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Everything posted by siliconman01

  1. Plus we are now damaging Chrome Extension when running this new Winapp2.ini
  2. OOPPS! One of the most recent changes to MS Edge is removing the Favorites in the Favorites Bar We had this problem once before when we started including some of the Edge files.
  3. You may wish to include removal of the *.chk files and other V01*.log files for Edge as well
  4. I thought it was our "policy" not to remove Backup files from security programs and the like. ??
  5. You may wish to include an entry to remove *.chk files from Webcache as well. On my Windows 10x64 Pro systems, V01.log, V01tmp.log, WebcacheV01.dat, and WebcacheV01.jfm are locked.
  6. I do believe that the %WinDir%\Logs|waasmedic folder is typically a locked folder and CCleaner will not be able to clean it unless the user "Takes Ownership" of the folder. And as you know, that ownership will return to Windows when various Windows Updates are run.
  7. CCleaner v5.47.6716 download link is still pointing to CCleaner V5.46.
  8. Yes, CCleaner Beta v5.47.6700 does resolve this issue. Thanks very, very much!
  9. "C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" /AUTO The command line above does not work on my systems unless I drop back to V5.43 which I have done again. Prior to V5.44, the shown command line has worked for years.
  10. This is still not fixed in CCleaner 5.46.6652 for systems with Windows 10x64 Pro and most likely other versions of Windows.
  11. Modified entry: [Dell Installation Files *] Deleted DetectFile and added Detect1 and Detect2 [Dell Installation Files *] LangSecRef=3024 Detect1=HKCU\Software\Dell Detect2=HKLM\Software\Dell Default=False Warning=This will delete your Dell installation files. FileKey1=%SystemDrive%\dell|*.*|REMOVESELF
  12. New entry: [Stocks and Futures *] [Stocks and Futures *] LangSecRef=3031 Detect=HKCU\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModel\SystemAppData\24877CutthroatSoftware.StocksandFutures_xgnzh3xnefnqe Default=False FileKey1=%LocalAppData%\Packages\24877CutthroatSoftware.StocksandFutures_*\AC\INet*|*.*|RECURSE FileKey2=%LocalAppData%\Packages\24877CutthroatSoftware.StocksandFutures_*\AC\Microsoft\CryptnetUrlCache\*|*.* FileKey3=%LocalAppData%\Packages\24877CutthroatSoftware.StocksandFutures_*\AC\Temp|*.* FileKey4=%LocalAppData%\Packages\24877CutthroatSoftware.StocksandFutures_*\AppData\Indexed DB|*.log FileKey5=%LocalAppData%\Packages\24877CutthroatSoftware.StocksandFutures_*\LocalState|*.tmp|RECURSE FileKey6=%LocalAppData%\Packages\24877CutthroatSoftware.StocksandFutures_*\TempState|*.*|RECURSE ExcludeKey1=FILE|%LocalAppData%\Packages\24877CutthroatSoftware.StocksandFutures_*\AC\INetCache\|container.dat
  13. Modified entry: [Syncios Cell Phone Backup & Manage *] Added FileKey3 [Syncios Cell Phone Backup & Manage *] LangSecRef=3024 Detect1=HKCU\Software\Syncios Detect2=HKCU\Software\Syncios Data Transfer Default=False FileKey1=%AppData%\Syncios|android.log;log.txt FileKey2=%AppData%\Syncios Data Transfer|*.log FileKey3=%UserProfile%\Documents\Syncios Data Transfer|preference_conf.ini.old.bak
  14. You should read some of the recent posts under Bug Reports here on the forum https://forum.piriform.com/forum/8-ccleaner-bug-reporting/ If you are running Windows 10 64-bit you may wish to steer clean of V5.44 and stay on 5.43.
  15. 1. I am running the FREE version of CCleaner 2. I have Malwarebytes 3 installed; however, I have no protection modules enabled and Malwarebytes is not running automatically. I use it only to scan my system on demand. 3. I am running Windows 10x64 Pro Build 17134.137 Version 1803. I reverted back to CCleaner V5.43 and all is working properly. Something is broken in V5.44.6575.
  16. This applies to Windows 10x64 Pro Build 17134.137 Build 1803 with CCleaner V5.44.6575 Free on 3 different PC systems. Bug 1: The /auto command line results in CCleaner starting and then promptly closing without any cleaning performed. Bug 2: The "Run CCleaner" context switch on the Recyle/Trash Bin results in CCleaner starting and then promptly closing without any cleaning performed I tried completely uninstalling CCleaner and then re-installing it and this did not resolve the problem.
