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CCleaner free version


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Which osX is your machine running. Just a basic question, i don't know enough about Macs to help further but it'll greatly help to know.




Do your Registry Cleaning in small bits (at the very least Check-mark by Check-mark)


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Also not sure about the MAC version,
but with the Windows version we have recently seen a similar problem happening for certain users.

With Windows it's a permissions issue and affects those who are wanting to run CCleaner from a non-administrator account.

The fix/workround in Windows is when the installer asks as the last step if you want to run CCleaner then you have to leave that box ticked so that CCleaner opens from the installer. (You don't need to run it just let it at least open from the installer).
Once that has been done then CCleaner will open and run as normal from it's icon for a non-administrative user.

Like I say that is Windows, but it's worth trying/checking if it is the same permissions issue on a MAC and if the same workround also works on a MAC.
Please let us know if running CCleaner from the installer fixes it for you.

*** Out of Beer Error ->->-> Recovering Memory ***

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Worried about 'Tracking Files'? Worried about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:

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  • 2 months later...

Hi I'm sorry for the delay answering. CCleaner has stopped opening I have uninstalled and reinstalled a couple of times but it still won't open/run.|
I am using the latest OS X Ventura 16.2. 2017 Mac desktop SSD storage. Please help if you can thanks

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Guest MeganCCleaner

Hi @Anyone Can you please see if this can be resolved by running the "CCleaner_Fix.app" file attached to my message?

The "CCleaner Fix.app" will use launchd scripting to enable the needed launch agents & services for CCleaner on your system, and you may receive warnings from Mac when attempting to run the CCleaner Fix.app but that is solely because of how it has not yet been notarized, and despite any warnings you receive, we can confirm this is completely safe to use.

After running the CCleaner Fix app, please see if you are able to open CCleaner Mac.


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Thanks MeganCCleaner, the fix app worked and CCleaner is running/opening again. What I had not said before CCleaner was crashing recently. Could this have caused it not to work? Thank you ever so much I am very pleased 

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Guest MeganCCleaner

Hi @Anyone Thanks for the updates on this situation as I am delighted to hear of how the problem has been resolved!

Additionally, I appreciate you for confirming this as it is useful for us to know of how the CCleaner Fix.app does work as intended.

It's certainly possible that the CCleaner crashes could have caused the issue, and I do know of how another user reported the issue occurred after installing another cleaning utility, Mac Cleaner, as seen here: https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/63957-ccleaner-free-version/

I don't suspect that you will have continued issues with CCleaner but if you happen to encounter any other problems, please let us know as we would be eager to investigate further, and assist with anything you may need.


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