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Posts posted by Alan_B

  1. I clicked on this and got a 12 kByte hex dump utility.


    I unzipped it and obtained an 8 kByte tool named hexdump.exe.

    Using Notepad I created a text file into which I pasted this text :-

    hexdump -n TEST.RTF | more > TEST.LST

    And after saving it I renamed it as HEXIT.BAT


    By Using Windows Explorer to copy both hexdump.exe and HEXIT.BAT to the folder holding a file with the name TEST.RTF,

    and then double clicking HEXIT.BAT I created a Hex Dump named TEST.LST


    This was the original content of TEST.RTF

    This is a RTF document

    That is all.

    This is a HEX DUMP that was created by hexdump.exe in TEST.RTF,

    00000000: 7B 5C 72 74 66 31 5C 61 - 6E 73 69 5C 64 65 66 66 |{\rtf1\ansi\deff|

    00000010: 30 7B 5C 66 6F 6E 74 74 - 62 6C 7B 5C 66 30 5C 66 |0{\fonttbl{\f0\f|

    00000020: 6E 69 6C 5C 66 63 68 61 - 72 73 65 74 30 20 43 61 |nil\fcharset0 Ca|

    00000030: 6C 69 62 72 69 3B 7D 7D - 0D 0A 7B 5C 2A 5C 67 65 |libri;}} {\*\ge|

    00000040: 6E 65 72 61 74 6F 72 20 - 4D 73 66 74 65 64 69 74 |nerator Msftedit|

    00000050: 20 35 2E 34 31 2E 32 31 - 2E 32 35 31 30 3B 7D 5C |;}\|

    00000060: 76 69 65 77 6B 69 6E 64 - 34 5C 75 63 31 5C 70 61 |viewkind4\uc1\pa|

    00000070: 72 64 5C 73 61 32 30 30 - 5C 73 6C 32 37 36 5C 73 |rd\sa200\sl276\s|

    00000080: 6C 6D 75 6C 74 31 5C 6C - 61 6E 67 39 5C 66 30 5C |lmult1\lang9\f0\|

    00000090: 66 73 32 32 20 54 68 69 - 73 20 69 73 20 61 20 52 |fs22 This is a R|

    000000a0: 54 46 20 64 6F 63 75 6D - 65 6E 74 5C 70 61 72 0D |TF document\par |

    000000b0: 0A 54 68 61 74 20 69 73 - 20 61 6C 6C 2E 5C 70 61 | That is all.\pa|

    000000c0: 72 0D 0A 5C 70 61 72 0D - 0A 7D 0D 0A 00 |r \par } |



    The first few lines are the "header".

    Experts here may be able to identify from the header the nature of the original file,

    and whether the header is damaged and could somehow be fixed.


    This should work on any file regardless of whether the original files was a damaged PDF, RTF, or executable binary.


    If you are able to use the above, changing the names TEST.RTF and TEST.LST to suit your needs,

    and can paste no more than the first 16 lines of of the *.LST output, you might get relevant advice from others



    Inserted link that was dropped whilst editing and fighting with code box incompatibility with fixed format font

  2. This is just a guess (one of my habits when stuck for an answer).


    Perhaps folders may be considered "In Use" and not available for compacting whilst the Internet is actively (or potentially immediately actively) updating their contents.

    The consequences and work-around for POP and IMAP could differ.

  3. I always use the latest stable software.

    That means there are versions that are stable, and others that are unstable.

    That implies that what we see as the latest version is something that you would not use.


    Why not give a straight answer with recognizable version number ?


    "The latest Version" is horribly unhelpful in a "bug report" after few months,

    when some-one else has a problem and searches on the Internet and finds a Topic Title that relates to his current problem.

    If you have stated your version numbers he can determine if he has the same,

    but trying to determine what was the "The Latest Version 97 days ago" can be a little challenging.

  4. I have a dynamic IP.

    Me too - but mine persists for many weeks before my ISP swaps us around.


    You have NOT said anything which tells me that your computer told tinychat the nickname you previously used.


    I think this is more an issue of user understanding.


    I believe this topic should NOT be a bug report, but in the discussion forum.


    A bug report needs to give information that allows others, especially the developers of the product, the ability to reproduce,

    It should include the version of Windows in use.

    I always use the latest stable software.

    That is a very bad answer.

    You were not using the latest version before you updated,

    and your answer will also be false in a few weeks when a later version is issued,

    and how do we know how you deem a version to be stable.

    Far simpler for those willing to help if you state version numbers.

  5. Today I have also went to tinychat.com. To my surprise, my nickname was still there!


    Can you tell me why is that and how to fix it, please?


    CCleaner is not able to reach out and erase your nickname from tinychat.com.


    Therefore if you previously gained admission with a random nickname in the past,

    then Tinychar.com will remember you the next time you type in that nickname.


    Also tinychat.com may well remember your previous nickname with your IP address, and perhaps that is enough to validate you.

  6. Sometimes I wait for hours downloading a file I need now but will never need again, but I might keep it somewhere just in-case.

    Then I need it again and cannot remember where I put it.

    (If that does not happen to you - just wait - your time will come).


