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Posts posted by Alan_B

  1. how to recover all the files back to where they were before the chkdsk was run.

    I hope you do not mean that.


    You recover files to a different drive from the one that is damaged.

    Only when you have completed recovery and have no need for any future attempt should you consider formatting/writing to the damaged drive.


    Is it possible that your 400,000 files have only 100,000 unique file names but many are repeated in different folders and paths ?

    and your initial recovery did not preserve the path structure so different instances of the same name got replaced as Recuva proceeded.

  2. You have 2 program folders in Windows 8, but the file "msdaora.dll" is missing in C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\Ole DB

    just copy it there from C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\System\Ole DB.

    Copying a 32 bit dll into the 64 bit folder is a dirty bodge that might bite you.


    If you use any 64 bit application which makes use of "msdaora.dll" then using the 32 bit dll may cause tears.

    It might be better to either :-

    Use the exclude previously recommended; OR

    obtain the proper 64 bit version which appears to come from Oracle :-


  3. I agree about post # 22, 23 and I would like to request to the CCleaner next version for setting "Remove button" for the plugin in the Firefox.

    It should have the warning popup window "This action has own your risk!" before removing the plugins to avoid the risk in the post #23.

    Is this really appropriate action for the STARTUP menu which this topic commenced with ?


    I think it really belongs with the UNINSTALL menu,

    which already has the ability to uninstall Flash Player Plugin and possibly Microsoft Office

  4. It takes them losing data to even think about backups and then they get all anal about them for a few months then the extraneous(in their eyes) task of backing up falls to the wayside.

    Perhaps you would do them a failure by installing a brand that fails every three months and reminds them how essential backups are.

    It is what a mother calls "Tough Love" :o

  5. A junior technician tried to repair a nearly new state-of-art 286 Desktop computer several decades ago.

    It failed when lightening struck within half a mile of the customer's premises.


    First he replaced some RAM and that made the screen usable,

    and then he could boot into DOS with a 5.25" floppy Diskette.


    Then he used Norton Tools to repair the HDD which contained expensive customised software that was unique to the customer.

    Unfortunately Microsoft had stupidly decided that HDD configuration data should not be obtained from the first sector of the first track,

    but from the CMOS RAM.

    Unfortunately the lightening strike that destroyed the screen RAM also corrupted the contents of the CMOS RAM,

    and Norton Tools read out the wrong values and reformatted the HDD with quantities of sectors per track and tracks per platter that the mechanism was not capable of.


    The most expensive part of the repair was the recreation of heavily customised software.


    A senior technician advised that Norton caused worse problems than it solved.

    I do not know how Norton stacks up now.


    I think the most important thing is to use the right tool for the job,

    and to recognise that the wrong tool has the ability to make the situation worse,

    and the right tool for the original problem may be unable to unscramble the mess that is made by using the wrong tool.

  6. As I indicated in my post #9,

    You have only half the minimum amount of RAM which Microsoft recommend for a 64 bit Windows 7.

    This gives very poor performance, and may even be a source of errors.

    I am surprised your computer can even boot up.


    I think very few people use Microsoft Office Plugins for Firefox,

    and having multiple versions suggests that something is wrong.

    Normally I would expect an obsolete version to be uninstalled to remove vulnerabilities to malware (and conserve disk space)

    Is it possible that the old stuff was not uninstalled due to insufficient memory errors ?


    I suggest that following on from Hazelnut's suggestion, you then do a little extra :-


    Click start on your pc, then right-click on 'computer' and then select 'properties'.

    This shows you 1 GB of RAM, it shows me 8 GB of RAM

    Two lines above this I see my system is rated at 6.7, you probably have a lower rating

    On the Bottom left corner is a link "Performance Information and Tools".


    Click on that link and you have a new screen which gives more detailed information on five items,

    Processor through to Primary Hard Disk.

    A screen shot showing those 5 items and their values might give evidence upon how your 64 bit computer is coping with only 1 GB of RAM.

