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Can't exit pop up ~ Health Check > Add Frequent Chose Websites

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Morning,  Rebooted my PC for Window's updates this morning, CCleaner came up that it updated, so I figured I'd run a health check.  I didn't want to lose all of my sign ins again, so I went into the privacy settings, then clicked on the add frequently chosen websites button.  This gave me a pop up that I can scroll up and down to make choices; however there is no way to get out of the pop up and it has focus in the app.   It looks like the window was drawn too small because some of the words are also cut off in the header section.  Best part is that b/c this window is in focus, I can't taskkill ccleaner and am pretty much locked out of anything on that monitor... I figured I'd report this prior to doing a reboot; since that looks like my only option forward at this point to get CCleaner to close and get 1/2 my desktop back.

I attached a screen shot of where I am at... CCleaner Pro v6.21.10918 (64-bit) for the application and Win10Pro 22H2 x64 for the OS if it matters. 


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Thank you for the thoughts!  In my haste to get the post entered, I probably should have listed that I had tried the following prior to rebooting:

  • F4
  • CTL + F4
  • Shift + F4
  • Alt + F4
  • right click > close window in taskbar
  • shift + right click > close window in taskbar
  • Windows + M (from 2nd monitor)
  • Windows + D (from 2nd monitor)
  • opening a CMD window and typing taskkill /T /F /IM CCLeaner64.exe (from 2nd monitor)
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You are not showing a full screenshot there, is the CCleaner UI off the bottom of your screen?
We do sometimes see that happen and  it's usually either because of a Windows resoultion setting, or because the user has manually moved the CCleaner window down.

That pop-up does have a cancel button to close the popup when you have finished adding websites - but if it's off the bottom of the screen when the pop-up takes focus you won't be able to move it back up and get to the button.


*** Out of Beer Error ->->-> Recovering Memory ***

Keep getting logged out of websites? See this link:

Worried about 'Tracking Files'? Worried about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:

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  • 2 months later...

I have this same experience - no, the popup is not off the screen - it's too small and does not display the Cancel and Add to Allowlist buttons (nor is the scroll bar displayed, although I can scroll the list).  I am able to end the CCleaner task using the task manager, but not otherwise.  When I start CCleaner, the window is not full screen and that might be related to the faulty popup sizing.  I put it to full screen just now and in that instance, I do see the buttons in the popup, so this is a bug unless someone thinks this sort of nonsense is a feature.

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As already said it is your display scaling and resolution causing it.

If/when you change your display scale and resolution back to 'Recommended' you will then see the buttons, and all the text.
(As you have found, putting CCleaner to Full Screen will often also do it because going full screen in any app usually overrides the Windows scaling/resolution settings).


*** Out of Beer Error ->->-> Recovering Memory ***

Keep getting logged out of websites? See this link:

Worried about 'Tracking Files'? Worried about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:

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