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Everything posted by Capman

  1. In answer to your questions; Yes, Yes, No. Maybe it is a bug, a very irritating bug.
  2. I hope Dheeraj ain't the new elmannen, perhaps elmannen has used up all his 9 lives and been reincarnated. He might as well have said, "you can change that by altering a setting somewhere". Dheeraj, PLEASE NOTE THE USERS HERE TRY TO GIVE MORE DEFINATE SOLUTIONS, AND THE PEOPLE WITH PROBLEMS EXPECT MORE DEFINATE SOLUTIONS.
  3. That reply was about as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike.
  4. LOL, I would probably agree with that.
  5. If you build your site using NVU, you will get to the stage, where, for instance a basic 1 page site would end up with an html file, and any images that you want included on that page. These would then need uploading to the place where you decide to have it hosted, and like Andavari said, some include an ftp feature, Yahoo Geocities does, and also like Andavari said it is the same principle as uploading an avatar on a forum. Although using an ftp program like FileZilla is without a doubt quicker and easier. Actually creating a site using NVU, is basically the same as creating a formatted Word document that includes text and pictures that are laid out in a specific way. It really wont take you long to master, and once you have you will never look back and will wish you did it sooner. The biggest problem with hosting somewhere such as Geocities is the serious lack of bandwidth, my main site is only 25Mb at the moment, (I have actually exceeded my Geocities upload space, and had to spread it over 3 geocities sites), and this means it can only be viewed a maximum of twice in an hour, (geocities bandwidth meters reset after an hour). This is why I am not making it public at the moment, as I know friends and family are not going to make it exceed its bandwidth allocation. If you need any more pointers then let me know and I will talk you through the various stages a bit at a time until it has gone live, after this you will not need any more help.
  6. NVU is free, you can upload a site using FileZilla Which is also free, and you can upload to Yahoo, which is GeoCities. Sorry, but I am not making my sites publicly known at the moment, but I will one day.
  7. I did not have a clue about site building until about 14 months ago, even though I have wanted to build a site for years. When I told my son I wanted to build one he gave me a quick lesson on building one with frontpage, and it took off from there. I dont use frontpage anymore, I now use NVU, which has a built in code checker and builds sites to W3C standards. It does not quite do everything I want it to do, so I have to do some manual coding as well, which often means searching sites on the internet to find a particular feature I want and borrowing their code, but adapting it to suit myself. I now have three sites online, another one in the making, and have revamped my companies website (although this is still offline as well). As for webhosting, GeoCities is free, but I would not recommend it, there is a UK based company called Heart Internet who offer free hosting, dont know how good they are though. Whatever you decide, Good Luck.
  8. I think I might agree, I would hate the batteries to go flat at a critical moment. Still dont know what to do though, I Guess I will sleep on it.
  9. Just found out tonight I had the answer to this all along, what an idiot. I was reading an old thread about nero, where englishmen asked if anyone knew of an app that would tell him the name and manufacturer of a disc drive, and he never seemed to get an answer, so I thought I know what can do that, Belarc Advisor opened it up to check and there was my product key for XP as well. Thought I would post it in case it helps anyone else, you can never have too many options.
  10. I nearly bought a Labtech cordless keyboard and mouse, (the mouse was optical as well), today. It was cheap too, ?20. Was not sure whether it would be OK though. See it here.
  11. Yeah, right on both counts.
  12. *edited* Re: Tarun's last post, Me included, I will try to post more. Re: DjLizards last post, I like your blog, it still contains informative computer related info. Keep it up, like Tarun says you are the best out there. BTW, was reading an old 2003 blog that I think related to you earlier, by someone who has a son, who had a birthday website created for him, if I am on the right tracks, I hope she is OK, it was quite heartbreaking.
  13. It's a standard MS internet keyboard.
  14. To be honest, I would have thought they were more active by now. When I decide to make my main site more publicly known about, I will include links to yours and Dj's sites, as my main site is more focussed to the really uneducated computer user who is trying to keep their computer safe on the internet, by following idiot proof tutorials that I have on there. A link to yours and Dj's would give give them something to further their knowledge even further, if they are that way inclined.
  15. Thanks, I only have four USB ports as it is anyway, but you would recommend a USB mouse though?
  16. That reminds me when I told him I was trying to update windows he said "oh good does that mean I will have XP, someone told me XP was better" I could not find a wall quick enough.
  17. My keyboard and mouse are both ps/2, I think.
  18. I have a problem with windows media player that is really bugging me and the kids. No matter what we are using the computer for, if we press the # key windows media player opens. Also, if windows media player is open playing a song, and another application is being used which requires the space bar to be pressed, windows media player jumps to the next song. They are obviously keyboard shortcuts that are enabled, but I cant find out how to disable them.
  19. I have unhidden it, it probably should be hidden to a certain extent as the computer belongs to a noob. I just know he is going to f it up, and it will be down to me to get it sorted. I was trying to do something on it the other day which required me to shut down any running programs in the background, I explained to him what I was doing, but then he kept pointing to the back of the monitor and asking when the programs in the back would come back again. I would have banged my head against a wall, but as I am nearly bald it would have hurt, so I didn't.
  20. My current mouse is MS but about 4 years old now, as is the keyboard, which I have had problems with as posted about recently, I will probably change both of them.
  21. I have been keeping an eye on the donations. I hope you get there. I have the same predicament, I wont even let any of my sites be known until I have proper domain names for them.
  22. Believe it or not Humpty, that was the problem. I was rushing and overlooked it. Thanks anyway.
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