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Everything posted by Winapp2.ini

  1. WebExtensions/RoadMapFirefox57 : https://wiki.mozilla.org/WebExtensions/RoadMapFirefox57 via reddit Quantum up close: https://hacks.mozilla.org/2017/05/quantum-up-close-what-is-a-browser-engine/ Thunderbird's future home: https://blog.mozilla.org/thunderbird/2017/05/thunderbirds-future-home/ TWIS 101: https://blog.servo.org/2017/05/08/twis-101/
  2. Quantum Flow Engineering Newsletter #8 Firefox 53.0.2 released
  3. https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2017/04/19/first-big-bytes-project-quantum/ 53 is only the beginning Firefox 57 is the target for another few big chunks of quantum.
  4. Quantum Flow Engineering Newsletter #7
  5. The DevEdition / Aurora was meant to be a stabilization channel with approximately 10x the users of Nightly. So the cycle was meant to be Nightly - Experimental changes, rapid development Aurora - Stabilization phase, focus is on fixing crashes in new features before beta Beta - Polish phase - only ship-ready or nearly-ship-ready features here. Final stabilization for the release base But the numbers goal didn't work out and it makes more sense to eliminate an unneeded stabilization phase and just hold features in nighty until they're ready to move to beta, so they can be iterated on more quickly. In the long run it will probably result in features reaching release about six to eight weeks earlier than they would have.
  6. Quantum Flow Engineering Newsletters: #3 #4 #5 #6 These weeks in firefox.... #13 #14 #15 (I'm mentioned in this one!) Release notes for nightly.... https://blog.nightly.mozilla.org/2017/04/24/release-notes-for-nightly/ Though I'll be honest, I used to make the MozillaZine nightly threads and they're much more comprehensive if you're interested in nitty-gritty. A user by the name of Josa now maintains these threads here: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=3029746&sid=50ac71e408503d819c4a7cbcf2da5d10 Out of process web extensions now available for testing: https://wiki.mozilla.org/WebExtensions/Testing-out-of-process Fathom: a framework for understanding web pages: https://hacks.mozilla.org/2017/04/fathom-a-framework-for-understanding-web-pages/ AMO on android has a new look: https://blog.mozilla.org/addons/2017/04/11/amo-new-look-android/ Also, Aurora as a branch is no more. The release model has been changed from Nightly- > Aurora -> Beta -> Release to Nightly -> Beta -> Release. Dev Edition users migrated to beta on desktop and aurora users on Android migrated to Nightly.
  7. Jsyk the way Firefox is designed, dragging icons off of the ui into the customization panel for things like Pocket actually prevents the code that powers it from even running. Not true for all ui elements but I'm pretty sure it's true for any "system add-on" that they ship (or ever will ship... Dev tools come to mind as I believe they're breaking the dev tools out into a webextension)
  8. Some Mozilla/Firefox updates for you folks! Quantum Flow updates: Quantum Flow Engineering Newsletter #1 Quantum Flow Engineering Newsletter #2 These Weeks In... Firefox: Issue 10 Issue 11 Issue 12 Rust: Week 169 Week 170 Week 171 Week 172 Rust 1.16 Servo Week 92 Week 93 Week 94 Servo accepted into the RailsGirls Summer of Code ----- Project Stockwell updates Why WebAssembly is faster than asm.js Are they slim yet? Round two When the memory allocator works against you WebExtensions in 54 --- A Public-Private Partnership for Gigabit Innovation and Internet Health Mozilla Acquires Pocket
  9. They might even get a few people to accidentally learn what Mozilla is
  10. Agreed. Day month year doesn't list nicely alphabetically 01012016 01022017 01102016 01152017 01172016 versus 20160101 20160110 20160117 20170102 20170115 as an example. I think the date format is fairly non ambiguous and makes it easier to read the version number programmatically
  11. Tested in my nightly and putting in moz: takes you to https://blog.mozilla.org/opendesign/ you dont have to follow it with //a, moz:abc123 works just the same
  12. https://blog.nightly.mozilla.org/2017/01/31/these-weeks-in-firefox-issue-9/
  13. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 Me!
  14. http://literaci.es/beyond-tabs-visualising-trails-on-the-web
  15. https://hacks.mozilla.org/2017/01/using-immutable-caching-to-speed-up-the-web/
  16. Servo Architecture: Safety and Performance
  17. I get what they're going for with Moz://a but I think it looks pretty ugly. At least it's not that horrible IBM-blue from the mockups a few months ago.
  18. Results from GPU process nightly experiment: https://ashughes.com/?p=374 TL;DR crashes overall 4% less
  19. see here: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Electrolysis
  20. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1330412 New metabug: Enable Stylo in the Nightly channel
  21. I have never had CCleaner interfere with Steam or VAC, and I have written/use several Steam entries that go beyond the standard cleaning. Some more info for the developers would be helpful for triaging your bug, for example your OS and build number (you can get this by running winver). Do you run any firewall or antivirus programs? Is csgo.exe allowed in them? Be sure to check that CCleaner isn't deleting a firewall rule you need. Are you opted into the Steam beta client? Is steam/CSGO running when you run CCleaner? You should be sure to exit both Steam and CSGO prior to running CCleaner to make sure it has properly released any locks on files it may have or want.
  22. Pom Poko is a movie about raccoons. Like most Ghibli films, very family friendly Released in 1994
  23. Github messes with the carriage returns for some people
  24. Some tracking bugs to watch: First release of WebExtensions: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1214433 WebExtension API parity with Chrome: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1161828 Stylo: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1243581 Oxidation: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1135640
  25. speaking of, I recently opened several hundred tabs from http://www.modthesims.info and Nightly masterfully handled having ~900+ open tabs (and my addons) loaded, using just a touch over 4GB of ram.
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