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Do not delete list?


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I am running Win. Vista for an OS. I would like to know, what files would cause severe problems when deleted, I was given a list of 6000+ and through my naivety I went ahead and fixed them all.


After a system restore I was told to regedit.exe and import... the back up, again through my stupidity this time I went and over writ the preexisting backup.


Where did I go wrong here?

What got deleted, that would do this?


My computer had to reformat itself to start up again, and this was before overwriting the original backup.

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You already have an answer to this in your other topic http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=31643&st=0&p=188318&fromsearch=1entry188318


Not sure why you need a 2nd topic for this, but they are different enough for me not to close this one.


Best practice, in my very educated not so humble opinion, is to remove nothing from the registry section unless you KNOW it is something you no longer need (i.e. if it relates to an application you have uninstalled)




Do your Registry Cleaning in small bits (at the very least Check-mark by Check-mark)


Support at https://support.ccleaner.com/s/?language=en_US

Pro users file a PRIORITY SUPPORT via email support@ccleaner.com

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I'm not all that smart you see, ever since I was young"er" I have always shot first ask questions later. I thought I broke this habit but I guess not.


Anyway thank you all, for your much appreciated assistance, and patience.


I have read through and through your suggestions and I may have found a solution, I need 1 answer still :(

Is it okay to use the "Tools-delete entry" to delete unwanted files if I want to reinstall them, I am unable to uninstall(with tools in ccleaner) and get weird errors for the 2 duplicate files?>>? One error redirects me to installshield central.



When I ask for the error report I am redirected to a webpage that reads...

Runtime Error


Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine.


Details: To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please create a <customErrors> tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This <customErrors> tag should then have its "mode" attribute set to "Off".



<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->




<customErrors mode="Off"/>




Notes: The current error page you are seeing can be replaced by a custom error page by modifying the "defaultRedirect" attribute of the application's <customErrors> configuration tag to point to a custom error page URL.



<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->




<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="mycustompage.htm"/>



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have read through and through your suggestions and I may have found a solution, I need 1 answer still :(

Is it okay to use the "Tools-delete entry" to delete unwanted files if I want to reinstall them, I am unable to uninstall and get weird errors for the 2 duplicate files?>>?



When I ask for the error report I am redirected to a webpage that reads...

Speaking as an average user, I'd say your computer looks quite messed up. Do you have a backup of all your programs? If yes, you might as well do a clean install but if you get things working then that's good.


Deleting Entry wouldn't essentially uninstall it.

Simplicity is hard.

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If yes, you might as well do a clean install but if you get things working then that's good.


Deleting Entry wouldn't essentially uninstall it.

Actually I used Reimage to get my missing files back but now I'm stuck with some that won't go away, there was a Trojan( Artemis!C37571FC79C aka Trojan/Spy.Zbot.avkl aka Trojan/Win32.Zbot.gen ) removed through Reimage, that my Pro-Avast did not seem to pick up.


Is it impossible to reinstall something with a defective but deleted preexisting folder?


Would be damaging to delete this and reinstall in another area?

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Is it impossible to reinstall something with a defective but deleted preexisting folder?

It is not impossible but recommended that you do so.

Download the Revo Uninstaller Free Version from here: http://www.revouninstaller.com/revo_uninstaller_free_download.html and try uninstalling it using that.


Run the "SFC /SCANNOW" command in the Command Prompt and check for missing system files.

Simplicity is hard.

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...Trojan( Artemis!C37571FC79C aka Trojan/Spy.Zbot.avkl aka Trojan/Win32.Zbot.gen ) removed through Reimage, that my Pro-Avast did not seem to pick up.


Haven't used Reimage so cannot comment on that.

Simplicity is hard.

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If you have something NEW to say as a REPLY, please REPLY and don't edit your older posts :lol:


Cause I have to keep seeing your older post to see what you have said! Maybe someone else can help you better because it seems that you have a lot of problems which I cannot solve with my level of expertise. I still recommend a clean install but others will have a better opinion I think.

Simplicity is hard.

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It is not impossible but recommended that you do so.

Download the Revo Uninstaller Free Version from here: http://www.revouninstaller.com/revo_uninstaller_free_download.html and try uninstalling it using that.