  7. Really fascinating when exploring the extremes.


    I notice that

    At 10 to power 8.7 the distance Earth to Moon is 1,000,000,000 Metre

    At 10 to power 10.1 the total Human height is 10,000,000,000 Metres for 7 billion humans stood on top of one another.

    I remember hearing that Chinese gymnasts might be able to reach the moon that way :)

  8. I do not think Search Bubbling is in any way relevant to the results that I personally utilised.


    I understand and accept that my history affects the ORDER in which results are presented to me,

    but have seen no evidence that suggests that a specific web address will result in a destination web-site that is affected by history.


    I firmly believe that an address bar target of "//xyz" preceded by "http:" should take everybody to the same website - unless there is a DNS failure in address resolution,

    BUT that the destination website MAY alter the information it presents to a visitor depending upon its knowledge of the visitors :-

    Geo-location (e.g. Currency in Pounds or Dollars),


    and the Browser version and Operating System and other stuff that the browser reveals to the sites we visit.

    There may also be caches that need flushing.


    It is unfortunate that the forum website software mutilates and shortens the appearance of the links.

    I will try my luck with a code box


    When I click on that link it normally results in that unsecured address in the address bar

    But depending upon what I have been doing it might be redirected to the secured https version.


    Both the unsecured destination and the secured destination are ALWAYS (I think) the correct Piriform site.


    The correct Piriform site is ALWAYS variable.

    Sometimes it thinks I have Dollars in my pocket and the currency is in Dollars.

    Sometimes it thinks I may be lucky and have a Pound.


    The Piriform site is throughout many tests very consistent in that

    Dollar currency results in Download.com plus two trustworthy download links

    Pound Currency results in nothing but two trustworthy sites.


    I assume that the Piriform site content is controlled by Piriform to suit marketing or management criteria.


    I do not know why Piriform is so confused about my location - perhaps it would have a better idea if Starpage was not protecting my privacy from Google.

    During some of my tests it seemed that if I Pasted the address into the address bar the final result was affected by whether I committed with the "Return" key or the "Enter" key.

    But regardless of location confusions, if I was British there was no download.com, and if I was American then there was Download.com

    Perhaps Americans need no protection from download.com and its "extras" because Download.com are afraid of hungry lawyers :o

  9. This is weird


    When I search for ccleaner download" I get various results including :-



    and when I hit the Download button that is on the left of the "BUY NOW" button I am taken to


    This lists only FileHippo.com followed by Piriform.com

    Unlike your screen shot it :-

    Does NOT list Dowmload.com

    and the CCleaner Professional Price is reduced from £24.95 to £19.95


    I have another search result link that takes me directly to


    and this is exactly like your screen shot, including Download.com and price reduced from $32.95 to $24.95


    I have now gone back to


    and I inserted 's' to change from http to https

    I see exactly the same now as when I was using http.


    I notice that when I start with a link that uses http,

    the currency is in Pounds, recognising that I am in Britain;

    but when I start with a link that uses https,

    the currency is in Dollars, which implies I am assumed to be American.


    Personally I am thankful to be protected from the risk of a Download.com/CNET downloader.

  10. I understand the concern and restraint that you are showing but would like to know about those other 500 errors and how much they may be slowing my system... however, I'm reluctant to buy another cleaner just to find out.... altho' I am seriously thinking about it and will let you know what happens if I do.

    How do you know that those 500 errors are not simply 500 values contained in a single registry key ?


    This is a good site for getting commercial software free of charge if you download and register on the single day of offer


    They often give away registry and junk file cleaners which are more powerful than CCleaner.


    I always find the next day to be more interesting when some of those who gained the "benefit" are able to borrow a friend's computer,

    and come back to ask how to make their own newly mutilated computer boot up again.

    Sometimes everyone is lucky - or they had no friend with a working computer.

  11. CONCISE PROOF OF CONCEPT Portable CCleaner is only semi-portable.


    I created the folder E:\Test\CC\V1\ and unzipped into this 3 items from ccsetup402.zip

    24/05/2013 10:03		 6,154,008 CCleaner64.exe
    08/01/2013 07:04			 5,535 License.txt
    26/11/2009 14:02			 10 portable.dat

    I copy/created duplicates of E:\Test\CC\V1\ as




    I launch E:\Test\CC\V2\CCleaner64.exe

    click NO for cookies to keep

    Right click the Windows sub-heading "Internet Explorer" and select Analyze

    Right click "ANALYSIS COMPLETE - (0.113 secs)" and select "Save to text file..."

