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Recaptha fails

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After a recent upgrade and clean up in ccleaner I deleted some sources of cookies in Firefox including www.google.com.

But now recaptcha fails. problem persists even after I added www.google.com back to the allow list in the ccleaner interface.

So maybe it's a different site, but what?

I don't know what to restore to get it to work. Is there a way to go back before ccleaner ran?, or at least get recaptcha to work?

I intend to delete ccleaner right away, but can anyone help get this functionality back?


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No way of going back, getting things to a working state probably. Use a different browser (or an incognito / private session, so that no 3rd party cookies are present) and see what happens. If you get a different outcome, delete all cookies from the one where you get that error.

Kind of a bummer if you have several services you'd like to save cookies for, you'd need to login again in them, but without knowing the way they interact with each other, hard to address otherwise. reCAPTCHA, for example, has several stages of authentication, a token is generated and embedded in forms (hidden); and reCAPTCHA has been of Google for quite some time. Assuming you aren't doing anything nefarious...

Perhaps someone with more knowledge than me about this can help though, check back after a while if you haven't solved it by then.

The post limit seems to be rather low here, 4 posts got me to the limit the 11th of June 😭

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The screenshot is the attempt to login again, from the spsecific site, and I didn't deny it setting any new cookies. I assume the problem is the permanent disallowing in firefox, of sites needed. But I need to know what site to allow since I didn't keep a list of 3-4 sites I deleted on ccleaner except for www.google.com which is now back on.

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Maybe contact Google, if that's even possible since they created the abomination captcha/recaptcha which honestly I hope they kill off like they do with the majority of their products.

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That isn't anything that we have seen related to CCleaner before - so I'd think that it wasn't CCleaner that caused it.

Read that message that you posted again - are you using a VPN?, is your browser out of date? (Firefox updates regularly, there was one yesterday),  are you using browser extensions/add-ons that may be causing it?

Adblockers can somtimes/often screw up recaptchas.

Try using your Firefox in 'Safe Mode', if that works then it indicates that one or more of your extensions/add-ons is at fault here,

*** Out of Beer Error ->->-> Recovering Memory ***

Worried about 'Tracking Files'? Worried about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:


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