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Posts posted by Alan_B

  1. I'm sure if you used IE for 30 seconds to test your connection, the death toll would be pretty minimal.

    I would rather install Chrome than unleash IE :o


    But since my initial reaction I thought of Android with the Dolphin Browser and found that this also cannot find Google.


    Incidentally, IE is a bad choice according to the Service status of my ISP


    03/04/2013 16:27 Open - Broadband status Telephone status A Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 upgrade is causing problems for some customers accessing Tiscali Webmail (for more information please visit http://help2.talktal...when-using-ie10).

  2. The google dns entry at the bottom of the page is more or less instant for me Alan.


    Have you tried clearing your cache?


    Also try doing a cmd prompt and then


    ipconfig /flushdns


    it quite often works in cases like this.



    I first decided that my Android Tablet would not have the simultaneous need to have its DNS flushed,

    but then with nothing else to do I tried that just incase it might also affect a cache in the router,

    but again no benefit.


    I do observe that the link you gave me shows

    Primary DNS:

    Secondary DNS:

    Tertiary DNS:

    Additional DNS:

    I choose on the basis of ping delay speed.

    I was not aware at that time it was a "third class" server

    Is it possible that knows where Google is now,

    and tomorrow it will tell

    and the next will update ?

  3. Google search engine is NOT accessible to me,

    BUT the StartPage Search engine DOES work and gets my answers from Google.

    I have just used Startpage to search for the two words Google Down and restricted the results to U.K. and last 24 hours.



    The Admin there reported Google was gone 19 hours ago




    Posted 19 hours ago


    just me then!

    This webpage is not available

    The webpage atwww.google.co.uk/might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.

    Error 15 (net::ERR_SOCKET_NOT_CONNECTED): Unknown error.


    Admin of this great group :-D

    and 2 hours later




    Posted 17 hours ago


    yay! it's back!


    Admin of this great group :-D


    I am guessing that both my DNS are still going to the old IP address.

    I hope they do their homework tonight :)

  4. Thanks


    I remember difficulties both in selecting geographically diverse servers and then in setting the router to their IP's.

    I will enjoy freedom from spam for the rest of today before I go down that route.


    On the bottom of that site are 6 columns, and the fourth one has the header

    DNS Server Database

    Under this are 6 entries, only 5 of which take less than one second to present a long list of names.

    The odd one out is Google DNS which takes 3 or 4 seconds before responding with

    Google DNS


    Google has just recently launched their very own public DNS servers called "Google Public DNS". The idea behind Google's DNS servers is that they want to make the internet faster, safer, secure, and more reliable for all internet users. Lots more information will be coming to whatsmydns.net very shortly but in the meantime for those who are a little more tech savvy you can get started using Google's DNS servers straight away.

    Primary DNS Server:

    Secondary DNS Server:


    The thought occurs that perhaps Google has just made a change and broken something vital. :angry:




  5. I was offline for doctors appointment.

    Now returned.


    Google is dead at my router.


    Ping test:-


    C:\Users\Alan>ping google.com
    Ping request could not find host google.com. Please check the name and try again.
    C:\Users\Alan>ping www.google.com
    Ping request could not find host www.google.com. Please check the name and try again.


    I have now tried a Samsung TAB2 Android Tablet with a Dolphin Browser.

    This also has no access to Google via Wifi to my router,

    and it has no independent 3G/Mobile access to the Internet.


    This proves a totally different browser on a different platform is unable to reach Google.com via my router and broadband connection.


    TalkTalk (my ISP) have access to Google via both I.E. and Firefox.


    Logging in to my Netgear Router I find

    primary DNS =

    Secondary DNS =


    Ping test on my DNS :-

    Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
    Reply from bytes=32 time=37ms TTL=54
    Reply from bytes=32 time=37ms TTL=54
    Reply from bytes=32 time=37ms TTL=54
    Reply from bytes=32 time=37ms TTL=54
    Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 37ms, Maximum = 37ms, Average = 37ms
    Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
    Reply from bytes=32 time=32ms TTL=58
    Reply from bytes=32 time=31ms TTL=58
    Reply from bytes=32 time=31ms TTL=58
    Reply from bytes=32 time=31ms TTL=58
    Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 31ms, Maximum = 32ms, Average = 31ms





    Is it possible that there is some filter blocking my local broadband connection via local "OpenReach" Telecom wires ?



    Is it possible that my Router always gets the WRONG answer from one DNS and fails to try the other DNS ?



    Is it possible that both DNS have been poisoned or misinformed about Google ?


    I forget the DNS locations but I think I selected one about 100 miles to my West and one about 100 miles to the South to obviate any medium scale OpenReach calamity.






    http://public-dns.tk...server/gb.html� reports :- dns-cache1.lon.as5587.net London 9.5.0-P1 4 hours ago Valid valid

    Unfortunately is NOT shown on this site

    which suggests that it is not a viable public-dns, even though I can PING it.


    Perhaps is broken and only is working but has forgotten the IP address of Google :o

  6. sounds (from the informative post you seem to have removed) like you have figured out that isn't the applications tab, but maybe something on the system tab.

    :blink: we're well past that stage in this thread ;)

    I guess I would have known that if the informative post had not been removed :rolleyes:

  7. I suggest you deselect EVERY checkbox and run CCleaner and confirm survival of

    Start Menu MRU list for Office 2010/2013 applications (Word/Excel).


    Then enable one checkbox and run CCleaner and confirm survival of

    Start Menu MRU list for Office 2010/2013 applications (Word/Excel).


