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Never received a invoice or reference number after getting 30 day free trial

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After putting my card info and signing up for the 30 day free trial, I thought I could freely turn off auto renewal. But, it seems that I never got this email after purchasing it with a reference number, or an invoice of my purchase. So now I am totally unable to manage anything about my subscription or account at all without this reference number! This scares me a lot, and I don't know how to fix this. Even when I tried to get this reference number sent to my email it says there is no account associated with my email. Please someone help me as soon as possible. 



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Please never put any licence key in plain view like that, anyone could steal/use it.
I have removed it for you.

The reference number that you need for "Manage Subscription" is the Cleverbridge reference from when you paid, which you should  have in an email from Cleverbridge.
If you haven't got that email from Cleverbridge (or have deleted it) then you can look it up again here:



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Thanks for editing that, but I have already tried looking it up that way. As I said in my post it says that there isn't anything associated with my email on the purchase lookup.

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In that case then we do occasionally see where someone has made a typing mistake in their own email when first giving it.
We have even known people mistype their own name.

However, how did you get your CCleaner licence key, was that emailed to you?
I'm not quite sure just how they do the keys for trials these days, and there are a few different trials anyway.
ie. Yours is a 30 day trial with a payment method given in advance, which will be done differently to a 14 day free trial where you only give payment details after the trial if you then want to purchase.

A mistyped email might also explain why you never got any acknowledgement email sent to you from Cleverbridge, if it was sent to a mistyped and so non-existing address then you wouldn't get it.

(Myself I'm a bugger for typing '@gmial' instead of '@gmail'. I now always check and double check before sending).

I suggest that you could try putting in variants of your email with typo errors such as that and seeing if the lookup does recognise one.

Of course you still won't get anything that is sent to it, because it doesn't exist.
But you then know what it is and so can contact the Cleverbridge customer support team to get it corrected.

You can of course contact Cleverbridge support anyway, but if you have mistyped your email, and can give them that mistyped email, it will make it easier for them to find your account with them.

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I got the license key by doing the process through the application itself. So I was never emailed the license key either, it was just automatically applied to my application after the payment was processed. I feel as though I didn't make a mistake when I typed my email so I don't know. I guess the only thing left to do is to try and get into contact with them I suppose. I have zero idea what the typo could be. 

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I'm gonna be honest, this seems like the 30 free trial is made is such a way that it forces you to pay for a renewal by blocking you from modifying your billing/subscription by withholding this "Reference number" until the trial runs out and it can auto renew. I keep hearing about this 15 day trial but I saw nothing about it. With any service I have ever signed up for it was never this difficult and obtuse to manage. Or there was at least safeguards put in place so that incorrect information could not be inputted. I looked at my bank statement after inputting my card information and buying the 30 day trial and there was no charge either recorded on that. So something is very strange about all this. 

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Posted (edited)

The system can tell if my card info is correct 100%, but not if the email I input is valid or not? Kinda shady...it's a shame too because the tool itself is very useful.

Edited by Hapie
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20 minutes ago, Hapie said:

I keep hearing about this 15 day trial but I saw nothing about it.

It could have been an older deal they had and it's not available anymore, or something only available through another channel, I have read about there being a 7 day one as well. Although they are pushing a "summer sale" via in-app offers, yet nothing of the sort is shown on the website (at least at the time of writing this) and at times not even that sale is presented to the user.

Reminds me of those fake timers on websites trying to push people to buy whatever they are selling 😅.

20 minutes ago, Hapie said:

[the trial] forces you to pay for a renewal by blocking you from modifying your billing/subscription

To be fair, the material states even if one forgets to cancel before the trial runs out, they'd issue a refund if requested within the first 30 days, I don't think they'd renegue on it, but I do agree it is cumbersome.



Edited by JamesRM
Minor typo.

The post limit seems to be rather low here, 4 posts got me to the limit the 11th of June 😭

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Yes, they do claim a refund period. But I have read where it takes weeks or longer for them to even email you back about a refund. I might just have to cancel my card and get a new one. 

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This is a user forum we really can't help with problems like this.  Yes, lately, support is slow and your forum team has tried to figure out why, however for whatever reason it takes awhile to get more than an auto response.




Do your Registry Cleaning in small bits (at the very least Check-mark by Check-mark)


Support at https://support.ccleaner.com/s/?language=en_US

Pro users file a PRIORITY SUPPORT via email support@ccleaner.com

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On 20/06/2024 at 09:44, Hapie said:

I got the license key by doing the process through the application itself. So I was never emailed the license key either

Thanks for that info, that tells us how that is being done now with the 30 day trial.

It does make me think that you may well have made a typo with your email though, in which case you are not going to get any emails because they would be being sent to a non-existantant address and just bouncing back.

So as above the best that I can suggest is that you contact Cleverbridge support - not CCleaner support because they will not even have a record of you.

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