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Posts posted by LuLu

  1. Hey thanks for the reply.


    Yeah I've been eBaying for quite some time myself, but never ventured into buying electronics or anything high-end because you always hear about people getting stiffed on the deal. Either it never shows up or it's broken or something. I've found a few cell phone sellers who have higher than 95% positive feedback and who also have return policies for defective items. Some even accept the item back if you decide you just don't want it. This is a plus in my book. But again, I still worry about something going wrong. A good seller can go bad in the blink of an eye, ya know? So I'm still thinking it over. I probably won't do anything until after my vacation that's coming up (need all the money I can get for that..haha) but I can still at least do my research on the seller and the item.


    Thanks again for your input! Greatly appreciated. :)

  2. Thanks Lulu, that is one way. But what if you have several hunderd bookmarks?


    Its a job that takes 2 minutes with any other browser, but would take 2 hours if your doing it one bookmark at a time as AOL forces you to do.


    I'm not sure of a freebie program that does it easily. I've never seen one. Unfortunately, it's just another way AOL has it's users by the short-hairs. :huh:

  3. I couldn't agree more with the anti AOL tone of this thread. My "not so young" mother is in the process of switching ISPs and it is not easy or much fun trying to extracate yourself from their clutches.


    On the same subject can anyone help me with "favourites" and AOL. Is there a way of exporting "your" favourites in AOL to IE without buying third party software? (although AOL call them "our" favourites...????) You can export them, just not in any format any other browser will recognise...


    Another underhand trick to keep you with them. They deserve all the abuse they get.


    Any help would be appreciated.


    If it's a "favorite" specifically found in AOL (like AOL Radio or something), then as far as I know you can't transfer them. If it's a regular WWW address, then you just have to go to the site in IE (or whatever outside browser you use) and add it there like you would a normal "favorite".

  4. I could easily go on a rant rampage about AOL and my disdain about their services and practices


    Oh you're not the only one. :lol: I've only stayed with it because I can't be bothered trying to switch over all my emails to another service. Plus, it's free now. At least I'm not paying for a poopy service anymore. haha :lol:

  5. Yeah I noticed the AOL ad one day when I was checking my mail. I'm an AOL user myself (and yes, it blows big time..lol) but it's free so I try not to complain too much. Luckily, I don't use AOL for business so the ad doesn't affect me directly, but I do think it was a bad move for AOL to impliment it without getting our (the users) say on the matter and without notifying us first. Not to mention there was no notification for the ads now displayed in chat rooms and in our mailbox window itself. All bad moves on AOL's part. It's no wonder people are switching to different services.

  6. Oh that's nothing to worry about. A basking shark is a filter-feeder. It basically lives off plankton, small fish and fish eggs. It's also known as a sun fish or elephant shark (because of it's large size).

  7. Stilll ... it is a big f**ing fish.

    I would not wanna be in the water with it until I knew better!


    Yeah, they are big. And powerful and graceful and so much fun to watch and swim with. And the best part is that when dolphins are around, sharks usually are not. :D

  8. :lol: schools should take this as a free way to tell how well they are doing and improve appropriatly.


    I agree. If only we'd had something like this when I was in school.


    I think any 'colorful content' should be moderated though.


    Good call. Kids can get pretty, um, colorful...lol...these days. :lol:

  9. Ouch. Getting conned is what I worry about. I've asked quite a few people about buying that stuff on eBay and have gotten mixed reviews. Best advice I was given was if I'm going to buy the phone, buy from someone who sells just cell phones/cell accessories, not someone just throwing it in there amongst a conglomerate of other auctions. I don't know; I guess I'll have to think about it more. I don't have 200 dollars for a new phone so eBay sounded like a good idea. Guess I'm still stuck. haha

  10. I've been using AVG for a few years. I had McAfee and Norton a while back (only because they were free trials) and was glad I never paid for them. LOL Nothing but problems with both of them. I've been very pleased with AVG's performance and have had numerous friends and family switch to it themselves.

  11. Scares me sometimes as well. :huh:


    Don't go there usually but my three daughters have profiles over there for everyone to see.


    No probs with that but what scares me is that after a perusal I think "blimey, my kids have certainly grown up". :rolleyes:


    You're a brave dad to let them have profiles there (though I don't know how old your kids are..haha). I about went ballistic when I found out my neighbor's daughter had one...and it definitely was not the kind of stuff I'd expected of her. All I can say is 14, 15, 16 year olds are much more grown up then when I was that age... :blink:

  12. I'm not familiar with digg.com, but I can say I am familiar with the stupidity level at other online "communities". It's hard to find a messageboard or chat room that doesn't have 90% of it's members acting like 2 year olds. It's sad to see a good site gone bad just because some people can't control themselves...

  13. That second picture does it alright, although I never doubted you for 1 second. :rolleyes:


    Haha suuuuure you didn't. Actually, there's still a big debate about that photo. It made Kurt Jones famous, that's for sure. Regardless of what it actually is in the water, it's still an awesome photo.

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