    Then enable the next checkbox and run CCleaner and confirm survival of

    Start Menu MRU list for Office 2010/2013 applications (Word/Excel),

    ... and repeat until you find the culprit that removes your MRU list.

  8. Piriform should offer some kinda "Official" PDF file when you download CCleaner - maybe with a unique number. Like a certificate of authenticity proving that indeed it was downloaded from Piriform itself.

    Anyone could download CCleaner.exe plus the "Official" PDF file,

    and a fraudulent site could then provide a tampered executable together with a duplicate of the original "Official" PDF file.

    I think you may be able secure/protect/encrypt a PDF in a way that validates whether it is an authentic copy,

    but that PDF would not prove that the downloaded executable was free of corruption.


    When I inspect the properties of Portable CCleaner.exe v4.00 I see a Digital Certificate.

    This is issued by Piriform Ltd and Valid from 06/07/2011 to 23/08/2013.

    This is incorporated with the executable and it authenticates the Executable and its originator with SHA1 encryption.

    That satisfies me that it is safe to run.

  9. Aha so Partition Wizard made it easier for you by just repairing the damaged partition table instead of having to backup all data which would take some time, and yeah as always the only thing you didnt backup is where the fail occurs xD

    Actually in less than 10 minutes and no mental gymnastics Macrium Reflect backups would have restored all partitions,

    (other than V:\ which only held backups and thus could not backup itself)


    It took well over an hour using Partition Wizard and a lot of mental anguish,

    but I chose to learn what it was capable of because :-



    In any future emergency I wanted the comfort of knowing that if Macrium ever failed I had an alternative "Get out of Jail Card".



    Even though I did not know who you would be,

    I wanted to be able to help you when I might encounter you,

    and I knew that Macrium would be no use if you had not created a backup.

    Actually Partition Wizard running under Windows is not good if system partition C:\ is lost,

    but in that situation you only need to get a friend to download the Partition Wizard ISO and burn the CD for you.


    Partition Wizard took well under an hour to analyse the entire 160 GB HDD and identify all the partition boundaries that had ever existed. and their volume names.


    It took much closer to an hour of mental anguish choosing which boundaries to select because :-

    I had repositioned the partitions several times and there was no indication of which were the latest active partition boundaries;

    and I had never changed the volume names from their initial defaults, so volume names did not help me at that time.


    The first thing I did after recovery was to allocate relevant volume names such as





  10. @ Alan_B

    4 partitions O_O wow that shoud have been freaked you out ! good thing you haven't lost any data.

    My recovered partition was NTFS but I did a Chkdsk anyways, found some errors but seems important things are safe

    Actually no panic.

    I had a Macrium Reflect Boot Recovery CD that could restore all my important partitions from Partition Image backups,

    and I had often used this without problems to restore C:\ after a Windows Update had gone wrong.


    Before I used Macrium I prepared for disaster by downloading and burning the Partitionwizard iso to a CD,

    but disaster never came.


    Hence when I lost all partitions I knew Macrium would rescue me,

    but chose to first of all evaluate the Partitionwizard iso CD.

    I wanted to know that my Lifebelt (Partition Wizard ISO) would keep me afloat if my Ship (Windows) sunk and my Lifeboat (Macrium) capsized.


    Incidentally, Partition V:\ which required Chkdsk operation was the one partition that had not been imaged by Macrium,

    because it held all my Macrium image backup files :o

    However, on the basis that two backups is hardly enough,

    all those backup files had been duplicated by Teracopy onto an external HD. :D

  11. You are welcome, happy to help.



    I lost 4 NTFS partitions and 2 FAT32 partition on my Laptop internal HDD.

    one year earlier my preparations for disaster included not only installing Minitool Partition Wizard on partitions C:\

    but also downloading their Boot Recovery ISO file and burning a Boot Recovery CD in case I ever lost System C:\.

    When disaster struck I lost all partitions and the Laptop was unbootable - apart from Recovery Boot CD's


    After Recovering C:\ and all the other partitions I booted back into Windows on C:\

    and the first thing that happened was that Windows insisted that I should run Chkdsk on the FAT32 partition V:\,

    and that fixed some "security" things but no data appeared to have been lost.

    Windows did not suggest Chkdsk for the other FAT32 partition or the 4 off NTFS partitions.


    You may also be warned to run Chkdsk on H:\ if it is FAT32.

    Somehow NTFS is more secure against disaster - I do not know why.

  12. Speed? Recreation of a folder (update a couple of entries in the MFT) should be very fast - unnoticeable really.

    Whilst that is how Firefox ought to work - and very probably would work even on XP + SP3 if Firefox was totally removed and then cleanly installed,

    I cannot help wondering if in-place updates forced by the crazy rabid update cycles have corrupted the installed code and/or the user profiles,

    and perhaps this particular installation spends a while trying to add contents to a Cache folder before it recognises the Cache folder needs to be created.


    There have been requests for CCleaner to remove empty folders and this has been resisted with the argument that some Applications create requisite folders upon installation,

    and they are broken if the "empty" folder is removed.


    Ideally Piriform should accept that argument as applying to all of its cleaning rules for all applications - including Firefox.

    The alternative is for individual users to perform clean installs of any application which has lost the capability of RE-creating afresh its own folders.

  13. after successfully finding most of my files Recuva ask me to make a folder

    You get to decide where it goes


    but all I get is access denied on windows 8 64bit

    Either you need to obtain access, or select a place which allows you access,

    Or perhaps between the Trojan's effects and your deleting chunks of C:\, your system is crippled.


    all i want to know is where is the folder to copy the recuva items

    No such folder if you have failed to define a folder that Windows will allow for access.


    I am happy to stand down and observe your progress with others.

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