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Easy Cleaner


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Hello all. I downloaded Easy Cleaner and ran it through the registry cleaner and WOW what a mistake. It pucked up a lot of my stuff and i finally system restored things to get it back working again. I will never try that one again. CCleaner and Tuneup2006 only for me. :)

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I downloaded Easy Cleaner and ran it through the registry cleaner and WOW what a mistake.
But I only do registry cleaning with CCleaner, not with the others.

i NEVER use any other registry cleaner besides Ccleaner.

ive tried 3 different ones and also had to restore my computer each time!

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I know I tempt fate, and some day I will be on here begging for help, however, I use(d) some of the most aggressive rcleaners out there with maybe only a few quirky little problems over the years, which I can't even really prove to be caused by rcleaners. After I uninstall a program, I look for references to it with RegCleaner (and a few others that list programs). Then I search for references with RegSeeker. I also run these two straight up, deleting everything they find (this is supposed to be especially dangerous with Seeker). I also run CM DiskCleaner which has a really good registry cleaner. I use RegistryMechanic with my work license and recently have been using Eusing Free R C. I also use MS Cleanup Center and of course CCleaner. I have been notified by both Windows XP and ZoneAlarm Pro about the danger of removing something and in those few instances I've just backed off. The registry cleaner that found the most errors ever was RegScrubVista. It could find thousands, however, each time you would be warned by Windows about removing three of four items. I'd leave them, delete everything else and then delete the backup. I would go right back and it would only find the few you I did not delete, so it really was working. If you'd go back a few days later, however, it would find thousands more, way to many to analyze. I started to get worried though, because even though I would put the entries I had been warned about in its ignore list, it kept finding them. I figured one day Windows was going to lose its patience with me and let RScrub scrub them, so I uninstalled it! "Confessions of an Obsessive Registry Cleaner"!

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