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CCleaner scan keeps sticking.


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I'm trying to run a health check on my PC with the free version.  I do as it asks to shut down Google Chrome.  I can't see any indicator of the % or number of files scanned but basically it indicates (with the green bar) a quick result up to about 20% scanned and then it stubbornly stops and stays this way.  I have left it for hoours and it does not show any progress with the scan.

I have tried uninstallig/reinstalling the software but no luck.

Any thoghts, ideas or suggestions, please?

I have Windows 10 Home 64 bit with auto updates turned on.

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It sometimes happens - so the first thing to try is using Custom Clean to see if that will unstick/clean whatever Health Check is sticking on.

If Custom Clean also sticks it should say at the top of the results window just what it is stuck on, make a note of that and then do the next:

If Custom Clean hasn't worked then see if Windows Disk Clean-up can clear the blockage. Run it once, then run it again this time selecting 'clean up system files'. The second one can take some time particularly with 'Windows update clean up'.

Once it's  finished try Health Check again.

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Hi there,

Thanks for your reply.

Tried a few things:

  • Custom Clean showed tat system temp files were causing the blockage but did not unblock  it.
  • I ran Windows Disk Clean several times but after each it would not let me run the Health Check.
  • Looking at the properties of my system temp file folder I appear to have about 20Gb of data.

Is there anthing that I can or need to do?

Edited by AidanW
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Did you run Disk Clean-up using the 'Clean up system files' option?
Have you done a Restart (not Shutdown) of your computer?


Once that has scanned for temporary system files then you have to click OK again, and then 'Delete Files' in the box that pops up.



When that has finished deleting the temporary system files do a Restart (not Shutdown) of your computer.

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Your screenshot shows that you are already in 'Clean up system files' there; but you haven't finished the job yet.

It's showing that you have 16.8 GB of temporary files that can be removed. See below about 'Windows Update' files too.

That's a lot of junk, and probably why CCleaner is sticking.

So you have scanned the system files for temporary ones that can be removed - but you haven't removed them yet.

From where you are on your screenshot you now have to click 'OK', and then 'Delete files'.
But BEFORE you do that also tick "Windows Update Clean-up".
(You can see here that mine is currently 4.84 GB that will be removed if ticked. Yours is probably a similar size).


It will take a while for that 20+ GB to be deleted, once it has finished then "Restart" your computer.

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Thanks again,  i seem to be moving on.  The two that don't seem to want to be deleted have some sort of marker to the right of the tick (screen shot 03).  Is that telling me something?  Also, I have not ticked Windows error reports.  Can they go as well?

screen shot 03.jpg

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If it's there in Disk Clean-up then it can be safely deleted. Sometimes it does need a Restart to finish the deletion.

Note however that, just as with CCleaner, some things may appear to come straight back again - see the link in my signature below each post I make.

Does Health Check now run for you?

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Thanks again.  I checked out your link which helps explain the concept.  I guess that I need to be more systematic in my approach to clean-ups so that blockages do not occur in the first place.  I echo Pauly's sentiment in the recycle bin thread and yes, I've run Health Check successfully.

Edited by AidanW
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Good to hear that cleared it.

CCleaner should run normally for you now all the excess junk has been cleared.

CCleaner can sometimes struggle, or stick, when there are very large amounts of temporary files that have built up over time.
So as well as using CCleaner regularly it is also a good idea to run Disk Clean-up on the system files once a month or so, if only to clear those system files which CCleaner doesn't clear for technical reasons.
(eg. The Windows Update files are something that CCleaner doesn't touch, because Windows may not have finished applying them all for days or even weeks after an udate).

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Worried about 'Tracking Files'? Worried about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:

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