    It would be nice if the SEARCH button did not disable when I have more than one partition selected.

  7. I like the ability to Analyze all with a single click - I see no harm with Analyze.


    Past BSOD's and insults that I failed to "Close Windows Properly" cause me to fear any heavy duty actions by Windows,

    So if I ever allow Windows to run amok with de-fragmentation and crash I would want to know what it was fiddling with when it died.

  8. The suggestion was to extend and specify the "drive wiper" options (and be more elaborate in the help)


    1. 1 pass overwrite with zeroes

    2. 1 pass overwrite with random numbers

    3. 3 pass ...

    ... Gutmann

    Mostly your "suggestion" was a series of questions. and at least 2 or your items 1,2, 3 are, I believe already implemented.


    It might be possible to more fully describe the wipe patterns available,

    but it might be unwise to expect a continuously enhanced general purpose wiper to always restrict itself to a set of patterns that exactly conform to the needs of TrueCrypt,

    unless of course Piriform and Truecrypt came to a formal agreement.

  9. I understand that SSD Trim is an operation performed by Windows 7 (or maybe VIsta) and onwards,

    but is not available on XP.


    I understand that SSD Trim is a mechanism for telling the SSD that specific LBA are no longer in use and may be erased ready for re-use.


    I understand that Piriform play safe with their products and used published API's to tell Windows what to do,

    and I hope (but cannot trust) that Windows has the intelligence to recognise that when defraggler has been told by the user to relocate file fragments to new LBA's,

    that Windows will see the need to include the old LBA in a TRIM action without defraggler having to tell Windows that NOW is a good time to TRIM.


    I think it is bad enough that a user would defrag an SSD,

    and a second wrong of bypassing Windows and directly instructing the SSD to TRIM is not going to make things right.

  10. My USB is not working. I think a virus infected it. Is there anything I can do or should I buy a new one?

    If you plugged in an infected Flash drive, your P.C. may be infected ready to infect any new ones you plug in

  11. @Alan_B

    Previous versions don't seem to have a problem, that's why I'm downgrading to the version (2.10.xx) which I've been using for some time.

    That appears to contradict what you previously said, which indicated to me that the old version worked worse now than previously :-

    Downgrading to an older version ends up with other problem, eg. blank screen at startup with no drives visible at all.
  12. Currently using version 2.13.670. (Previous versions didn't have the problem until after program update.) Updating to a new version seems to make things worse. Downgrading to an older version ends up with other problem, eg. blank screen at startup with no drives visible at all.

    I there was no problem with a previous version in the past, but now there is a problem with the same version,

    then something bad has happened to your system.


    Sometimes Windows updates do bad things to the system - there was a very bad one a few weeks ago.


    Since you are averse to even experimenting with Portable Auslogics,

    an alternative might be to reinstall Windows and try defraggler both before and after installing all the updates.

  13. By the way, the reason I'm using "so old version of Firefox" is that the newer versions don't have any features that I want - only bells, whistles and bloat that I don't. That seems to be the way with an increasing number of software packages these days - the newer versions are not necessarily better, and sometimes are worse, than the older versions. CCleaner is one of the few that I'll upgrade regularly.

    Why not try Palemoon which is based on the latest Gecko engine with security fixes, but excludes all the useless Bling that Firefox is festooned with.



    Palemoon uses different paths so you can retain Firefox whilst trying out.

  14. Entirely the fault of Mozilla.


    Firefox changed from User Control to Firefox control when Firefox forced browser updates without user authorisation.


    At that time I anticipated the possible arrival by the new Firefox backdoor of malware / trojans / rootkits.


    Government Spying could be the least of the dangers to which Firefox users are now subject.

  15. ... instead had to look at my network logs to find it and finally allow it.

    So would it be true to say that Tablets are dumbed down computers that protect the user from the truth :unsure:


    I have a Tablet and my Router has its MAC address on its approved list.

    My Tablet knows my Router SSID because my daughter has gadgets that stop working if I disable SSID transmission.

    My Tablet (and daughter's gadgets) have been given the WiFi WAP2 password.


    From a quick read of the article Hazelnut linked to I have assumed that the danger is that,

    Taking my Tablet with WiFi still enabled to a place with Public WiFi it will naturally default to use whatever it can access, especially if it is non-secured.

    I would like to think it will wait for me to approve before connecting to a WiFi it has never used before.

    I would like to think I would never mindlessly click and approve in that situation.


    Is it feasible to permanently once and for all protect myself by configuring the Tablet to only connect to the MAC address of my Router ?




  16. My Wi-Fi denies all connections that I haven't already manually inputted the MAC address for myself, it's a bit of a pain to manually input everything but way more secure.

    I do the same with the WiFi controls on my Router,

    and that permits access to my Internet broadband for only the MAC addresses I have set up.

    This blocks all outsiders - APART FROM any miscreant that his able to spoof one of my approved MAC addresses.


    However, I am not aware of any ability in Tablets for setting the MAC address of the Router,

    so I assume my Tablet could be captured by my neighbour's Router if he uses the same SSID and Security Key and has a much stronger signal.

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