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never recieved confirmation email from Cleverbridge for 30 day free trial

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I signed up for the 30 day free trial of professional (the one that makes you put in your card), and I wanted to disable the automatic renewal (just because I tend to forget about things sometimes and I'd rather not spend money on something I may not even want), but I never received an email confirmation with my Cleverbridge reference number (even checked the spam folder and searched for anything else I could think of), so I can't access it through the subscription manager, but when I use the license lookup with my email (which I'm like 100% I didn't mistype as it's just...my name lol), it says there isn't a license registered under that?

I noticed also the name spot in the "license key" area in CCleaner itself is blank, despite me typing my name. Is this just a weird glitch, do I have to just wait a few days for the email (I only just did all this last night so idk)? I already emailed support with all I could give them, and got back the "we've received your request and will reply to you as soon as we can" but I was wondering if maybe someone in here might be able to help?


screenshot 3.png




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I'm not entirely sure just how the 30-day trial system works these days.

But if you have made an email typo when signing up then you wouldn't have got the confirmation, and your support request is a query from an 'unregistered' email, and so will be on a lower priority than registered customers.
Support should get back to you but as a lower priority request it may take a while longer, particually if they have a lot of queries from already registered users.

PS. I've redacted your email in the screenshot, it's never a good idea to put it in plain view where it can be 'harvested' - unless you want a lot of spam emails.


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@nukecad ahhh okay, that makes sense actually. I was mostly just confused because for most things I figured I'd get some kind of email right away to at least signify "hey you signed up for this thing" but at the very least I know it wasn't some kinda strange glitch. Also I didn't even realize I hadn't covered up my email in the one screen shot thank you for that.
@Laurence CCleaner thank you, i very much appreciate it!

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