  17. This fix at the link below worked for me too. And I run KIS 2019 V19.0.0.1088a https://forum.kaspersky.com/index.php?/topic/393838-kis-2018-update-today-25042018-close-ccleaner-when-execute-comand-clean/&page=2&tab=comments#comment-2807568
  18. Hey, thanks for the feedback. I think I will wait a bit before I send it out. One simplification combination suggestion: One that trims the winapp2.ini file and then edits the ccleaner.ini file.
  19. Is the format for 0.85beta for the features included at this point pretty much as you expect to keep them? The reason for my question is that I would like to generate a "How to use" procedure for a few "not so computer savvy" friends and relatives that I help with their computers. They are currently using the pre-Winapp2ool tools to trim their Winapp2.ini. They only use Trim and the CCinidebug tools because I do the other "stuff" prior to sending them the latest Winapp2.ini each time a new version of CCleaner is released. TIA for your feedback.
  20. Fix is confirmed. From what I have tested thus far, this new version appears to be working okay.
  21. For some reason, the TRIM function of winapp2ool.exe (V0.8.0.0) does not recognize the DetectFile shown below for Chrome and it trims these all out. DetectFile2=%LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome* If I change this to DetectFile2=%LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome, then they are not TRIMMED out. I wonder if CCleaner is recognizing %LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome* where it is used in FileKey and ExcludeKey. ???
  22. Try setting the option as shown in the attached pic. I started having this problem when I installed Kaspersky Internet Security 2019 V19.0.0.1088(a)RC and this stopped the crashing of CCleaner 5.42.6499 when "Run Cleaner" is executed.
  23. Modified entry: [Internet Explorer *] Added: ExcludeKey1=FILE|%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\|container.dat to prevent problems with audio players gadgets such as KRIS Media Player Pro which use the IE built-in wmaplayer2 from losing the song cover picture to display. [Internet Explorer *] LangSecRef=3022 Detect=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer Default=False FileKey1=%AppData%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\UserData|*.*|RECURSE FileKey2=%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\AppCache|*.*|RECURSE FileKey3=%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\IECompatCache|*.*|RECURSE FileKey4=%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\IECompatUaCache|*.*|RECURSE FileKey5=%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache|*.*|RECURSE FileKey6=%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\INetCookies|*.*|RECURSE FileKey7=%LocalAppData%\Packages\windows_ie_ac_*\AC\AppCache|*.*|RECURSE FileKey8=%LocalAppData%\Packages\windows_ie_ac_*\AC\INet*|*.*|RECURSE FileKey9=%LocalAppData%\Packages\windows_ie_ac_*\AC\Microsoft\CLR_v4.0\UsageLogs|*.*|RECURSE FileKey10=%LocalAppData%\Packages\windows_ie_ac_*\AC\Microsoft\CryptnetUrlCache\*|*.* FileKey11=%LocalAppData%\Packages\windows_ie_ac_*\AC\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStore|*.*|RECURSE FileKey12=%LocalAppData%\Packages\windows_ie_ac_*\AC\PRICache|*.* FileKey13=%LocalAppData%\Packages\windows_ie_ac_*\AC\Temp|*.* FileKey14=%LocalAppData%\Packages\windows_ie_ac_*\LocalState\Cache|*.*|RECURSE FileKey15=%LocalAppData%\Packages\windows_ie_ac_*\LocalState\navigationHistory|*.*|RECURSE FileKey16=%LocalAppData%\Packages\windows_ie_ac_*\TempState|*.*|RECURSE FileKey17=%WinDir%\System32\config\Systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache|*.*|RECURSE RegKey1=HKCR\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppContainer\Storage\windows_ie_ac_001\Internet Explorer\DOMStorage RegKey2=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\LowRegistry\Audio\PolicyConfig\PropertyStore RegKey3=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\LowRegistry\DOMStorage RegKey4=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl RegKey5=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Recovery\PendingDelete RegKey6=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\Stats ExcludeKey1=FILE|%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\|container.dat ExcludeKey2=FILE|%LocalAppData%\Packages\windows_ie_ac_*\AC\INetCache\|container.dat
  24. Yep, the 970 and 860 SSDs are quite new. I just noticed that Speccy is not identifying the G-Skill RipJaws DDR4 RAM sticks either (unknown)
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