    Replace destination E:\Test\CC\V1-123456789ABCD\123456789ABCDEF with E:\Test\CC\V2

    and click "Save" and log.txt appears under E:\Test\CC\V2

    I close CCleaner64 and ccleaner.ini is updated with window coordinates


    I launch E:\Test\CC\V3\CCleaner64.exe

    click NO for cookies to keep

    Right click the Windows sub-heading "Internet Explorer" and select Analyze

    Right click "ANALYSIS COMPLETE - (0.097 secs)" and select "Save to text file..."

    Replace destination E:\Test\CC\V2 with E:\Test\CC\V3

    and click "Save" and log.txt appears under E:\Test\CC\V3

    I close CCleaner64 and ccleaner.ini is updated with window coordinates


    I launch E:\Test\CC\V2\CCleaner64.exe

    Right click the Windows sub-heading "Internet Explorer" and select Analyze

    Right click "ANALYSIS COMPLETE ..." and select "Save to text file..."

    The correct destination E:\Test\CC\V2 is forgotten - destroyed by previous Windows environment

    Replace destination E:\Test\CC\V3 with E:\Test\CC\V2

    and change output from log.txt to log2.txt and click "Save" and log.txt appears under E:\Test\CC\V2

    I close CCleaner64 and ccleaner.ini is updated with window coordinates


    I again launch E:\Test\CC\V2\CCleaner64.exe and find that, as expected "Save to Text" now defaults to using E:\Test\CC\V2\






    The above proves that Portable CCleaner does NOT preserve the default in its own INI file,

    but it uses something in the Windows Environment, possibly in the registry.


    I copy/created a duplicates of E:\Test\CC\V1\ as E:\Test\CC\V1-123456789ABCD\

    I created a new folder E:\Test\CC\V1-123456789ABCD\123456789ABCDEF\


    After disconnecting the router and disabling my entire Comodo security suite to avoid it filling BAGS OF MUI etc.

    I used Regshot to monitor the operation of E:\Test\CC\V1-123456789ABCD\CCleaner64.exe as it launched and saved text to


    and then I closed CCleaner and took the second Regshot and compared.


    Regshot observed :-


    Keys added:4


    HKU\S-1-5-21-4077350907-178761674-415728870-1000\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\1433\ComDlg

    HKU\S-1-5-21-4077350907-178761674-415728870-1000\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\1433\ComDlg\{5C4F28B5-F869-4E84-8E60-F11DB97C5CC7}

    HKU\S-1-5-21-4077350907-178761674-415728870-1000_Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\1433\ComDlg

    HKU\S-1-5-21-4077350907-178761674-415728870-1000_Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\1433\ComDlg\{5C4F28B5-F869-4E84-8E60-F11DB97C5CC7}



    Files [attributes?] modified:5







    plus tons of registry values that changed.


    I copied fb88c7754c3d58a4.customDestinations-ms as fb88c7754c3d58a4 - Copy.customDestinations-ms.txt

    It holds very many relevant fragments, such as :-

    C C l e a n e r 6 4 . e x e

    E_SAM_E E:\Test\CC\V1-123456789ABCD\CCleaner64.exe / A U T O * E : \ T e s t \ C C \ V 1 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D \ C C l e a n e r 6 4 . e x e q

    R u n C C l e a n e r

    E_SAM_E E:\Test\CC\V1-123456789ABCD\CCleaner64.exe / O P T I O N S * E : \ T e s t \ C C \ V 1 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D \ C C l e a n e r 6 4 . e x e e

    I saw no evidence of any instance of either "ABCDEF" or "A B C D E F", so this file probably does not hold the log.txt destination, unless ROT13 encryption is used.


