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Posts posted by LuLu

  1. dough I didn't stay after the credits! :( I saw it late at night so I was already tired so we just left.(pretty sad when your so impatient you can't watch 3min of credits/. :P)


    Oh you didn't see it! Oh well, it wasn't anything major, but like I said it came up with a "10 years later" thing. And it involved Will and Elizabeth. That's all I'm sayin so I don't spoil it too much for those who didn't see the movie. We caught it late too...I think it was like an 11:20pm showing or something. We got home at like 3am. lol But we knew there would be something after the credits. And we were the only 3 morons left in the theater to see it. haha We're special. :lol:


    Barbosa is the best character hands down besides the Davy Jones. He was the only real pirate.

    The scene where he is performing the mariage might be my favorite in the whole movie.


    OMG that scene was hilarious!! And Barbosa is an awesome dude. At the end of the 2nd I knew he'd show up. There's just no way to have another Pirates movie without him.



    The 4th movie will of course be about the fountain of youth that they went looking for at the end of the 3rd one. It was such a cop out ending. They were claiming 3 would be the last one but they had to throw in that bit just in case they could make another bazillion dollars. :P


    Yeah I knew it would be the Fountain of Youth for the 4th one. Hadn't heard of 3 being the last though. I'd always been hearing they were going to go for 6, but after the 3rd I wasn't sure if they'd actually be able to do it. Stranger things have happened though so ya never know.


    The problem I had with the 3rd was that it was too long and only had like 3-4 action sequences. I was so dissapointed when all the witch lady did was blow up and make a whirlpool. I was expecting some sort of awesome thing to happen. :( Killing off the squid monster guy was a bad move too because he was the coolest character in the whole movie. :P


    Oh yeah, it *was* long. And I was sad to see Davy Jones die because that was one kick ass costume. lol I did like the final fight scene though, and I was so glad that Barbosa was back. And there were just so many twists and turns in this one (who's the goody guy/who's the bad guy kinda thing) so it kinda keeps you on your toes (or at least it did for me and my friends). I, too, was disappointed when Calypso just blew up though. I was expecting more in that scene. And as for the very final scene (after the credits), the "10 years later" thing kinda threw me off. I mean, will it really take Jack 10 years to find the fountain of youth? Or will the 4th one be during those 10 years? That's where I'm a little "iffy" about a 4th.

  3. Did you see the last pirate movie? What a let down.

    I had big hopes for seeing Kieth Richards in it and he only did like a 20 second scene(which was still awesome).


    I thought the first pirates was good, the second one was kind of boring but had a few cool action scenes and funny moments, and the third I would have left if I was alone. :P (I have never left in a movie but it was just too long and uninteresting. :P )


    Heck yeah I saw it! Gonna see it again this weekend I think. I love all 3 of them, and am hoping they are able to pull off a 4th. I know a screenplay is in the works for it, but it may be hard to do with the 3rd's ending. And Keira Knightly says she may be giving up acting altogether, so I don't know what they'd do there. Orlando Bloom I'm not sure about, but if there's a 4th he better be in it or I'll be heartbroken. :P


    Anyway, the action scenes and special effects are pretty awesome in all of 'em. I liked Keith Richards in #3 - thought it was funny. And Jack being all nutty in parts of this one are just hilarious. I love the scene with the rock-crabs. I guess I'm easily entertained. haha I can't pick a favorite among the 3, but I will say they are the only Disney movies I actually like. lol

  4. :lol: Thats the closest I've come to falling off my chair.


    I just got this mental image of mammy and daddy grasshopper looking down at their rainbow coloured kid and thinking "What on earth is that?"


    Poor kid, he'd be like a neon sign to every bird in sight.


    :lol: LOL True. But the birds might be afraid of them...or get blinded by the colors. haha

  5. Camera zoom eh. Why didn't you creep up closer because the colours on that thing look really good.


    I got as close as I could before he jumped away. So I had to back off on the next try. Little buggers don't like to hold still for anything, even when you talk to them nicely. lol I had a pic of the yellow and black one that was out there too, but it came out super bad. I have to try to get another.


    Maybe the snakes put you off. :D

    LOL nah. They tend to hang out on a different side of the yard. Today I watched the long-fellow slither into my neighbor's yard though, so that was good. :lol:


    I'm gonna drag my grasshopper pics out now which you may have missed.


    I can hear the groans already..."Not again"


    Anyway, this guy jumped across the kitchen bench right under my nose when I was dog sitting for my son last year. I kid you not, I nearly had a fit. Took 10 years off my life. When my heart stopped thumping I managed to catch it under a pint glass, and took a few pics.


    I've never seen a guy like this before, or since, although it's just your ordinary grasshopper.


    Pretty attractive when you click on the close up though.




    And I did take him to the bottom of the garden, gave him his freedom with a strong warning not to come back.


    Now those are cool pics. I'm sorry he almost gave you a heart attack though. lol Too bad you didn't keep him. We could mate them and see what colors we get. haha

  6. Err, but people usually cut their toes off by accident, by which time the cut off is a little late (ie its already happened before you notice and let go).


    You make a good point. Maybe I should ask Santa for a rider mower for Christmas this year. ;)


    I take no chances, steel toe cap boots every time :D


    I'm a dare-devil, what can I say? Plus, it's too hot in Florida for boots. And I sure as heck don't want a funky tan line. :lol:

  7. Cutting grass barefoot? Yuck.


    LOL I know. My mom doesn't even understand how I do it. But it's pretty easy since our lawn is usually pretty dry. My feet don't get all icky or anything.


    I hope you don't trip or something because then you can say good bye to having 5 toes on both feet. :P (I know someone that this happened too. They were wearing sandals though)


    Luckily I have a mower that cuts off when you let go of the little lever thing. But the thought of it all backfiring has always sat in the back of my mind. The way I see it though, I can still lose my toes even if I'm wearing shoes. Just depends on what way the mower decides to go. :lol:

  8. That thing would be meeting Mr.Shovel who lives in my garage and just happens to love cutting snakes in half. :)


    That's why I carry my machete. haha But for the most part, if they leave me alone I will leave them alone. If they come near me, well then...bye bye! :D

  9. Excellent. Thanks Lulu.


    Do you ever get used to finding things like that in your backyard? If I found something like that undulating it's way across my yard I'd be mortified.


    Oh believe me, I'm never thrilled to see them running amuck. BUT, I prefer to see a racer as opposed to a rattler or any other poisonous slithering thing.


    Doesn't mention cats. :(


    LOL funny!!! :P


    I'm kidding. :) Thanks for the pics, and wear your boots at all times.


    Boots? What boots? I'm hardcore...I run around barefoot outside. I even mow my lawn barefoot. Yeah, I'm crazy. haha :lol:

  10. Awww thats cute as ever :)


    Hehe thanks. She's bigger than that now, but I still love those pictures. She was so tiny when I got her that she fit in a tissue box! But now she's a fatty. lol

  11. ACHOOO!!!! Actually I'm not allergic, but my dad and brother are...that's why we had a dog!!




    LOL yeah don't blame you. I have a dog too. And a rabbit. I guess you could say I have a zoo. lol And thank goodness my allergies do not extend to animals otherwise I'd be very lonely. haha :lol:

  12. This is what makes cats so lovable. An adorable bundle of fun. :)




    LOL :o Oh my Lordy! It's no wonder some people are afraid of cats. That even scared me. :blink: LOL But luckily, I have good kitties...because they know if they get stupid they'll have to pay. lol :lol:

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