Run the "SFC /SCANNOW" command in the Command Prompt and check for missing system files.


Missing files is not the issue, unwanted files is what is frustrating me.


Any advice to what "no-no"s I should avoid?

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I could not find this specific "command prompt" anywhere but I tried a Scan after the file failed to uninstall... the Scan resulted in a system crash...


Start Menu > Run > type cmd

In the new window that will pop up, type sfc /scannow


This will search for missing system files and fix them if necessary.


the Revo Uninstaller I mentioned in my previous post will probably help you in removing 'unwanted' files.

Simplicity is hard.

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What is the unwanted file called?


What program is listed in Tools that you cannot uninstall?


Perhaps you should consider posting for help from our Spyware expert in the Spyware Hell area of the forum if your problems are as a result of infection.




Support contact





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What is the unwanted file called?


What program is listed in Tools that you cannot uninstall?




There are a few of them, Hallmark card studio (keeps asking for permission from unknown publisher), 2 League of legends folders that tell me I need to finish previous setup before I can start a new one...


I have contacted Riotgames about this but still no reply. Someone said it's because I removed the Reg keys while it was still installed, but this person is not a Riotgames employee.

"the setup has detected that v1.20.0 is already installed.


This setup installs an earlier version of league(1.3)


You will have to uninstall the previous version before installation is complete"<this does not make sense, and this was when I decided to get the CCleaner to try and clear the uninstalled but not removed files ...



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there was a Trojan( Artemis!C37571FC79C aka Trojan/Spy.Zbot.avkl aka Trojan/Win32.Zbot.gen ) removed through Reimage


I would back up hazels suggestion above, and recommend you have your computer checked out in our Spyware Hell section. To my cost recently, I know of at least one area on a hard drive which survives an Image Restore.


I would also suggest trying to repair Installshield, as going by the descriptions of your problems, it's probably corrupt.


How to Fix the Windows Vista InstallShield:


Is it impossible to reinstall something with a defective but deleted preexisting folder? Would be damaging to delete this and reinstall in another area?


The problems you are having are more likely to be corruptions in the registry as opposed to the folders associated with the corrupt installations.


To that end I would install "Windows Installer CleanUp Utility", and see if your problem programs are listed. If so the utility will try and clear up the corrupt remnants of the installs (usually registry entries), and if successful you could then search for and manually delete the remaining folders.


It's a small straightforward Utility:




Windows Installer CleanUp Utility was retired by MS recently as it can sometimes affect installations like MS Office, but in your case, with your problems, I would take that very small risk and give it a try. If I was in your position, I wouldn't hesitate.


Your programs may not be listed, but they may well be.


Windows Installer CleanUp Utility:


Hope that may help, and if you need further advice on any of this, just post back.

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A few things for DennisD, I don't have a copy of the OS I was given with my pc(it was upgraded without my permission, totally illegal but I'm too poor to sue), and I can't seem to download the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility, I just get redirected around and nothing actually gives me a download link, just redirects me to mirror sites.


I have Reimage, it didn't fix the installshield. Reimage is what I get redirected to when I try to DL the WICUU.

Error Information:

>Kernel\KernelMedia.cpp (95)

>SetupNew\setup.cpp (811)

PAPP:League of Legends

PVENDOR:Riot Games (##ID_STRING1##)



@Windows Vista / Server 2008 Service Pack 2 (6002)

IE Version: 8.0.6001.19019

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I didn't know exactly what Reimage was until I googled just then. It isn't the type of program I thought it was.


I would seriously make your next move across to our Spyware Hell section. After carrying out a few preparatory scans yourself, our Spyware Mod will guide you through the rest of the process of properly checking out your PC for malware. And he's very friendly. :)


This is using the most up to date malware removal methods, and of course free of charge.




If you take up the offer, do whatever you can manage, and if you have a problem with any of the initial process, just post in the Spyware Hell section and mention that in your post.

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You need to make that post in a new topic in the Spyware Hell section.




Try to do as much as you can of the "Before You Post" instructions, such as the MBAM scan, but whatever the outcome, just explain as you have here what happens, and Tom will do what he can when next he logs in here.


Many people can't download or even run programs with problem computers, and Tom knows this of course.


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