    Nirsoft Regscanner searched for 123456789ABCDEF and found :-


    28/05/2013 12:54:34 1 REG_BINARY 102 HKCR\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\BagMRU\0\3\3\5\7

    28/05/2013 12:54:34 1 REG_BINARY 102 HKU\S-1-5-21-4077350907-178761674-415728870-1000\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\BagMRU\0\3\3\5\7

    28/05/2013 12:54:34 1 REG_BINARY 102 HKU\S-1-5-21-4077350907-178761674-415728870-1000_Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\BagMRU\0\3\3\5\7

    28/05/2013 13:04:13 0 REG_BINARY 421 HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ComDlg32\LastVisitedPidlMRU

    28/05/2013 13:04:13 0 REG_BINARY 421 HKU\S-1-5-21-4077350907-178761674-415728870-1000\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ComDlg32\LastVisitedPidlMRU

    28/05/2013 13:04:13 15 REG_BINARY 473 HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ComDlg32\OpenSavePidlMRU\txt

    28/05/2013 13:04:13 15 REG_BINARY 473 HKU\S-1-5-21-4077350907-178761674-415728870-1000\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ComDlg32\OpenSavePidlMRU\txt

    28/05/2013 13:04:13 17 REG_BINARY 473 HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ComDlg32\OpenSavePidlMRU\*

    28/05/2013 13:04:13 17 REG_BINARY 473 HKU\S-1-5-21-4077350907-178761674-415728870-1000\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ComDlg32\OpenSavePidlMRU\*


    6 different ...\\ComDlg32\... registry keys hold values that record the log.txt destination,

    and if I manually change the registy key contents I may prove this is the key that controls the Save to Text destination - or I might have Windows collapse about my knees.

    They are NOT registry keys that are owned by Piriform or CCleaner,

    but Windows may have linkages that relate ...\Recent\CustomDestinations\... with registry keys ...\ComDlg32\...


    It should be noted that :-

    The first three keys were created at 28/05/2013 12:54:34 when I used Windows Explorer to create folder 123456789ABCDEF

    The last six keys were created at 28/05/2013 13:04:13 when CCleaner was closed and log.txt was created with time stamp ‎28 ‎May ‎2013, ‏‎13:04:13

    E:\Test\CC\V1-123456789ABCD\ccleaner.ini was created at 28 ‎May ‎2013, ‏‎12:59:29 and modified when CCleaner closed at ‎28 ‎May ‎2013, ‏‎13:04:23




  12. i did but I couldn't figure out a graceful way to do it. Thanks for the contributions so far though! :)

    How about creating an empty file "New Entries.txt" when you issue a new version of Winapp2.ini

    and simply adding to "New Entries.txt" every new proposed entry,

    and incorporate with each entry a double ;; comment showing the source, e.g. the post #number and author.


    That could be updated and on-line (read-only) for those who want to "chance their arm",

    and it might be a more convenient compilation than dozens of individual posts for those who have the ability to refine or warn of consequences.

    It could also contain complaints from those who "chanced the arm" and got it broken :wacko:


    N.B. a single line DOS command can remove every instance of a double ;; comment line from a file without removing single ; comments lines.

  13. Alan,are you seriously complaining that

    1) you enabled UAC skipping, which is documented that it creates a Task to do this

    2) a task is created by this feature which REQUIRES A TASK BE CREATED

    NO - I never enabled UAC skipping, nor the Jump List Tasks.


    The Jump List Tasks was already enabled which 7zip unzipped the code,

    and the UACSkip was checked by clicking the "Reset Default Settings",

    from which I assume that when SkipUAC capability was added to 3.??? it was probably default for the benefit of the majority,

    and when I first noticed this I knew that I had no need for it so I unchecked it,

    and that new setting was NOT added to the INI but added to the registry,

    and ever since whenever a later version has been unzipped to any folder that later version has used the setting in the registry.


    As a purist I dislike portable software using the registry, but I have lived with worse and this is NOT the cause of this topic,

    just a little grievance that I thought "Save Settings to INI" applied to everything and I am disappointed to find this is false.


