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Set Memory Buffer Size for File Moving

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Windows 11

The drive is an 18TB Red Drive, CMR.

My drive can move at ~250MB/s, but Defraggler seems to only move a few sectors at a time. I don't know what the buffer size is, but I'd like to set it higher since I have the ram to handle it. If this is already an option and I'm just over looking it, please tell me where it is. I'm trying to move 7TB of data to the back of the drive and the drive sounds like a jack hammer going from read to write over and over.

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That is a NAS drive, (for use in a networked 'server' type setup)
Are you using it as NAS, or simply as a single external drive for backups, etc?

Being honest Defraggler is meant for home use, and with the typical size of drives that home users had around 10 years ago.

Any home use defragmenter is going to take a long time with the 1+TB size drives that are becoming more common these days, and I doubt I'd even try using it on a 18TB drive.
(I might use a 'Files only' defrag in a pinch, but not a full disk defrag).

I suggest that you contact WD and ask them for their recommendations of what defragging software to use with that particular NAS drive.

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Like practically all defrag software that runs on Windows including Defraggler is using the Microsoft Defrag API (the safest way to defrag Windows) and to my knowledge that has never had a feature to set the Memory Buffer Size. That isn't how defrag works anyways because it copies the file(s) to the new location (sectors), verifies it was copied correctly, and then deletes where it used to be in the old location (sectors), rinse, repeat until defrag completes. Not really much for volatile RAM to help with since it's all done on disk itself, the safest approach. If RAM were involved I'd image that would be a serious risk of causing file corruption if it were copied into RAM then back to disk, just think OS crashes, power surges, etc, that the disk is usually rather immune to.

About the only "speed up" option is when using the default Defrag ("Optimize Drives") tool built into Win10/Win11 which has an /H switch for the command line version that will use more resources to finish the defrag "quicker."

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