otherwise cause problems. e10s is now active without addons on release, I'm not sure what the timeline for pushing it to people with addons installed is though. My firefox as I write this post with 6 open tabs (https://www.furiouspaul.com/overwatch/mercy.html#boost, https://isthereanydeal.com/, https://isthereanydeal.com/log/#/page:user/wait/defaults, http://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/registrar/_includes/contacts.html, https://www.bundlestars.com/en/bundle/catastrophe-bundle?utm_source=Bundle%20Stars%20Newsletter&utm_campaign=458f9f9ebe-Cat_Bundle_Americas_11_16_2016&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_3437eaaeba-458f9f9ebe-418668713&mc_cid=458f9f9ebe&mc_eid=62daa6e951, and this page) is firefox.exe 361 MB (this is the browser chrome process) firefox.exe 361 MB (this is the content process) firefox.exe 15 MB (this is the compositor process which is rather new to nightly and has something to do with parallelization in preparation for a portion of rust code from Servo that they're porting to Gecko - I'm not entirely sure right this moment - More on Servo stuff here: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Quantum ) My enabled addons are Activity Stream CheckCompatibility Chrome Store Foxified InlineDisposition Reddit Enhancement Suite - This addon in particular on Fx I believe uses SHIMS unless you install the WebExtension version from the Chrome Store (by using Chrome Store Foxified) Restart Tab Center Test Pilot uBlock Origin FWIW opening and subsequently closing all the tabs to make that list raised my content (tab) process memory usage by about 30MB, but triggering a manual GC via about:memory released it all (the browser process also dropped down to 291MB when I GC'd)
  10. Hiya! Not dead, just soul-crushingly busy with work. Am taking 5 upper division math courses this semester- the lowest division of which is Calculus 3 At some point I will set up winapp2.com to properly point over to github, or set up a system that'll automatically pull the latest copy from git and rehost it. Just checking in, hope everyone's well
  11. this should be approximately accurate but it may be missing a few items
  12. Is th Try using the direct link: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MoscaDotTo/Winapp2/master/Winapp2.ini You may find it easier to copy/paste the page content over an existing instance of winapp2.ini. I will try to keep the one on Winapp2.com updated as a fallback if there's no reasonable fix through GitHub for this issue
  13. https://github.com/MoscaDotTo/Winapp2/ The "ccleaner-less version is in the works, I haven't updated this against the newest version of CCleaner (5.21) just yet but that's the beauty of github, eh? Everything in the above link is current as far as this thread is concerned though. I haven't updated winapp2.com to reflect the move to GitHub just yet either, but I will soon
  14. I use Nightly, it doesn't disable unsigned addons
  15. I wonder if they'll have any way to stop me from just "taking ownership" of annoying files/applications and then using my administrative powers to delete them
  16. try deleting the #TRIMMER folder. WFM windows 10
  17. I think piriform implementing colon delimiting for RegKeys (the way FileKeys are) would have the most dramatic effect on the file size one can dream (my math suggests this change, if implemented in winapp.ini would save ~23KB - not a lot but huge when considering how much ccleaner gets downloaded - and not all filekeys are delimited this way either so there's room for more!)
  18. Righty-o. Update coming, I'm doing some styling cleanup on the definitions (alphabetization of keys) and will be through with it tonight (the 22nd). Just some tidying before moving to github I know it has been discussed before, but what are thoughts on merging entries for different versions of softwares. Currently we don't have a convention. Some applications have both individual and shared versioning (eg. 12/13 local dumps, 12/13 More, but 11 More is its own entry)? Compatible paths that hold only a different version number could be easily dealt with using wildcards, and for most applications, users aren't running multiple versions side-by-side (while also wanting individual control over the clean-up for them)
  19. Update incoming via winapp2.com Stay tuned Thanks for the patience.
  20. I did get your email I believe The idea has been brought up before in this thread, and I think it's a good idea to decentralize things to a degree this way you guys don't get left hanging We'll chat more soon
  21. Hi folks! Sorry I've been away without contact. And doubly sorry that I really can't discuss why. I haven't had time to read what I've missed here just yet but I should like to restructure how this operates, such that it can at least continue to function well should I lose access to my machines again As such, I'd like to migrate to Github! I'll get around to this in the coming weeks when more things have settled. I hope to have this going in time for the next CCleaner update, but if not certainly it'll follow shortly after. I'm not too experienced with Git, so I may need a little guidance from some of you experts in the crowd Again, sorry for the communications embargo the last few months. Wasn't much of a choice on my part. Hope to resume in full swing shortly, I appreciate the patience and commitment to the project you've all shown in my absence. Be well, I shall return soon
  22. Probably should have doubled it up with a birthday wish or something
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