    If I visit a friend and plug in my flash drive to do a little maintenance,

    is there a danger that I will find that HIS registry has configured my Portable CCleaner,

    and set it to use 35 pass Gutman cleaning because my friend at some time took his computer to a corner shop that used an installed CCleaner and after use un-installed code but not registry keys ?


    BUT - THIS IS NOT the focus of my topic.


    As far as where to look, again you personally, oughtn't have to ask, but try hkcu\software for piriform or ccleaner hives as well as hklm\software :blink:


    Please note in my tests I can not recreate this with 4.01-4.02 Portable (other than of course the making of a task/startup entry when I ask it to)


    I was searching HKCU and HKLM for ccleaner before I started the topic, and I posted only the relevant bits.


    I thought about Piriform when I was having breakfast, and have found quite a 51 entries,

    but none of them are Piriform Keys,

    they are all Values where Comodo Keys store rule permissions that record my authorisation and trust of Pirifom tools,

    and they only record Folder paths with the name Piriform on my portable software drives - nothing at all on drive C:\


    I will now test CC 4.02 and report back




  14. Yes, it is the Free version running under Windows 7 Ultimate + SP1


    I confirm that 7zip unpacked onto F:\





    and the Lang folder.


    I vaguely remember installing CCleaner to test some Bug report about CCleaner.

    There may still be an obsolete registry key belonging to CCleaner


    RegScanner from Nirsoft can find 37 references to CCleaner,

    mostly they are Comodo security rules that tell Comodo I trust CCleaner

    plus some BAGMUI and MUICACHE


    and these SkipUAC keys

    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tasks\{381F69DC-1AC6-4987-87B3-48E2A41E7CA5} Path REG_SZ 27/05/2013 13:18:42 17 \CCleanerSkipUAC
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tree\CCleanerSkipUAC Id REG_SZ 27/05/2013 13:18:42 39 {381F69DC-1AC6-4987-87B3-48E2A41E7CA5}
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tree\CCleanerSkipUAC Index REG_DWORD 27/05/2013 13:18:42 4 0x00000003 (3) 


    I am afraid that I am not currently able to set up a VM to test a clean system that has never experienced CCleaner.


    I am happy to delete any Registry keys that you can tell me of that are used by the installed version of CCleaner, and to then retest.


    I am very disappointed by CCleaner performing NON-Portable modifications to Windows Tasks and Registry for SkipUAC capability.

    I just have zero use for SkipUAC - I never allowed UAC to have any control - it is fully disabled and never gets in my way.


    I am surprised that Old Portable versions are controlled by registry settings that they have no control over.

    I am surprised that Old Portable versions are unable to modify the INI file to remember a change to the "save to text" location

    I am surprised that New Portable versions now write to the registry.




  15. http://blog.emsisoft.com/2013/05/27/seriously-usa-to-legalize-rootkits-spyware-ransomware-and-trojans-to-combat-piracy/

    While not currently permitted under U.S. law, there are increasing calls for creating a more permissive environment for active network defense that allows companies not only to stabilize a situation but to take further steps, including actively retrieving stolen information, altering it within the intruder’s networks, or even destroying the information within an unauthorized network. Additional measures go further, including photographing the hacker using his own system’s camera, implanting malware in the hacker’s network, or even physically disabling or destroying the hacker’s own computer or network.


    They propose to obtain geographic location of the intruder so they can launch a Nuclear Drone.

    for today only this is "not currently permitted under U.S. law"

  16. I ran Recuva which took an amazing 19 hours in Wizard mode to amass the 69 GB and transfer it to an external hard drive.

    Do you mean that Recuva has actually saved 69 GB to this external drive ?

    If so I see no need for further involvement of Recuva as indicated by

    But when I hover or right click over any file it shows no indication of the Recuva program indicating it will proceed with recovery as it says

    Was the crashed drive internal or external, and how was it connected ?

    What version of Windows.

  17. i did but I couldn't figure out a graceful way to do it. Thanks for the contributions so far though! :)

    Wearing a white suit whilst clearing out a sewer is easier than being graceful whilst cleaning Windows :rolleyes:

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