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Fix the forum login already!


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Fix the forum login already!

It's frustrating and it's been ages at this point when attempting to log into the forum it throws and error, and then the name and password has to be re-typed again.

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It isn't CCleaner/Piriform - It's the 'Invision Community' software that the forum runs on.

We are getting exactly the same login error on the Malwarebytes forum, which also runs on the latest version of 'Invision Community' software.

So it's Invision who have to fix it, and they seem to be taking their time about it.

PS. if you have your logins/passwords saved in your browser then it's just a matter of clicking the buttons rather than typing them again.

*** Out of Beer Error ->->-> Recovering Memory ***

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  • 1 month later...

Same thing happening here.
Glad to know it isn't a problem with my computer, keyboard, or some sort of arcane "man in the middle" attack requiring me to login twice and send my password to some hacker. . . . It isn't, is it? :huh:

The CCleaner SLIM version is always released a bit after any new version; when it is it will be HERE :-)

Pssssst: ... It isn't really a cloud. Its a bunch of big, giant servers.

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Nope, it's the Invision forum software.

It's the same on most Invision Community hosted forums that I visit.

We have seen exactly the same issue before but they seem to be slow fixing it this time.

It may be that they are trying to let it run and get more data about the underlying cause rather than just doing a quick patch like they have in the past?

*** Out of Beer Error ->->-> Recovering Memory ***

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Tonight was the very first time in months that I was able to successfully login without it giving that annoying error.

BTW, the failed logins are one way to keep some of us off the forum that lack any sort of patience for old broken #$%&.

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2 hours ago, Andavari said:

Tonight was the very first time in months that I was able to successfully login without it giving that annoying error.

BTW, the failed logins are one way to keep some of us off the forum that lack any sort of patience for old broken #$%&.

I'd noticed it has apparently been fixed both here and elsewhere (fingers crossed).

TBH I'm half wondering if it is a deliberate anti-spambot measure by Invision that they run now and again?
If you deliberately 'fake' a login error for a month or two then you should get dropped from a number of spambot lists when they can't login first time.

I found something similar myself a couple of months ago, although in my case it wasn't deliberate.
There was an issue with my personal domain and it was unreachable for six weeks. I couldn't send or recieve emails at that "name@domain" address.
Before that issue I had been getting 20 to 30 spam marketing emails a week. (I'd got on some spam lists when moving house last year).
Since I have managed to get my domain back working again I have not had a single spam email.
Obviously because they were bouncing back as 'unreachable domain' for a month and a half my domain address has been removed from their lists.

*** Out of Beer Error ->->-> Recovering Memory ***

Keep getting logged out of websites? See this link:

Worried about 'Tracking Files'? Worried about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:

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  • 1 month later...
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Not seeing any problem here.

*** Out of Beer Error ->->-> Recovering Memory ***

Keep getting logged out of websites? See this link:

Worried about 'Tracking Files'? Worried about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:

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Lucky for the both of you.

New Workaround:
1. Don't type anything in, instead just click the button that lets you log into the forums, it errors out.
2. Now that not-so-special login page auto-appears that has always worked for logging in without erroneous errors.

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  • 6 months later...

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